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Link to Navy Speak - Navy Terms & Acronyms: Navy Speak

All Hands Magazine's full length documentary "Making a Sailor": This video follows four recruits through Boot Camp in the spring of 2018 who were assigned to DIV 229, an integrated division, which had PIR on 05/25/2018. 

Boot Camp: Making a Sailor (Full Length Documentary - 2018)

Boot Camp: Behind the Scenes at RTC

...and visit - America's Navy and also Navy Live - The Official Blog of the Navy to learn more.

OPSEC - Navy Operations Security

Always keep Navy Operations Security in mind.  In the Navy, it's essential to remember that "loose lips sink ships."  OPSEC is everyone's responsibility. 

DON'T post critical information including future destinations or ports of call; future operations, exercises or missions; deployment or homecoming dates.  

DO be smart, use your head, always think OPSEC when using texts, email, phone, and social media, and watch this video: "Importance of Navy OPSEC."

Follow this link for OPSEC Guidelines:



**UPDATE 4/26/2022** Effective with the May 6, 2022 PIR 4 guests will be allowed.  Still must be fully vaccinated to attend.

**UPDATE as of 11/10/2022 PIR vaccination is no longer required.

**UPDATE 7/29/2021** You now must be fully vaccinated in order to attend PIR:

In light of observed changes and impact of the Coronavirus Delta Variant and out of an abundance of caution for our recruits, Sailors, staff, and guests, Recruit Training Command is restricting Pass-in-Review (recruit graduation) to ONLY fully immunized guests (14-days post final COVID vaccination dose).  


RTC Graduation

**UPDATE 8/25/2022 - MASK MANDATE IS LIFTED.  Vaccinations still required.

**UPDATE 11/10/22 PIR - Vaccinations no longer required.


Please note! Changes to this guide happened in October 2017. Tickets are now issued for all guests, and all guests must have a ticket to enter base. A separate parking pass is no longer needed to drive on to base for parking.

Please see changes to attending PIR in the PAGES column. The PAGES are located under the member icons on the right side.

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Visite esta página para explorar en su idioma las oportunidades de educación y carreras para sus hijos en el Navy.


I have not received the form letter yet, but the website now states that this division will graduate on April 9!  Anyone else have a loved one in DIV 149?  I would love to meet you!

Views: 333

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Hi Everyone!

We're into the "teens" now with days until the big day! I can't wait to meet you all -- it's been great to read all your posts about your wonderful Recruits-Almost-Sailors -- you should all be so very proud!

I know Sarah and I won't be able to get into the graduation -- does anyone have any idea if they will record it or anything? Just wondering.

You're all in my thoughts and prayers -- almost there!! :)
Thank you so much Andrea! He is a very funny cat, always has been. I hope that Jon gets the weekend off! It is probably just a bad rumor, so I would not put much stock in it. I can't imagine the disappointment of the new sailors and families and it would make sense that since they don't have to move to another state, they would have the time to partake in liberty. I am still hoping that "grad and go" won't reach out and grab Tripp. It is hard not being in control any longer. Have a great day and I look forward to meeting you soon! Thanks for your kind words!!
Hi, I'm Rodo'sMom. My son is in ship 13 div 149. I'm really a "newbie" at this "discussion/blog" thing, so pardon my mistakes. How do I see the entire discussion with this group? It seems I see something about grad and go and am hoping my son doesn't have those orders. The last we heard he didn't, but he said that he won't get orders until week 6 or 7. I would love to get to know some of you before we go to graduation. It is also my understanding that as well as a picture package, there is also a video package to buy, is that right?
Hi RodoMom and welcome! Be sure and join the Meet and Greet for PIR 4/9 -- You can check with your recruiter to see where your son's A school will be based on the job he contracted for - they should be able to tell you. The letter I received dated March 21 said that pictures were tomorrow (March 22nd). Your recruit has to order the pictures, videos, etc. and they should have them that weekend. I do think you can order the day of graduation but I hear the line up for that is incredible. It would be well worth the wait to get a package though if your recruit does buy one. There is a NEX just down the road from the base that you can by Navy Mom, Dad, Brother, etc t-shirts and they are suppose to be real cheap even compared to online. My son said he ordered me a t-shirt but I think that is the division t-shirt with their flags or logo on it. Not totally sure on that one. Well there is a wealth of information on this site - have fun navigating around! There is a great bunch of people on here! See you in 14 days!
Thanks for the kind words ameyes, I look forward to meeting all of you! It's kind of lonely with your thoughts (worries). It's one of those things that one can't understand until you are in the situation. My son is supposed to go to Pensecola FL for A school, that should be a better climate to visit :), I am so done with the cold! My son also said that the division passed all their inspections and are being allowed to "have all the flags to march with". I'm not sure what that means though.
Hello Rodo's Mom! My son will also go to Pensacola. What is your son going to study? T will study CTT. I am also looking forward to visiting Florida!
J is going for AE. I understand that there isn't much in the area for "excitement" but J is looking forward to maybe having a weekend of at some point and checking out New Orleans.
Tracy - you two might get to go to graduation. I received an email from a sailor's wife that says once the family checks in their 4 people that's it. They don't check at the door. You may have to stand on the balcony but everyone who has responded to my questions about extras attending say it shouldn't be a problem. If I were you, I would show up - the worst thing that could happen is you can't get in BUT what if you don't show and could of got in! 14 Days and counting as fast as the clock will tick!
Thank you sooooo much amayes! Sarah and I wouldn't miss it for the world -- even if we're standing on a balcony or sitting on the limb of a tree, we want to be there if at all possible! We'll go and wait outside and hope they let us in. Otherwise, we'll just wait there to see Tripp when he comes out as a graduated Sailor!! Thanks again! :)
Kind of a P.S. here -- I found this somewhere on this website (I'm still getting lost on it quite easily) when I was searching for PIR info on tickets. It's long but it's got some really great information in it, and I apologize in advance if it's already been posted here or seen elsewhere:

