

Saint Marys, GA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am a mom with two children. My son is 25 and lives in New England. My daughter is 21 and is in BC. She left on 12/15/ 10. I live with my husband and a 10 year old golden retreiver. I have a small diner in southern georgia and live in a very small town on the seacoast. I love to cook, travel, and spend time with my family.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was concerned or afraid
The Navy offers opportunities that...
Tap here to begin writing
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • navymom99(ship09 div075)

    Hi Southern4, My daughter left for bootcamp on the 14th and will turn 21 on the 31st of dec. We live in North Carolina and have a Chocolate Lab who when my 19 year old gets married will be our child.What is her job going to be? 
  • Kathy Dee

    Hi Linda


    How did your daughter make out. Last I heard she had hurt her knee. Is she ok for now? Wishing you both the best.


    Kathy Dee

  • Kathy Dee

    oh no!!! So very sorry to hear that. Glad to know that she is now on the mend.  It is always one thing or another. I am sure she will be going through PIR soon!!

    We are leaving for Chicago tomorrow morning and then off to Great Lakes for Friday. My daughter says she is relieved to be done and that battlestations was not that bad. Just tiring. I think that 085 took gold honors or is one of the top divisions. Not sure of all the terminology yet, but I am learning. Best of luck in the future and PIR will come for you and your girl before you know it.  God Bless.


    Kathy Dee