

Dexter, GA

United States

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A little about me:
Mother of 3 boys oldsest in Navy bootcamp now and at least one of the other two hot on his heels to join as well!
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
Being Prior Avtive Duty Myself...I learned that the Navy breaks the teenagers that they recieve down and remolds them into the fine young sailors that arive in the fleet daily. This is a lenghty process some longer than others depending on the amount of trainng required to do the job assigned to these new sailors.. I also learned as a young sailor that I must always hurry up and wait.. cause everythng is done on Navy Time.. Not Mine :)

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  • Lisa Brown/Cory's MOM

    Thanks for the note! Are you going to the graduation? If so, I will be full of some questions. I have never been to Illinois, but I plan on going for my sons graduation some how. Talk to you soon!!
  • Lisa Brown/Cory's MOM

    How was the graduation? Did you get to go?
  • Lisa Brown/Cory's MOM

    Where did you stay for the graduation and did you fly into Chicago?