Recruits provide a list of names to the Navy, which will be put on a master graduation guest list. When you arrive at Great Lakes they will ask your name and your recruit's name and check the list. If you are on the list you will be admitted.Your recruit will only get four slots, any extras have to wait outside until they know if there will be "overflow" space. There is usually a decent chance to get a couple of extra people in at small and medium size graduations (10 or fewer) but don't try to get in and extra 10. At larger graduations the hall is usually full and "extras" are turned away.If your recruit knows other recruits who don't have anyone coming, or who don't have all four of their slots filled, they may add your recruit's extra guests to the list.

Hotels - There are a lot of hotels in the Great Lakes area to choose from. The closest is Navy Lodge, which is within walking distance of RTC Great Lakes gates. Many of their rooms include full kitchens. Ramada Inn, four miles away, hosts a PIR Meet & Greet for families the night before PIR. You do not have to be a guest at the Ramada to attend. The Ramada also includes a pool.

Parking - There are two ways to get into PIR: drive on base with the parking pass, which you can download and print out 11 days before PIR, or you can take a shuttle (taxi) from your hotel which will let you off at the gate. you drive you will need to be ready for a lot of waiting: at the gate to get on base, at the parking area to check-in, and again at MCPON Hall.

Be prepared to be in line at the gate at 6 a.m. to get to your seats on time. Make sure you keep the form letter that you received near the beginning of boot camp. It has the password you will need to get the parking pass. Be sure to type it in all capital letters.If you take a shuttle (taxi) from your hotel to RTC Great Lakes you will be let off at the gate. It is a shorter walk from the gate to MCPON Hall than from the parking area and there are fewer (and often shorter) lines for waiting.

Be prepared for the weather (cold, wet, hot, etc), you may be waiting outside for a while.SeatingIf possible, you will be seated in the stands across from the place where your recruit's division will stand. If your recruit is in a 900 division this may not be possible, because they are spread out across the entire hall.

Grad & Go - There are two types of "grad & go" sailors. Those who have a school at Great Lakes and those whose schools are elsewhere.Those whose A school is at Great Lakes will return to barracks and move their gear to A school. It will take a few hours, but after that they will get weekend liberty.Grad & Go sailors whose A school is not at GL may only have a few minutes with their family before leaving for the airport, or may fly out on Saturday and will have Friday liberty. In both cases, families may meet their sailor at the airport (at the USO) to spend some time with them before their flight.

Overnights - Sailors will NOT be allowed to stay with you in your hotel overnight. They must return to their barracks or school each night BEFORE curfew. If they are not in their barracks by that time, they may lose liberty for the remainder of the weekend, so make sure they return early, just in case there is heavy traffic or some other unexpected delay. RDCs do not accept excuses.Curfew varies, depending on the division. 8 p.m. is standard, but divisions may be able to earn (and lose!) extra hours, up to midnight. Your recruit may not know his or her curfew until just before they are released for liberty.

