This site is for mothers of kids in the U.S. Navy and for Moms who have questions about Navy life for their kids.



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Link to Navy Speak - Navy Terms & Acronyms: Navy Speak

All Hands Magazine's full length documentary "Making a Sailor": This video follows four recruits through Boot Camp in the spring of 2018 who were assigned to DIV 229, an integrated division, which had PIR on 05/25/2018. 

Boot Camp: Making a Sailor (Full Length Documentary - 2018)

Boot Camp: Behind the Scenes at RTC

...and visit - America's Navy and also Navy Live - The Official Blog of the Navy to learn more.

OPSEC - Navy Operations Security

Always keep Navy Operations Security in mind.  In the Navy, it's essential to remember that "loose lips sink ships."  OPSEC is everyone's responsibility. 

DON'T post critical information including future destinations or ports of call; future operations, exercises or missions; deployment or homecoming dates.  

DO be smart, use your head, always think OPSEC when using texts, email, phone, and social media, and watch this video: "Importance of Navy OPSEC."

Follow this link for OPSEC Guidelines:



**UPDATE 4/26/2022** Effective with the May 6, 2022 PIR 4 guests will be allowed.  Still must be fully vaccinated to attend.

**UPDATE as of 11/10/2022 PIR vaccination is no longer required.

**UPDATE 7/29/2021** You now must be fully vaccinated in order to attend PIR:

In light of observed changes and impact of the Coronavirus Delta Variant and out of an abundance of caution for our recruits, Sailors, staff, and guests, Recruit Training Command is restricting Pass-in-Review (recruit graduation) to ONLY fully immunized guests (14-days post final COVID vaccination dose).  


RTC Graduation

**UPDATE 8/25/2022 - MASK MANDATE IS LIFTED.  Vaccinations still required.

**UPDATE 11/10/22 PIR - Vaccinations no longer required.


Please note! Changes to this guide happened in October 2017. Tickets are now issued for all guests, and all guests must have a ticket to enter base. A separate parking pass is no longer needed to drive on to base for parking.

Please see changes to attending PIR in the PAGES column. The PAGES are located under the member icons on the right side.

Format Downloads:

Navy Speak

Click here to learn common Navy terms and acronyms!  (Hint:  When you can speak an entire sentence using only acronyms and one verb, you're truly a Navy mom.)

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Visite esta página para explorar en su idioma las oportunidades de educación y carreras para sus hijos en el Navy.



Just want to hear some stories. =) 

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My sailor and i met when were where 16 and workin at mcdonalds, he didnt like me at first but convienced him me and 5 years later we are more in love then ever and married!!!

We met in high school. Both of us were in the band, he was a senior (tuba)  I was a sophomore (clarinet). One day during a water break, a friend of his broke my clarinet by stepping on it, which is how we all met. After a few weeks, we had a whole group that just began to hang out together, and the 2 of us started to talk to each other a lot, and he would walk me to class or my locker. Our first date was the Homecoming dance. Our first kiss was the day after the dance, which is now our anniversary. 10/17/2007 <3

He never officially asked me to be his girlfriend, but he is definitely going to have to ask me to marry him. I'm pretty sure that will be happening soon. :D

I met mine 6 years ago and he was interested in dating but I thought he was all wrong for me but we always kept in touch as friends and then we reconnected last year and it felt like we picked up where we left on 6 years ago and we are getting married this summer. He is my best friend and I love him soo much. Even though we or rather I decided that we shouldnt be together when we first met I would not change it for anything because in the end it worked out the way I think it was supposed to.

I was working at an all girls Christian retreat weekend with his mom in February of 2011. I was in a relationship at the time but when he took leave early and came to the church and surprised his mom (in uniform) I knew he was the one. I immediately broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years and began talking to this new guy. We hit it off but eventually he decided to take things further with his best girl friend so I kicked him out of my life for months. In July, he sent me my favorite flowers on my birthday and we hung out the following week while he was home on leave. A few weeks after he was back in Washington, we decided to become official with our relationship. He came home again in September for his grandpa's funeral, I flew out to WA in October, and then he came home for Christmas.... and proposed! We are now planning our wedding for September of 2012. I am a firm believer of love at first sight!

We were stationed together on Adak, which is a small island in the middle of the Bering Sea :-)

I had sworn I was never dating another military guy as long as I lived, and he had decided that there wasn't a woman up there that was worth the drama of dating, so we figured we were "safe" lol.  We were very good friends and swore we weren't dating, even though all our friends insisted that we were.  At the time, we really didn't believe we were, but looking back on it, yeah, we were, we were just in denial about it :-)

After about 6 months of this, we were married.  That was 19 1/2 yrs ago :-)

I met my sailor in middle school :)  We started "Dating" in 8th grade and spent the next 2.5 years together. I moved schools my junior year and we stopped talking. dated other people and never communicated besides a few drunk texts here and there lol THEN back in August of this year he messaged me on FB and asked how I was and told me he had joined the navy and was leaving in Jan. I had a boyfriend and he asked if I was happy and I said yes. THEN things went down hill with my ex and a couple of weeks later I randomly messaged him on Twitter and we talked ALL night about life and the Navy and how many regrets we had about each other and how we thought we were soulmates and how much we had missed each other and never stopped caring about each other. SO things ended with my ex and He and I have been inseparable since September. I love him with allll my heart and I'm so glad we made it back to each other!

