Hollie - Welcome to the BC Mom group!! I was actually in TX visiting family when you joined, so I did not get on to welcome you here personally. I will have to look up your town as I am becoming very familiar with the Denton / Dallas route that I take.
Love4Leo25’s love your PooBear story. My son would probably be embarrassed that I choose this name. He calls me Mama Bear. I still have his PooBear stuffed animal .
(In case it gets lost in the conversations before you get a chance to read it - this is what I posted in our group! Welcome!) love4Leo25 - Welcome to our group!! Once you have a chance, please feel free to share as much as you are comfortable about your sailor and where they are headed to A school. Be sure to read my welcome information above. This group is meant to be a community and place for us to continue to live and grow in the Navy Life along with our sailors. Feel free to ask any questions you have about what to expect after BC, your ups and downs and even just day to day, whatever helps you to stay connected.
Hollie - Welcome to the BC Mom group!! I was actually in TX visiting family when you joined, so I did not get on to welcome you here personally. I will have to look up your town as I am becoming very familiar with the Denton / Dallas route that I take.
Oct 28, 2021
Dee’s Mom
Love4Leo25’s love your PooBear story. My son would probably be embarrassed that I choose this name. He calls me Mama Bear. I still have his PooBear stuffed animal .
Nov 26, 2021
(In case it gets lost in the conversations before you get a chance to read it - this is what I posted in our group! Welcome!) love4Leo25 - Welcome to our group!! Once you have a chance, please feel free to share as much as you are comfortable about your sailor and where they are headed to A school. Be sure to read my welcome information above. This group is meant to be a community and place for us to continue to live and grow in the Navy Life along with our sailors. Feel free to ask any questions you have about what to expect after BC, your ups and downs and even just day to day, whatever helps you to stay connected.
Jan 7, 2022