JayJay8503-- I may have made a mistake announcing I got a letter. I am not home to read it and all my dad told me was a letter came from my SR. But I think it may be my instructions for military ID, because another spouse in the same division got hers. I'm so sorry for announcing before reading and verifying, I was just a little excited I guess.
Feb 27, 2016
There are no groups for just loved ones of Electrician's Mate (EM), but you may find some in Engineers, Snipe Moms, and Snipe Moms(enginers). You will also want to join GL A-school moms. You can also check out the Training Support Center (TSC) Great Lakes Facebook Page.
The Rating Information Card for EM can be found at https://www.cool.navy.mil/usn/enlisted/rating_info_cards/em.pdf. (If you get the security warning, it is safe to go there.)
May 10, 2016
Don't forget to make at least change 3.
May 10, 2016