

Deltona, FL

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Son enlisted on 10/4/10!!!
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • lindalav

    So havent heard from you since you have been back. How was your weekend? I absolutely loved every bit! Is your son coming home for the holidays? Nikki is from the 23rd to the 1st. Hope all is well....
  • lindalav

    Hello!  Yes the 10 days flew by.  It was a great week and a half and now shes almost finished with school.  She should be getting her orders soon.  Has your son gotten his orders yet?  what was his job again?  Nikki is an EN.  So far she is loving it! 
  • lindalav

    Not yet on the orders shes actually on hold cause had a bad Upper respiratory infection and was SIQ  She should be back on track this week coming and get her orders soon-  I just heard about the recruit getting hit by a train was in corps also -- did your son know him?