

Sonora, CA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I'm 21 years old, my husband is now in the Navy, and we have a son who is 7 months old. Trying to get use to basically being a single mom while my husband is in boot camp.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • Recruit Man - Ronny

    Calls for would like you to know about a program for the Men and Women of our Armed Forces.  I am giving away free phone cards for Recruits to use while they are in basic training to keep in touch with Family Members and Loved Ones.  I feel that the Family, Loved Ones, nor the Men and Women of our Armed Forces should have to pay for phone calls from Boot Camp.  Please click the link above and get your new Service Member the FREE phone cards they need.

  • NancyS

    Hey Yeisley,

    Is your husband in Div 215?  My son's last name is Southern. (for your info only -- not for the public site)  :)  I'm sure they are going to end up knowing each other!   We are from Arizona, but he was living in Denver when he enlisted so he left from here.  I love what you have done to your page.  A 7 month is going to keep you very busy!

  • amor

    Hey Yeisley! For some reason I can't PM you until we are friends but I'll just comment it to you: Sarge's number is 847-212-0246. Tell him Nicole sent you, he will get a kick out of it :) He is the nicest guy in the world and you will be very happy you got to meet him, he has sooo much invaluable information about graduation!! I am so happy that you will be seeing your sailor soon! Best wishes! <3