Danville, KY
United States
Hi, You are now a member of "MAS We Ship Love". You will now have access to all the addresses. Happy Shipping! Thanks!!! Pat
Nov 23, 2012
Thank you for the friend request. Hope you found the addresses. Pat
Oops, Just saw your message. Go to Molly's group page and on the top of the page in the "Discussion Forum", click on Special Hugs. The information is there and the addresses are in "MAS We Ship Love" room. LMK if you are still having a problem! Pat
Pat L. in IL
Hi, You are now a member of "MAS We Ship Love". You will now have access to all the addresses. Happy Shipping! Thanks!!! Pat
Nov 23, 2012
Pat L. in IL
Thank you for the friend request. Hope you found the addresses. Pat
Nov 23, 2012
Pat L. in IL
Oops, Just saw your message. Go to Molly's group page and on the top of the page in the "Discussion Forum", click on Special Hugs. The information is there and the addresses are in "MAS We Ship Love" room. LMK if you are still having a problem! Pat
Nov 23, 2012