

Denver, CO

United States

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I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Thinking about joining
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • IndyMom

    Hi Lisa.  My son left May 15th as well.  I got the box yesterday but no form letter yet.  What was your son going in for? 

  • NancyS

    Hi Lisaloo -- Did your SR leave out of Denver?  Mine did -- on the 15th.  This is an amazing site and I'm so glad we have each other.  I feel like my SR is on another planet!

  • NancyS

    No, he moved to Denver last year and then decided to enlist so her had to leave from there.  We live in Arizona.  He came home for about 3 weeks before MEPS.  It was a wonderful 3 weeks!  He wanted to go to Denver on his own.  He flew to Colorado Springs where he stayed with a buddy who then drove him to the hotel.  I feel like a missed something, but it's what he wanted.