This site is for mothers of kids in the U.S. Navy and for Moms who have questions about Navy life for their kids.



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Link to Navy Speak - Navy Terms & Acronyms: Navy Speak

All Hands Magazine's full length documentary "Making a Sailor": This video follows four recruits through Boot Camp in the spring of 2018 who were assigned to DIV 229, an integrated division, which had PIR on 05/25/2018. 

Boot Camp: Making a Sailor (Full Length Documentary - 2018)

Boot Camp: Behind the Scenes at RTC

...and visit - America's Navy and also Navy Live - The Official Blog of the Navy to learn more.

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Follow this link for OPSEC Guidelines:



**UPDATE 4/26/2022** Effective with the May 6, 2022 PIR 4 guests will be allowed.  Still must be fully vaccinated to attend.

**UPDATE as of 11/10/2022 PIR vaccination is no longer required.

**UPDATE 7/29/2021** You now must be fully vaccinated in order to attend PIR:

In light of observed changes and impact of the Coronavirus Delta Variant and out of an abundance of caution for our recruits, Sailors, staff, and guests, Recruit Training Command is restricting Pass-in-Review (recruit graduation) to ONLY fully immunized guests (14-days post final COVID vaccination dose).  


RTC Graduation

**UPDATE 8/25/2022 - MASK MANDATE IS LIFTED.  Vaccinations still required.

**UPDATE 11/10/22 PIR - Vaccinations no longer required.


Please note! Changes to this guide happened in October 2017. Tickets are now issued for all guests, and all guests must have a ticket to enter base. A separate parking pass is no longer needed to drive on to base for parking.

Please see changes to attending PIR in the PAGES column. The PAGES are located under the member icons on the right side.

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Navy Speak

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Visite esta página para explorar en su idioma las oportunidades de educación y carreras para sus hijos en el Navy.




Japan Moms

For all the Moms(and Dads) with a Sailor in Japan

Members: 688
Latest Activity: Jul 17

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Discussion Forum


Started by Wendy. Last reply by B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet) Sep 3, 2022. 4 Replies

Cell Phone in Sasebo

Started by Aggiemom2020. Last reply by CindyN Dec 29, 2021. 3 Replies

Getting a cat to Yokusaka

Started by mmgsc100. Last reply by B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet) Dec 29, 2021. 1 Reply

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Japan Moms to add comments!

Comment by T-Lynn on July 17, 2024 at 9:05pm


As usual Blondie , your hive is a buzzing with energy. I wish it was all good news, but your family generates positive energy with anything that comes up.  You should bottle that energy and sell it. 

Sending positive vibes to daughter in Texas for best results of the storm and healing vibes to your youngest.   Keep us posted. Any chance of him receiving a new donated kidney?  Well not new - but used and in good condition. 

And what is the name of your son's Wine, Gin and bourbons?  Would like to try it. 

Here I have completed my last Cub Scout Summer Day Camp.  I am really trying to step out.  It is just so much work and having to purchase items ( that I cannot get repaid ) that its time for Me Time.  I'll still help out my grandson and granddaughter, but not for 100 scouts any more.

ONly other thing here - I have lost a cousin this last Friday and a friend of teh club we are in and a fellow high school classmate.  then been told three more club members are in failing health and its just a matter of time.  wow so many leaving so close.  Going to be sharing a lot of hugs this week.

My grandkids start school august 15th and i am counting the days .  Then I am going to start things for me. 

Need to get - Laundry Fairy is visiting. 

You have a good week.  Hugs

Comment by Blondie on July 12, 2024 at 10:53am

Summer is Rushing by!

Daughter is dealing with 2nd Houston disaster in the last 2 months!  Just finished up thousands of dollar fix and got to use their pool for 2 weeks. Now it starts all over again. No electric, water and heat....Luckily Granddaughter was at her Dad's for the storm. She's suppose to come home this Sunday, I told her if the electric is still out bring her here!

