

Superior, WI

United States

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Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • jacqueline-rn

    Hey, Patty.  I've been thinking of you and your son and hoping his treatment for his pneumonia is going well.  I also hope you've been able to get some more information.  Medical people can be a real pain in the you-know-what sometimes.  It helps if you can answer them back with some of their own medical jargon.  [What are his O 2 sats?  Has he been afebrile?  Have you done blood or sputum cultures?]  Then they pay attention to you and answer your questions instead of just blowing you off with "we're taking good care of him.  He's stable".  Yes, I am a nurse, but that doesn't mean that I don't recognize that we can be jerks sometimes. :-)   Let me know if I can help.  Of course, even if they are trying to be helpful they can't tell you anything unless they have a release to talk to you.  It's the law and they could get in an incredible amount of trouble.  Anyway.  Keep your chin up.  Jackie
  • jacqueline-rn

    I'm so glad he's feeling better physically!  Now he just has to see the up side of going on to Plan B! :-)  I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, even if it's uclear what that reason might be.  He hasn't lost his dream of being a sailor, the time table just isn't what he originally thought it would be.  He's had a sneak preview of boot camp.  He can be better prepared than any other recruit.  That's an advantage, right?  It's okay for him to be disappointed that it didn't go exactly the way he wanted.  But don't let him feel  too sorry for himself.  It wasn't wasted time.  It was a bonus prep session.  It's all how you look at it.  I really believe it will all work out.
  • jacqueline-rn

    Hi, Patty.  I've been thinking and wondering about you and your son.  Is he home yet?  Feeling better?  Still determined to try again in six months to a year?  I hope things are going well with you.