A mother of two sons, I'm experiencing a medley of emotions ranging from anxiety to excitement for my son's future. I'm hoping to find the support and kindness I need right now from other moms who are experiencing the same emotions, and also hoping to contribute the same. I am a freelance writer by trade, and rely on my innate spirituality to bolster me.
Hang in there Carole. This a very good site to belong to. We are all here to help each other and understand what each other is going through. Navy Mom (((HUGS)))!
GREAT pictures Carole!!! Your son is remarkable... so caring and hard working. I can tell he has a really big heart and is meant for great things <3 I know you must be so proud!
Aug 4, 2011
Cheryl Proud to be Allen's Mom
Aug 5, 2011
SailorsCupcake Div269
Aug 6, 2011