Other daughter took the summer off work to be home with her children, started babysitting  to make extra money. who knows maybe she won't go back to work.  Joseph Jude starts school this Aug. !  Where did the time go???  Lilianna Grace turned 3!  

Oldest son and DIL are doing great.  Our son as won awards for his wine, gin and bourbons, not only Ohio awards but Nationally!  So Proud of him, DIL still traveling all over for the zoo, of course he goes too. 

My youngest son finally had his kidney biopsy, waiting on results. He lost more weight, white blood cells high, kidney function low!  Doctor thinks he'll be on disability by the end of summer, gonna try dialysis in hospital setting as soon as we get these darn results back.  Best outcome, since he's a dialysis technician he will do his at home. He's looking for an easier job, maybe part time. He hates the idea of being disabled. :(

My back is calming down after 4 months.  Had new x-rays, therapy for 2 months....I did resort to drugs for 2 weeks to get it under control. Doing Decompression only twice a week now. I can go up/down about 4-5 steps, walk about 1 city block without help.  I was using 2 canes, now only 1 when needed.  If I have a shopping cart or hubby's hand/arm I'm good.

Hubby still working on our house, 1st room almost done, will move our bedroom in there and then he can start on bathroom. He's been busy helping me and the kids, running to doctor's and hospitals....

So overall, We're Hanging in there. Gentle Hugs, stay strong.

Comment by T-Lynn on June 24, 2024 at 7:55pm

I forgot to share 2 funny stories. Both were created by my granddaughter Emma.

1. Yesterday Emma tripped over her brother's feet and hit the kitchen floor hard. naturally I went to pick her up and was told by her mom not too.  Tessa was worried Emma had hit her head and wanted to see if Emma would stand up and respond to us.  Emma got up fine and came to me for cuddles and a back rub. Tessa then asked: "Emma, what did you hit?". Emma: "I, I hit the floor."  At that moment I lost it - and trying so hard not to laugh out loud. Tessa: " Emma, I thought you might have hit your head".  Emma: " NO, I hit the floor!".  At that point laughter could not be held in. 

2. Today, both grandkids were helping to make dinner.  Emma asked to lick the butter off the knife.  So I said ok.  I turned just in time to see her trying to place that knife back into the drawer.  I asked her not to and she stated very frankly : " Well, I licked it cleaned."  At that moment trying to explain about germs and laughing again. 

Thought I share

Comment by T-Lynn on June 24, 2024 at 7:27pm

HI !!!!!

thank you Kim and Chris.  My gossip tank is almost full - there are a few of you other Pan Moms that could check in.

WOW Chris !!! And I mean WOW!.  From your sailor to your daughter , making quilts ( agree with Kim post some pictures), joining the Grandma club and a possible cruise to Antarctica - now that's a ride. Fingers cross for you sailor to feel better and get the job he wants.  Oh yes the rules of raising a child.  I believe that will last about 2 months. its the baby that sets the rules. I wish you all the best  hugs

Hi Kim . Tickled Flamingo Pink to hear from you.  Well, glad you are almost retried. And working from home does have it perks. Cyber Security has to be tough and rewarding at the same time.  Fingers crossed he gets Norfolk. Do wish your grandson and Daughter n law a fun trip back to Japan.  And I know about a house who NEEDS cleaning too.

That's mine.  I am right now in my final details of Cub Scout Day camp activities. this July will be my last at teaching at Day Camps. I need a break. My sailor has been touring a few European Countries for trainings.  when he gets back. I'll share where. But he has called when he has been bored and I can say I had a fun trip with him driving through the many countries and sight seeing through his eyes.  I can say he enjoyed himself and that he ate well. He sent pictures of his meals. I was drooling from one picture - it was a doubled  layered chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Oh what huge layers too. I know I gained 5 pounds just by looking at the picture. 

Otherwise - busy trying to keep up with 2 grandkids and Cub Scouting.  

