

Crescent City, CA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
My Name is Amanda and My husband just joined the Navy and we will be moving to Forida when he gets out of bootcamp
I am here to support my
Spouse/Significant other
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • Lex

    hey hows the move going? anytime you want to meet up we can and maybe meet up with some other ladies it would be fun!!  just let me know
  • Lex

    I know that feelling its been hard for me to meet girls because i do have a daughter and thats my first priority so sometimes i can hang and sometimes i cant so thats been hard and meeting ppl my own age that have kids i am so young and i had my daughter at 18 so not alot of women have kids yet but thats awesome u have a son anytime u want we can meet up and have a playdate. Idont have a facebook but ill send u my email
  • NavySweetheart11

    Hey girl thanks for adding me! My boyfriend is on the USS George HW Bush. He is an AZ which is an Aviation Maintenance Administrationman. He has been in the Navy almost two years in April. They just got back from deployment a week ago after 7 months. It's been so awesome and a bit overwhelming at the same time! We are actually in the process of looking for apartments now. We were thinking Virginia Beach and Portsmouth but I think we have decided on Norfolk just because the location is so close the base. In fact I'm about to apply for an apt online now, haha. Right now I live about 3.5 hours west of Norfolk in Danville, VA, but I'll be moving there as soon as I put my notice in at work. I'm sooo thrilled though and very ready to be with the boy on a daily basis haha. I'm really stressed about meeting people too, I won't know a single person once I get there so I would love to hang out! Btw, I added you on facebook, my name is Brittany Langford! :)