Reneric, listen. We are all with you! Start the week fresh and write him a letter tonight and send it snail mail. Meanwhile, try to have your recruiter get the phone number for the post office there in Great Lakes. Your express mail is in a safe place...if you or the recruiter could just TALK TO a real person at the post office and tell them what's going on, maybe they can try to deliver a 2nd time this week, during the week! Don't give up...this has got to get better for u both...
prayers and hugs, we will get through this together!
My son is just 19 and my only child which I babied up until the moment he left....He started BC 3/7, we've never went more than 18 waking hours without talking/texting. I keep thinking with each passing day it'll get better and a letter would give me hope;majority was positive except the sentence afraid of failing a test and being asmoed (i'm nervous for him). I hope your recruit is doing great and you too michelle
Hey Reneric...been thinking about you and your son. Any news yet???
He should get your express mail today if he didn't earlier, during liberty???
hoping you hear some good news this week.
Mar 27, 2011
Reneric, listen. We are all with you! Start the week fresh and write him a letter tonight and send it snail mail. Meanwhile, try to have your recruiter get the phone number for the post office there in Great Lakes. Your express mail is in a safe place...if you or the recruiter could just TALK TO a real person at the post office and tell them what's going on, maybe they can try to deliver a 2nd time this week, during the week! Don't give up...this has got to get better for u both...
prayers and hugs, we will get through this together!
Mar 27, 2011
Michelle (ship-12 div-154)
Mar 27, 2011