theraysmom(Ship11 Div 244)


San Bernardino, CA

United States

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Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
Waiting to leave for Boot Camp
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
I haven't had much experience with the Navy it is just beginning As my son enters boot camp

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  • sistersue

    (div 11 ship 244) do you have any idea when they find out where they go from bootcamp.
  • dani

    just want you to know my son graduated last week and I learned a lot about what they can take... any black or navy blue bag is OK.  I brought one already filled from home.  you can bring anything!  phone, computer, favorite pillow, snack, magazines, alarm clock, etc.  I had everything charged so he could use it at the airport.  I had to meet him at the airport with everything, but that was easy.  All the sailors are dropped off in the morning and have the ability to walk around.  there is a USO and a starbucks before you go through security. he was dropped of at 7 am, we met him at 9 am at the starbucks and sat with him a bit before his flight.  good luck!  I told him to call us at 10 if he didnt see us, just in case
  • momoftwosons

    Cool - the Enterprise is docked right next to my son's ship USS New York LPD 21, they are leaving in a few weeks.  My son's good friend is on that ship and they spent the weekend relaxing watching football at the Navy Lodge :)  ask your son if he knows Gates - nice young man. they attended BC and A School together.  look me up on facebook - Jeanne Mohr Cawley - did you get the info for Navy Moms on FB?