AnnD - There is a shuttle - but since we have the DOD sticker on our car, I think we'll be driving on base. Makes sense so we can come and go as we need to.
I am flying up - but my husband and two of our kids are driving up with him. I can't afford to take the time off of work to drive up! It's a full day from our house to GL!
Thank you for the friend request. I have not resolve some minor difficulty with my N4M "addressbook" – which has been acting up lately. When I select a friend to send a message, the person I checked is not always the person who receives the message. Typically, private messages are use for communicating issues that are more personal in nature, so for now I am not adding any friends. You find me on a daily basis in the New Moms Stop Here group . IT LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE ADJUSTED VERY WELL. THAT IS WONDERFUL. BunkerBee
Thanks so much for reading my post and taking the time to comment back. I cried a lot today (on and off) but I think it helped. I was the first time I've cried since day 2. But I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend of doing nothing. I know tomorrow will be better and I'll just keep praying for him (and me) until then. Have a great night!
Mar ProudSailorMom
I am flying up - but my husband and two of our kids are driving up with him. I can't afford to take the time off of work to drive up! It's a full day from our house to GL!
Happy to help in whatever ways I can! :)
May 4, 2010
May 5, 2010
May 6, 2010