Thank you for sharing. Wish you all a good week  hugs

Comment by Kim on June 24, 2024 at 10:43am

Hi Chris, I enjoyed meeting you in Jacksonville.  I'm sorry to hear about your son.  My son in the navy has less than a year to go on his degree in cyber security from Purdue online.  He highly recommends it.  He took free MIT courses when he was stuck in Guam during Covid and found what he loves.  Purdue was generous giving him credit for past college courses and the navy pays so much a year (otherwise he would be done by now).  Also, welcome to the grandma club.  Please post pictures of those quilts!

Wendy, Walter Reed is a great vacation.  My youngest lives in that general area.  Housing is expensive but he should find something.

Blondie, I am sorry to hear about your friend.  Great news on your husbands retirement.  Now he is your employee 100%.  LOL.

TLynn, I am late for roll call.  I am still working part time.  About 16 hours a week but 100% remote.  My sailor is looking at new orders for a year from now.  I have my fingers crossed for Norfolk.  His wife and son are headed to Japan this week.  I just had them all for a visit and my house is suddenly quiet.

I have to run.  This house is in desperate need of cleaning.

Comment by Chris, Forever Ray's Proud Mom on June 21, 2024 at 9:06pm

Hi All,

signing in

1 here's my life in a nutshell:

Son getting medical discharge after 12 yr due to blood clots in his lungs. Almost died, they didn't diagnose it on his first 2-3 visits to the hospital.....grrr. But he is on blood thinners for the rest of his life and has been deemed unfit for duty. At least he got to Japan before this happened. He is going back to school and has been networking for whichever way the decision went . He says he is ok with it, and frankly, I am glad with the sh!t going on in the world. He has made some great friends.

My daughter is due in late Sept with her first child, a boy. She's a mess. Already laying the ground rules like grandparents don't know how to raise a child. smh. maybe she'll lighten up, or keep the kid away from us if we don't comply. Married on paper last Oct for benefits, glad she did cuz her delivery is FREE with new insurance. woop, and he is a nice guy. Of course the wedding is in Nov, about 6 weeks post partum, won't that be fun lol. She needs to control everything, so she's doing all the "stuff" (decor, planning...) without asking for any help. actually declines help. oh well.

just ask that any responses to this email/me, are very generic here as my email is read by my husband, and he has very strong opinions about what I should share or allow others to be involved.

Went down to 2 days a week at work last Nov and am busier than ever at home taking care of Mom and life here. Would retire but too young for medicare and need healthcare. My job allows PT to keep benefits after 59.5 yr old. Mom and I are going to Antarctica on a cruise in Jan 25 (at least for now, lol). gotta get that wheelchair order to go thru!!

I did take up quilting as a hobby for my retirement. Made 6 for family so far, all seem to like them. Learning from every one! lol Mom asked me for something quilted to put in her casket, so made her a bookmark since shel loves to read.

headed to next chore--would love to take anyone to lunch who comes to Jax! I totally enjoyed Kim! 

Take care of yourselves adn thanks for listening. Glad to know we can vent (don't remember if I've told you all of this already either.) Gotta save to go see my son, he's staying in HO for now, as he bought a home and will be going to school there. There are many worse places he could be, right?

Comment by T-Lynn on June 18, 2024 at 3:08pm

HI All

OK - Roll Call.  My gossip tank is low - please send some hugs

Comment by T-Lynn on May 27, 2024 at 8:47pm

Hi Wendy.

So good to hear that he will be coming back home. 

And thanks for coming on.. 

Hope all had a good weekend.  And I know we all remember those who fought for our freedom.  bless them and their families

Hugs all

Comment by Wendy on May 20, 2024 at 8:20pm

Hi, my son is leaving Oki next month, headed to Walter Reed for his residency. I'm excited to have him back in states and on East Coast.

Comment by T-Lynn on May 20, 2024 at 7:24pm


 Ok Pan Moms - Really you need a ROLL CALL ?

I know we all get busy. Just check in and say hi.  Hope all is well and have a fun week and a relaxing/fun Memorial Weekend.   Hugs

Oh forgot:  ROLL CALL !!!!!


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