

Westport, WA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I have a 21 year old who got to bootcamp on Feb 9. I've recently found out he's in 11/128. Life is lonely without him.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
In the NROTC program
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Needed to learn more about it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
It's one of the "safer" and honest branches of the military
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • KellynKaty(corps-Mom)

    I have another question. Do they come home at all after A school?
  • Hunters_Mom_12/092_MAA

    Hi Riptide, I really like your PIR group ~ lotsa aloha and gusto! My SR has Battle Stations Wed/Thurs this week so I am waiting on the "I am a Sailor" call. Going a bit nuttsy here... haven't heard a peep since 2/17. Now asking myself "Why did I raise him to be so darn independent?"  Logically, my brain understands the 'No news is good news', my heart does not and is having trouble with that creed...

    This Mama is long overdue. Lol 

  • Bebe

    Riptide...tell me about you and your SR...are you ready to for the PIR?  We made our plans the day after getting the letter...just so excited. 

    Nic is a great kid.  I have another son Ray.. he's 24, a brainiac...just finished his masters at Chapman University...already looking for another grad school.  Nic had a hard time in college--he admitted it just wasn't for him..always thought the Navy was where he'd end up.


    Just so cool to actually have someone to talk to about my son and what he's doing...