DEP-Leavin' for bootcamp in August

This group is for N4M members that have a loved one leaving for bootcamp in August...I will leave the year open so that even future Deppers leaving in the month of August of any year can join...Lets share stories, information, concerns, and questions


Hello everyone. My daughter left a few days ago for boot camp in GL. Anyone else have someone at the same place?

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    Thx for encouraging words. Your son would probably be in the same group as mine!...Aug 8. I, too, haven’t cleaned up his room etc. I have 1 older son away in college, so yes, empty nester. When do you expect his ‘box’ to be mailed out, & arrive?
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      We are still waiting for the box to arrive.   I'm hoping fedex will leave it even if we aren't home at the time of delivery.   More excited about getting the form letter and hopefully a letter from my son in the next week or two but also scared of that first letter and what it might say.   This not knowing how they are is tough!

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        i too cant wait for the form letter and my kids in a box.  my husband is anxious to reserve a hotel room.   we will be driving so we dont have to get airline tickets.  i agree that it is hard not knowing how they are doing.  i am making myself keep a positive attitude and praying all the time.   writing letters seem so slow now. lol