Monday holidays - Sailors who PIR before a Monday holiday often have that Monday for liberty. Check with your sailor, not all holidays are Navy holidays!Liberty rangeSailors can not travel more than 50 miles from Great Lakes. No exceptions, even if your home is only 55 miles away.

"Liberty" vs "Leave" - "Liberty" is a short period of time a sailor has off, usually a weekend, lasts 72 hours or less, and are restricted to an area within 50 miles from base. This is a fleet-wide policy, not just boot camp, to make sure sailors can report back to their command within an hour during a crisis."Leave" is the same as civilian "vacation" and during leave sailors may travel to most places. Sailors must request leave weeks to months in advance, inform their command of their itinerary (where will they be) and may not change plans without informing their command. Sailors will NOT get leave between boot camp and A school, except for some sailors who graduate just before the winter holiday standdown. Most sailors get their first leave between A school and reporting to their first duty station.

Cell phones - Sailors may not keep a cell phone (or anything else) in their pocket. They may not talk or text on the phone while they are walking, and they may not bring their cell phone (or iPod) back to RTC with them. Grad and Go sailors who have already reported to their A schools might be allowed to keep their cell phone or other electronics.

Driving: Sailors may not drive a car while on PIR Liberty. Standing DutyFreshly graduated sailors take turn standing watch on PIR Liberty Weekend.They may stand watch at night and be very tired in the morning, or they may be required to return to barracks for a few hours to stand watch. This is not something special to boot camp, this is a standard Navy-wide practice, though at most commands there is no liberty on the day they stand watch.

Public Display of Affection - In the Navy physical forms of affection such as hugs, kisses, and holding hands while in uniform are known as a "public display of affection" (PDA) and are forbidden. There is one exception: families saying goodbye to a sailor before a deployment or greeting a sailor returning from deployment or long separation. Boot camp counts under this exception, with limits. One enthusiastic hug of greeting and a quick kiss are acceptable. French or extended kisses are not. Nor are extended hugs, hanging off your sailor, etc. Hand-holding at any time is forbidden. There is a compromise, and I consider it to be a fairly romantic one. A sailor may offer his arm to his girlfriend/wife/mother, she lays her hand in the crook of his LEFT elbow in a formal escort-type pose. Likewise, a female sailor can take the RIGHT arm of her husband/boyfriend/father with her left hand. In a truely romantic gesture, men may lay their right hand over their lady's hand (to keep it warm, or for skin-to-skin contact). The sailor must always have his right arm free to salute an officer or properly displayed flag. Also, just because you aren't on base, don't assume they aren't looking. RDCs and other boot camp personnel also go to the mall, out to restaurants, to Chicago, etc, and they will be looking for new sailors breaking the rules. Some may actually be assigned this job in popular venues. Even if they run into the recruit by chance and are just out with their own family, they will report the new graduate. You won't likely see them because they will not be in uniform, but they will see your sailor. And no, they won't punish YOU. They will punish your sailor when s/he returns to barracks. The most common punishment is to have their liberty revoked the next day, or if the behavior is observed on the final day of liberty, new sailors can be retained for an extra week of boot camp. These are not idle threats. They actually do it.

About uniforms - Your sailors will be wearing their dress blues (after Labor Day and before Memorial Day Weekend) or dress whites (from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend) on Friday at PIR and after. Be sure to bring a lint brush or sticky roll for your recruit to "clean up" his or her blues. The blues are wool and pick up just about anything. If you are bringing a pet, bring one of those sticky-tape rollers to de-fur your sailor.Be careful with whites, they show everything.On Saturday and Sunday they will be wearing their service uniforms, aka "peanut butters," which is a khaki shirt and black slacks or skirt. In the winter they may be cold in the short sleeves, so make a stop at the Navy Exchange so they can get a uniform sweater and a name tag (but have them check with their RDCs first to make sure it's okay).…

As a little side note, I showed this to Sarah and when she saw the part about the public displays of affection, she said, "NO FAIR!! They expect to keep him from us for that long and not have me and Mrs. Coleman hang on to him for as long as we can?!?!" :D
This IS very informative, Tracy..... thanks! Especially noted is the part where they can still get in trouble on liberty, off base.
(I agree with Sarah!)
thank you so much... printing this for my daughter-in-law!!!


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