I'm a 44 yr old about to become an empty-nester! Am active in breast cancer research funding (walking the 3-day next week) and I am a member and foster home of DARE (dachshund adoption, rescue and education). Work in utilities, in my spare time enjoy boating, reading, crafts, sports.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud, Encouraged him/her
The Navy offers opportunities that...
I must have done something right along the way! Well, that and patience, sometimes things don't always happen quite a fast as we wish they would.
Our Navy experience so far...
Our relationship has grown stronger, This was a maturing experience, The Navy has a lot to offer, This was the best decision he/she could have made
Hi Sharon! My son's orders are different than what you'd expect......my son's wife has epilepsy and is not stable on her medication. She continues to have seizures. It's been really rough with him being in GL. She came back here to stay with her parents so she's being taken care of but it's tough. Soooo, since my son's wife has a disability, he falls under some section code that allows him to be stationed stateside. His orders are for Fort Worth.......there's a Naval Air Base....a combined base. Used to be called Carswell. Anyway, he will work in the clinic there and we are thrilled to have him close. 3 hours away.
Meant to add that my son is a fleet returnee so maybe this also helped with his orders being stateside? We're just relieved to have him coming home and the sooner the better. His wife had 2 seizures last weekend. Had to have stitches in her mouth...busted her nose open. It's been tough. They're increasing her meds so hopefully this will take place soon.
Jul 26, 2010
Jul 26, 2010
Hi Sharon! Thanks for contacting me back. I will definately post any upcoming packing parties and would love to meet you in the future!
I hope your husband is doing better. Sounds like you've had it rough. If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask. Take care!
Feb 27, 2011