Misha61083 Ship 09 Div 074


Norfolk, VA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
My name is Timisha, but I go by Misha. I am still missing my boyfriend a whole lot but I have found ways to keep myself busy while he is gone (I joined the gym). His PIR is on 02112011 and it is so close that I can taste it. :-D This has been a learning experience and I feel like it is getting me ready for those times when I might not be able to talk to him for an extended period of time.
I am here to support my
Spouse/Significant other
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
I am stronger than I ever gave myself credit for.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • Kinda

    Ok. I was trying to send a message to your inbox but I don't know if it was going thru cuz I'm on my phone. Well my SR called today because he needed me to fax something. Well, he said he's cool with your guy & some other stuff. I can fill u in if you want btw my # is 225.573.9844
  • Kinda

    Yay! We've gotten letters... now next it's the Phone Calls! Let's Go Div074!!!
  • Janice

    aww I feel terrible for u, that u might have to miss graduation, jobs& bosses sould totaly be willing to work with an employee for this! how dare they ! afterall it is your child definding the USA ! once again so sorry I hope by the grace of God U get there