Ken-55 (OS Dad)


East Haven, CT

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Single dad (since my son was 3 y.o.), he's always seen his Mom once a week or so, but lived full-time with me. He left for bootcamp on 12/15/10. I'm currently making the transition from "hockey dad" to "Navy Dad" . . . funny, it feels like a natural progression.

PIR was 2/18/11. He finished A-school in late April, reported to the USS ANZIO in early May and deployed immediately.

Wow, just realized how old this info was . . . my son's ship returned from deployment in December 2011. I was fortunate enough to get to meet the ship in FL and go on a 2-day Tiger Cruise back to Norfolk for homecoming.

My son's now in Navy housing close to the base and advancing nicely, he's an E-4 and the letter his chief wrote recommending another promotion was honestly the strongest recommendation I've ever seen in my life, made me so proud!
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it

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  • Purplemom (Ship 3 Div 084)

    We are originally from Boston, but currently living in Europe. My son flew out today for processing, but will not arrive in GL until Wednesday evening. He is excited about becoming an MA. Maybe they will be in the same Ship/Div.

  • Northwest Annie

    Hi Ken,

    My real name is Lisa. Thanks for the friend request. Sounds like our boys are in the same stage of BC. Maybe they'll be in the same unit. Not sure how everything works. I'm just trying to be calm and not overthink what he may be doing or when he'll graduate. I'm an expert at driving myself crazy with trying to figure things out when I really know nothing! :-)  Would love to be able to plan the trip for PIR but I know it's too early. Hope all is well on your end.


  • lemonelephant

    Click on OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) and the Page will open in a new window. Read the Page and follow the directions at the bottom to make change 3 (see the words in bold) so that this page is no longer visible to EVERYONE (Anyone) with access to the web. Don’t forget to click the “Save” button at the bottom.

    There may be other changes you need to make as well, so read and consider each of the changes.

    Another change that I recommend that is mentioned in change 1 is to change the ZIP Code to one that is not easily associated with you or your Sailor.