

Phillipsburg, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
A mother to a navy son in bootcamp
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
At Boot Camp now
When I heard “Navy,” I...
needed to learn more about it, was proud and encouraged it, had concerns or fears

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  • Chipmunk

    Angie - Welcome to the BC Mom and Loved Ones group. I am one of the "seasoned" moms that help welcome new members to that group. I apologize, I have had a couple of busy days, so I did not get a chance to share here with you the best place to post your questions. 

    When you view the BC Mom page there is a lot of information at the top, then you scroll down to find the discussions, then below that is the Comment Wall. I got confused myself when I first started posting on this board, but the best place to ask questions is really in our COMMENT WALL. The way this site works more of our members will likely get notifications from the Comment Wall and be likely to reply than in the discussion area. 

    Also, if you are viewing this on a mobile device, we recommend that you set your screen to desktop mode, to help you navigate. It is actually easier to view on a computer. 

    Welcome aboard and {{{BNMHs}}}

  • belovedbyHim

    Welcome!! Please read my blog to give you an idea of what the first few weeks may look like.. Welcome to the Navy... Everything will be ok!  The First part is some things to do before your SR leaves IF you Can, It’s NOT ESSENTIAL! Up and to the Left is a link to all the Navy Lingo! It is titled Navy Speak and you can find it here. We are here to get you through the “Great Silence” of the next 4 weeks (ish) and the 10 weeks of BC (ish). You will come to learn that No News Is GOOD News and everything is Needs of the Navy. You life will be Hurry Up and Wait and it’s ok to make plans but they are subject to change until after they have happened so it’s best to embrace the Motto: Semper Gumby!! (Always Flexible!!)

  • Chipmunk

    Angie, if you are on your phone it can be harder to view this site. I mostly use my computer or I have to put my phone into desktop mode. 

    I am not certain of the new liberty time now that they have changed PIR days to Thursday. If your son is flying out to his A school instead of staying at GL, I don't know if he will be able to spend time with you on Friday or not. It depends on his flight. If he is staying in GL for A school, then yes, I believe they can spend most of the day with you. They will have specific times for liberty and may or may not have to stand watch.