

Douglas, AZ

United States

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Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • cclivingston

    Thank you so much!!! And yes, it such a relief to know he's still on track. Just 10 more days!!! I can't focus on anything else right now. They are going to be so handsome in the navy blues :)
  • cclivingston

    I can hardly wait to get a phone call :)))) I woke up several times in the night wondering how they were doing.
  • cclivingston

    Be safe in your travels and I hope he DOESN'T call in the "dead" area as well. Maybe change your voicemail to a mesg just for him just in case, and tell him to call you back. My understanding is they can make several phone calls.