

Mount Morris, MI

United States

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A little about me:
My son left on June 13, 2013 for bootcamp!
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • lemonelephant

    Electrician's Mate (EM) has "A" School in Great Lakes, which is a plus for you for PIR weekend since he will be able to have daytime Liberty with you each day of the weekend--see PIR Day and Liberty During PIR Weekend for more on that. 

    There are no groups for just those with loved ones who will be EM's. Check out Great Lakes A School Q&A, GL A-school moms, Engineers, Snipe Moms(enginers), and Snipe Moms and join the ones that meet your needs. You will also want to check out the Training Support Center (TSC) Great Lakes Facebook Page. The Rating Information Card for EM can be found at


    Cindysue sorry to hear you missed another call, that stinks I know...I only got one call I was actually able to speak with him the whole time he was there...He made calls to me but something was wrong with his payphone he was calling from..I could hear him but he couldn't hear me, i could hear the frustration in his voice and I felt so bad for him.  Keep your chin up, people will start getting letters soon I would imagine..And often the first ones say, why havent you written, this is common, just keep writing it will all catch up with him.


    How's your SR doing?  He done being sick yet?  Remember these last few weeks are going to be harder on them than ever before, to get them ready for Battlestations etc..Their over all real life sort of final test.   Any news is good news though right?