

Melfa, VA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
ER RN with youngest headed to boot camp 30 June (Quarantine 1st for 2 weeks)
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
needed to learn more about it, was proud and encouraged it, had concerns or fears
The Navy offers opportunities that...
I think my daughter will excel in
Our Navy experience so far...
is a work in progress!

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  • Chipmunk

    Hello SusanGRN - I am catching up on my personal welcomes to our newest members of BC Mom. My son left for BC 3 years ago tomorrow (6/29) and I stick around and help out on the BC Mom page and also the Nuke Mom page. If there is anything I can help you with, please don't hesitate to ask. Also, be sure to check in on the Main BC Mom group page and say hello, if you haven't already. I have been busy with summer projects (one of the things that kept me busy while my son was at BC) and not kept up with who all has joined the group and also introduced themselves. But we are glad you are here. Be sure to read the comments in the main BC Group page because I posted a link to the Moms of Daughters 2 group that I am sure you will enjoy being a part of as well. Several of my friends on this site are in that group as well. Have a good, restful evening. 

  • Chipmunk

    I understand! Make sure she takes her phone charger with her. Send her with a few stamps and if you did not get a calling card, it is okay. She can get one from the NEX. She should be able to have a small notebook ( a little memo sized one, or just use some paper) to put her phone #s in. Take a deep breath, get your hugs, and have a restful night. Remind her to call you from the airport when she gets to GL before she boards the bus. Here, "I'm Here" call will likely come very late at night, so keep your phone charged and by your bed and know that the call will be scripted - I thought it was a recording!! You will just have to say, "I love you" over her dialogue. We are here to support you through it all. - And no need to reply, I understand!!

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Susan - you should also join the Moms of Daughters group - here's the link:

    Moms of Daughters