My sailor and I met six years ago at my uncle's restaraunt. He worked at the restaraunt with my cousins, my aunts, and my parents. At the time, I was in charge of making CD's for my uncle to play. The deal was that if I made the CD's my uncle would give me a dollar per song. I was fifteen and didn't have a job and I made CD's with a total of about 180 songs, so I thought it was an awesome deal. Every night my mom would come home with a new list of songs and I would make the CD's. Then one night my mom came home with a list of songs and at the bottom was a phone number. I was like "uh wth is this?" and my mom was like "oh, you remember stevie from the blue rock! He really likes you, and he said he thinks you are really cute, and you know I wouldn't give you his number if I didn't think you should have it so..give him a shot". I was so embarrassed and from that moment on I never wanted to go to the restaraunt ever again, and we went there every friday for dinner...Every time I went in there I tried my best to avoid him but he wasn't having it. He sent me a friends request on Myspace and we started talking on there. He would ask me out, I would make up excuses not to and that went on for about 4 months. Then finally my mom invited him over. We watched a movie in my living room with my entire family and that was our "first date". We started "seeing" each other after that, and we continued seeing each other for about 6 months. Until my junior prom..when he messaged me and told me he was going with someone else from another school...i was devastated and hated my mom for giving me his number and making me give him a chance in the first place lol. Then that summer we started talking again. My dad was totally against it because he said he didn't trust him because of the whole prom thing. I didn't care I really liked him, so I continued to talk to him and then finally in March, for his 18th birthday I snuck out and went to his suprise birthday party. That weekend I talked to my parents and they decided it had been a year and they would let me give him another shot and we have been inseperable ever since. I love him more than anything in the entire world and I can't imagine my life without him in it.

I am so grateful I got to see my sailor over christmas! He was supposed to come on the 21st but on the 20th I had the strangest feeling that he would come that day. I woke up and said to my mom, "mom, this may sound crazy but I think Tyler is coming today to surprise me." His mom tried to convince me to go to the airport to pick up her husband who was also out of town. And sure enough I saw my sailor walking down the ramp and I started to cry. I knew it! haha. Hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas and may we have a great new year! =D

me and my sailor met a little over 4 months ago (but have known about each other longer then that are friends just never introduced us) at work he was working on the weekend with the high school kids(with both bagged grocery's oh and he is 23 and im 18 ya kinda big age gap but we don't mind) on the army base because he was trying to get some extra spending money for a big electronic music festival the next week and we started talking the next day he asked me for my number and we started talking even more after a couple weeks we started to hang out more we started to like each other more :) before he went off to boot we still had not made things official but we were pretty much dating and had made a promised to wait for each other :) after weeks and weeks of letters on Christmas i got a call and we talked for hours i brought up dating and i told him "i don't care that he will be gone (main reason he didnt want to make it official before he left was because he felt like it was unfair to start dating and him leave) all i want was him to be my boyfriend and me his girlfriend that he made me happy just talking to him" he then told me that he "was happy and that he felt the same " and alot more cute stuff then we made it official he makes me happy as a clam and i cant wait for the day i get to see him again :) only a couple more days tell PIR then he gets his phone back cant wait :D

We met in the first grade, he lived right down the road and we had the same bus. He didn't like me at all at first but when 6th grade came rolling around and he was matured more he started liking me. We became friends. Then at a dance he asked me to be his girlfriend. i said yes. He was my first everything from kiss to love. We stayed together and after a few years rolled by I got pregnant. We had a beautiful son and we still got our diploma. We both turned 18 and to the courthouse we went and got married. Then we felt it would be best if he got in the Navy. So here we are! :) Hes my best friend!

I met mine through an online dating website. I was ready to give up with the whole online thing when I got a message from him. We hit it off right away and met within the first week or two of messaging. We are now boyfriend and girlfriend a month later. We are different from each other but at the same time help better the other's faults. Didn't think I would ever find that special someone online, but I did and I'm glad I took the time to get to know him. He is everything that I dreamed of and more. Unfortunately he leaves overseas in a few months..which makes our situation a little difficult. It's hard to start dating someone when you know you will only be able to see them for five or six months. We are taking it a day at a time and I hope and pray that things work out for the better. I can't imagine losing him ..only time will tell what our next step is :)

Nothing so romantic, but it was appropriate for us. Sugarbuns would tell you that Skynet chose us from a pool of unwitting applicants as a part of its nefarious plot to take over the world and dominate humanity with technology.  *I* would tell you that we both signed up for eHarmony, answered a bunch of seemingly pointless questions, and one of us landed in the inbox of the other. He said something during our exchanges that was charmingly funny so we had a first date. Coffee turned into dinner, turned into a second date and a third. We're nearly inseparable now. That was May 2011 and we'll be married this October. 


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