DEP-Leavin' for bootcamp in August

This group is for N4M members that have a loved one leaving for bootcamp in August...I will leave the year open so that even future Deppers leaving in the month of August of any year can join...Lets share stories, information, concerns, and questions

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  • Timsmom97

    Partyofseven- please know you are not alone! My son left for bc on 8/21 and I got his box and PIR envelope yesterday. I've NEVER been more excited to get dirty laundry and mail in my life!!! I cried every day and have pictures of him everywhere. Its a very difficult adjustment but we will get through it for our children/spouses. You are never alone❤️
  • partyofseven


    Thank you so much. I bet right? Lol I hope I get his box and the form letter next week to or at least by the 2nd or 3rd week. When I hear others doing the same I"m like ok it's just not me and others feel this way as well. Where does your son go after bc? I look forward to talking with you. Have a great day!! 

  • partyofseven


    I am so sorry to hear about your son. You guys are in my prayers and prayers for direction for you guys. 

  • JamieA

    Hi I saw that there are already groups for PIR Grad for October but October 18th was skipped, I was thinking that would be my husband's graduation date since he left for GL on aug23. Any loved ones here who have a sailor that when to GL on the same date? HELP!!!

  • JennBNavyMom

    My son left Aug 23 and I got his box today. I was feeling pretty good and then the box arrived and I've been crying ever since. I miss him so much.
  • JennBNavyMom

    JamieA I think the 27th will be the date. My son left the 23rd as well.
  • NNLori

    My son left on the 23rd also. I counted 9 Fridays and I came up with 10/20 but that's just a guess.
  • JennBNavyMom

    NNLori I hope you are right! The sooner the better!
  • NavyMamaB

    JennBNavyMom my son left on the 23rd as well. I received his box today and the pain came back from the day he left. I cried until my back and head hurt! This is so hard - only positive thing to look forward to is the form letter and the hopefully a phone call!
  • JennBNavyMom

    NavyMamaB I can not wait!
  • partyofseven

    Hi NavyMamaB and JennBNavyMom,

    I can't wait either until I get the box and the letter. I woke up crying this morning thou, I miss him so much!! I hope he's doing ok and I can't wait to hear from him. Hope you ladies are doing ok.

  • NNLori

    NavyMamaB- Hang in there, I think it gets easier as time goes by. This initial period when we are completely out of touch with our recruit is really hard. We have each other to lean on and that has helped me so much. We want to be here for you and help you through. When we can communicate more regularly with our recruit I think that will help us all so much. Hugs!!!

  • NavyMamaB

    Thank you so much NNLori I agree. This site has been a life saver for me. I feel so much comfort to be able to speak to other Moms who have the same questions, concerns, fears etc! Hugs to you too! Stay Navy Strong! :)
  • NavyMamaB

    Hi partyofseven! I feel ya Momma! It's tough! It gets better never easy but better. Today is just a full week of my son being gone and yet 7 more just seems so far away. I am sure they are doing great! One thing to focus on is how proud we will be come graduation time!
  • JamieA

    Hello Ladies! I was able to speak w/ my husband today, he needed a document to be sent to him asap so i was able to get his address too. He's on division 333 ❤️
  • partyofseven

    Hey NNLori,

    I agree with what you said. Not being able to talk to my son is the hardest and then I hope and pray that everything is ok with him as he goes thru his training. And yes I appreciate all of you ladies on here and for all your information and being here to help us. :)

  • NNLori

    Oh wow!! That's so great you got to speak to him! How is doing?
  • JamieA

    He actually sounds good, but sounds a little bit like a robot lol. It was exactly a 1min call, he said i need to send the documenr overnight or he will get delayed for 2weeks.
  • NNLori

    Yea, I know exactly what your talking about. When my son called that first call where they tell you they are there safe and to expect the box. I told my husband that he sound strong but very "robotic". Like he had a script of what he was supposed to say and that was it!! It's really hard to imagine what they are going through.
  • Erin

    My daughter sounded the same way she almost sounded pissed. Lol she was like they told me I have to say bye and hang up. I asked if she was okay and she said "No". The tears were welling up but I did get an "I love you mom" do they have a scripted message they have to say?
  • NNLori

    OMG Erin that would break my heart. I don't know if there is an actual script but I've watched a few YouTube videos of arrival at boot camp and they them yelling at them and stressing that they need to make it quick because others are waiting. So, they don't have time to say other than the basics. It's definitely a culture shock for them. One minute they are laying on the couch at home not realizing how good they have it and then the next they are in GL getting screamed at and not being able to make any decisions for themselves. It's rough. I'm sure she will adjust. They will all support each other. They are all in the same boat. She will be a stronger person when she is done. I'm wondering if we will recognize our kids when they are done with this!!

