Welder Mom -- HT/ATF


Sunbury, PA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Single mom raising two kids and hoping for the best.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • BunkerQB

    Welcome to N4M. Your key to adjusting is finding a group where you can feel comfortable and get answers to your questions – Click on the underlined links:
    1. New Moms Stop Here group. You should think of this group as your orientation station. We do have a number of experienced members who can answer questions and point you in the right direction.
    2. Depper’s… in but not yet . is a group for those just waiting for bootcamp to start (Delayed Entry Program – a depper)
    3. Boot Camp Moms group. Is he/she already in bootcamp? Or just about to go in? This is the group.
    4. OCS Graduate Moms or the NROTC Moms. For those going to be an officer or going to NROTC?
    Read this blog to get a jump start on how to use the N4M site.
    Welcome to New Members
    Of particular importance is the use of the “Search” function. You should do searches in blogs, forums, discussions for answers in previously posted threads BEFORE adding a NEW blog/discussion. Finally, it takes time to learn how to use this site. Be patient. Check your page & status box often.
    Best of luck, BunkerBee and AbbyblueOK (from the New Moms Stop Here Group)

    I have not gotten a letter from my son since 9/9, but his father has...Did your son tell you when he was doing his battle stations? They are sister groups 325 & 326 so our kids divisions will do theirs together.
  • MRs L*