

Madera, CA

United States Minor Outlying Islands

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am a single mother with 4 children.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it

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  • VikzProudMomma

    I received a letter from my daughter last week on Wednesday. She's doing well. I actually got THE BOX on Monday and was a little teary eyed, but started crying when my mom called to ask if I had heard from my daughter. I thought she'd call this weekend, but no such luck. I've been writing to her as much as possible. I was in the Army and I remember looking forward to mail call! 

  • Anna


    I see you joined the Moms of Daughters 2 group and I want to welcome you!!!  We are a friendly, caring group of moms always willing to listen and support.  Please feel free to jump in and join our chats!!  We like to discuss everything from our sailors to our jobs, weather, whatever.  It's also a great place if you want to yell, scream, vent, cry - - there is no judgment involved!!!  Brag about your sailor but also tell us when you are hurting because you miss her so!!!  I have a daughter who enlisted in 08 and is out now but is working in her same command as a civilian contractor.  Her twin sister is in her 6th week of training at Officer Candidate school.  I also have a son who is serving his 8th year and just reenlisted for another 6!!  I see your daughter graduated from bootcamp, is she in an A school now?  What will her job be in the Navy and does she have any idea where she may go next?  We are looking forward to getting to know you and your sailor!!  Again, Welcome Aboard!!!!

  • mamikaly

    Hi proud mama!

    Long time!! My son is the reserve and studying my daughter joined the navy too and been there for almost 5 years in Japan.

    How is your daughther? 

    My life change a lot after my son joined  the Navy, I'm so happy and proud, I'm a Navy grandma also!

    Kisses mamakaly