

Finksburg, MD

United States

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  • Pat L. in IL

    Hi Liz, I'm so sorry but the weather report is not looking good. There are so many things to do around Chicago but not so much fun if it's raining and cold.

    Thurs. showers and high of 53 degrees

    Fri rain and 49

    Sat rain and 44

    Sun partly cloudy and 47

  • paybacks398

    My grandson's name is Dylan House.  Maybe you can ask him if he knows him.  I am sure there were lots of groups that went to Chicago Saturday.  Just wondering
  • Pat L. in IL

    Hi Liz, I'm sorry you had such bad weather. Glad that you had a good time though! Isn't PIR amazing??!! Well, our new group for "Molly's" should be announced soon! It's always exciting to find out where we are going next! Pat