

Graham, NC

United States

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A little about me:
My son joined the Navy and will go to boot camp on 2/6/12 as a Hospital Corpsman.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • Navymom2010


  • suems2

    He actually signed up in February and was given an initial leave date of 5/27/11.  However, he changed what he wanted to specialize in and so his time to leave was moved to the end of August. So we, too, had a going away get together for him in June because he said that it could be August; it could be next week they call or it could be tomorrow.  It can be different for each recruit. 

    I also recommend, as NanZam suggested, to have him start the physical training now.  Last week, my son told me that he felt in the best shape he's ever been which is really good because of the intense training they will go through.

  • BunkerQB

    Navy For Moms Survival Guide

    Hi, the guide is here for your reference. There are links to groups for ships and ratings. Be sure to watch the videos.  Good luck.