  • JamieA

    When he called me the first night there were no I Love you and then it was just cut off after I heard some yelling in the background :'( but last night I heard it <3

  • Mattsmomma

    It took 6 days from the "I arrived safely" call on 8/9 to get the box, so I was on the hunt for my form letter, thinking somehow it got lost or my mailman is just lazy, for about a week.  Once I passed the two week mark, I broke down and called the recruiter for his address.  I had horrible visions of all the other recruits getting letters and my son just waiting for me to write.  Sure enough I came home that same day to two glorious hand-written letters.  The form letter finally came of 8/29.

  • JamieA

    hi Mattsmomma, one of the admin from the fb page informed us that the form letters is on it's way. There's probably some delay because they are giving away a new form letter that is different from the old one. I'm hoping and praying to that I will get mine today <3

  • WifeNMudder

    My son left on Tuesday and we received the CALL at 12:55am that night. We were on our way back from Houston to Dallas after having to haul it down there to pick up my sister who was stranded after her began flooding. Having something like spending the next 14 hours trying to find a way through flood waters to pick her up and get back sure did take my mind off his deployment and occupied my emotions.

  • NNLori

    Hey Jamie what FB site is telling you this. I joined Navy Recruit Training Command. I didn't see anything on there unless I don't know where to look. Thanks!
  • JamieA

    NNLori,  make sure you join the GROUP with name "Navy Recruit Training Command (RTC) - Great Lakes - BOOT CAMP AND BEYOND" pm me your fb name so I can add you <3

  • partyofseven

    How do I find that group? Is it on here or fb? And is it just for A school in Chicago?
  • NavyMamaB

    JamieA will you please add me as well. Betty Renteria my profile pic is a black and white picture of me and my recruit
  • JamieA

    Sure i will add you! :)
  • JamieA

    partyofseven - it's on fb group, just type it the group's name and request to join :)
  • JennBNavyMom

    Did you girls get your address letter??? I just got mine today! October 20th PIR date. I'm so excited!!
  • Lisarenee

    Yes I got my PIR letter today also! Yes counting down the days.....Oct. 20th!!
  • JennBNavyMom

  • partyofseven

    JennBNavyMom, Lisarenee, and 4HisGlory17,

    That is fantastic!!! Yay!! Now when did your sons/daughter ship off? Mine shipped out on Monday and I just got the note from fedex that they have his box. I was so excited!! yay!! So now that I hear your guys good news, I hope my form letter comes sooner rather than later. :) Praise God we got some good news today. Hugs to everyone!!

  • partyofseven

    Good Morning everyone,

    Is this not working? I can't update anything?

  • Green2Blue

    I just got back in.  I joined the facebook group listed below, too. I am kind of curious if they will have their last PIR day tomorrow.  Does anyone know if they finish that up on Saturday or do they have to wait until Tuesday?

  • JamieA

    Hi everyone! Any of your recruits on SHIP 14, USS ARIZONA DIV 333??
  • partyofseven

    Hey, glad it's now working. Lol I'm not sure. Your boy is two weeks ahead of me. I got my slip for my box yesterday, I was so happy. Lol The box should be here today. 

    Oh I can't wait till I get the form, letters. How are you?

  • Green2Blue

    partyofseven-I am hoping we get our box today.  We are just the next state over from GL, so hoping it is a shorter shipping time. The long holiday weekend makes it an even longer wait for the box and form letter!

  • partyofseven

    Hi JaimeA,

    I just asked to join the group. Thanks so much for telling us about it. :)

  • JennBNavyMom

    Ship 14 division 334
  • partyofseven

    Hey Green2Blue,

    Yes hopefully it will come today. I joined that group that JaimeA was taking about. I am now waiting for approval. I'm glad there is so much information for us and how everyone is so supportive. 

  • partyofseven

    JaimeA and 4HIsGlory17,

    JaimeA still waiting for that letter and 4HisGlory17 mine is behind your. He shipped out on 8/28. The waiting doesn't get any easier it seems but I'm getting my box today and I'm so excited. Lol Even thou I know it's just gonna be his clothes. :)

  • JamieA

    Hi partyofseven - you're very welcome! :)

  • NNLori

    I got my letter!! Ship 14 Div 333 PIR 10/20!!

  • Leslie

    Partyof7 --same boat here. Looks like I am getting the box but still no form letter. Seems like these milestones help get us get through this. Stay strong mama!
  • partyofseven

    yay Leslie that's awesome. yes it's these milestones that we will celebrate. I will and you to. Hugs!!

  • partyofseven


    that is great. When did your ship out again? 

  • NNLori
