CaroleW (Dylan's Mom) S:11 D:275


Fraser, MI

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
A mother of two sons, I'm experiencing a medley of emotions ranging from anxiety to excitement for my son's future. I'm hoping to find the support and kindness I need right now from other moms who are experiencing the same emotions, and also hoping to contribute the same. I am a freelance writer by trade, and rely on my innate spirituality to bolster me.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was concerned or afraid

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  • Lorraine

    When you're missing your son, that's when you need Navy4Moms the most :-)
  • Cheryl Proud to be Allen's Mom

    Hang in there Carole.  This a very good site to belong to.  We are all here to help each other and understand what each other is going through.  Navy Mom (((HUGS)))!
  • SailorsCupcake Div269

    GREAT pictures Carole!!! Your son is remarkable... so caring and hard working. I can tell he has a really big heart and is meant for great things <3 I know you must be so proud!