Joan F


Modesto, CA

United States

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Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • Sandy's_sailor son

    Hello Joan, I know you are very busy but I thought I would stop in to say hello.
    How are you doing and how is your sailor son?
    Brenden is still at Great Lakes taking ATT classes. I think he is very happy. The only thing he complains about is there is no air-conditioning in his barracks. He is hoping to move to his permanent barracks next week. He has been waiting to move ever since he got there LOL.

    This week end he went into town with some friends. He went to the Mall and then to a book store.

    We are going to the Soap Box Derby with my young 10 year old Webolos Scout this Monday. I hope we win.
    talk to you soon
  • Sandy's_sailor son

    Joan, it was great to hear from you. I am glad Matt is doing well and settling into Navy life. I have never heard of fake blood before, LOL. I can't believe your Matt is going to be graduating already. It seems as if he just started school.

    Brenden is still in ATT. The class is all on computer and sometimes it can get frustrating because he can't go back and review the material. I think he has about 4 weeks left of ATT.
    After ATT, he is supposed to start (A) School, but I have heard that they are putting everyone on hold before they start. Brenden can't wait to start (A)school.

    Have you heard where Matt will be stationed? I hope he is gets stationed near you.

    Talk to you soon
  • Sandy's_sailor son

    Hey Joan, just got through reading your reply to my page.
    Isn't it funny how these kids are in such a hurry to do exciting things like fight in wars? I think the Lord answered your prayers for Matt. Maybe it is not his time to go Green. There is plenty of time for all of that. It is better for Matt to go green and be attached to a Marine unit in Gods time. We never know what the future holds.

    Brenden is still in ATT. This is such an intense course. A lot of information crammed into a really short space of time. It is a year course crammed into 80 days. Brenden has been taking notes constantly. He has already filled 2 notebooks. He is maintaining good grades but is tedious work.

    I don't think my sailor son realizes how bad the winter is going to be. Colorado weather is nothing compared to Great Lakes. Our winters a cold and dry. Yes we do get snow, but we have very little humidity. When it snows here, it evaporates the next day. Unless we have a massive blizzard.

    Keep in touch, Let me know how Matt is doing. I bet he ends up liking his orders. I just have a feeling.

    Chat soon,
    Sandy :)