

Wantagh, NY

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am a proud mommy if 4. My Emily, my oldest, is a senior in high school. She leaves for boot camp on 8/1 and I am scared and nervous. Hope to meet other families to lean on for support. I do not know much about the military and am eager to learn.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
needed to learn more about it, was proud and encouraged it, had concerns or fears
The Navy offers opportunities that...
College cannot. I am so excited for Emily to experience all of it.
Our Navy experience so far...
has been positive and maturing., is challenging and exciting., has presented us with many questions.

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  • Timsmom97

    Hi Erin,
    My son is going to be 20 next month. We are from MA and he will be headed to Pensacola for school after boot camp. Hopefully our kids graduate at the same time! It would be great to meet some of the moms on here!
  • Chipmunk

    Erin - I am trying to glean more details on Christmas leave from GC, those of us with sons, are only getting partial information and told to wait to book flights, but then others are being told to book. Is your daughter planning on borrowing leave time? My son should have almost enough leave time accrued for the entire stand down time - because he was told, they either take all of their leave time or none. This is confusing for some moms who thought they would get a week off / on as previously mentioned. Just trying to figure out what the details are on leave your daughter has been told.

    Thanks, either post reply on Nuke Mom's group, my comment wall, or friend me and you may email me.

  • lemonelephant

    Since you have a Sailor, you can change "Waiting to leave for Boot Camp" above to “Enlisted.” 

    You can make that change when you make the changes I previously sent in a PM.

    If you get an error message, then look at the area/s in the error message and unclick all of the choices in the area/s and make choices closer to the question/s. Some choices may have changed since you joined.