900's division sailors

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  • proudnavywife&mom

    Is it true 900 divisions do not take part in their own PIR if they are not holding a flag or in the band? I heard some work behind the scenes this makes no sense to me, wouldn't the other 900 division behind them work their PIR so they could march in the hall and pass by &be reviewed like everyone else? ????
  • Luce1960

    My daughter is carrying a flag. They are performing in 10/3 & 10th PIR, which you can livestream to catch a glimpse.
  • proudnavywife&mom

    Mine is 945 PIR 9/19 says his duties are in a back room with officers?? I am wondering if I will get to see him I can't believe some are not visible on their own PIR ????
  • proudnavywife&mom

    Waiting for the I am a Sailor call after battle stations to see if he knows anything. My other son just graduated in a 200 division carrying a flag the ceremony is awesome I just find it hard to believe some do not get to take part in their own PIR.
  • NavyMom93

    proudnavywife&mom, it is very likely that you will not get to see him during the ceremony.  My son graduated in a 900 division in April.  He was a greeter, so I got to see him (and hug him!) as we went through the doors.  But he was not on the drill floor.  He and the other greeters sat on the bleachers during the ceremony. 

  • proudnavywife&mom

    Thank you Navy Mom I think this is something RTC should look into changing
  • proudnavywife&mom

    I am hearing his division will be Hall of Fame division how sad is that when they have worked so hard to then get to sit in the bleachers or behind closed doors serving cake when PIR stands for pass in review & they do not get to do it.I just think that is a terrible way to graduate?? I am going to address it with RTC for future 900 divisions .
  • Patti18

    I am a little lost with the conversations. Is Div 945 doing BS this Tuesday before PIR?

  • NavyMom93

    I know, proudnavywife&mom, I was disappointed, too.  It was hard to know that I wouldn't even be able to see him out on the floor. I will say this, though: I know it bothered me more than it bothered him.  I don't think he was bothered at all by it.  He had a job to do, and he did it well, and in the end we had a wonderful graduation and reunion. We have such good memories of it all!  The hardest part was putting him on that plane at 3:00 A.M.!

  • jennifer

    Hey ladies, anyone else PIR 10/24/14 ship 02 div 950? We have created a fb just for us and I want to invite you to join us.
  • jennifer

    And am i really reading all this correctly, after all my son will be put through and do he won't be on the floor in the hall to celebrate his pir ????
  • A's_momma_Erin

    For those worried about not seeing your sailor on the floor during PIR, it really depends on what they do in their 900 division. There are the Band/Bluejacket Choir/Drill team, otherwise known as Triple Threat (the musicians, singers, and drill team), the Sticks (those who carry the state flags), and the Ship Staff/Honor Guard (the body snatchers, those who guard various things...) My son was in the choir and they performed right in front of our section. Flags will be on the floor presenting the flags. If yours is a body snatcher you may see them since they are there to help if any sailor faints. Hope this helps...
  • Shelbysmom

    I received 2 letters in the mail today from my daughter.  She is in DIV 950.  I hope others with SR's in that division got letters today to.  She is doing great and said their Div is really close.

  • Josh'sDad

    Tickets bought, rental car reserved, room booked. Check, check, check. We are go! For PIR. Now just need SR to do his part....
  • Luce1960

    Joshsdad, PIR is 10/17? 5 weeks. it's going fast, thank God.
  • Josh'sDad

    Luce, yeah, same PIR as your SR. I think our SRs are in same Div. 949?
  • Luce1960

    I forgot. mine is carrying Washington flag.
  • Josh'sDad

    Mine is TN.
  • Luce1960

    What is TN?
  • Josh'sDad

    Hoping Joseph can get to PIR. He's a good dude, would love to see him and his SR reunited.
  • Luce1960

    I private message Joseph. Love him, great kid.
  • Josh'sDad

    TN is Tennessee.
  • Austins mom

    just found at last friday my son is in a 900 div. I don't know if he was picked or he just volunteered. Gotta ask that question now when I hear from him or write it in a letter. So what's everybody elses kid doing in that div? I heard there's lots of jobs in this  div. My common sense thinking, he could doing rifles since that's his favorite and knows his way around guns. I STILL have not heard from my son yet as its to soon since he just went in 9/9.  And anyone know how its going with you're all's kid? I'm SOOOO dying to know what his job is.  I know he did fairly well on his asvab scores and he he lifted weights alot before he went in. So he's in great shape.  I was told that could've been why he's there in 900 div. I'm still waiting on his first form letter for an address. What can anyone tell me about 900 div and what YOUR kid is or has been doing. 

  • Austins mom

    I guess I SHOULD ask this, what constitutes them being IN the 900 div, IF they ARE selected for it? Or CAN they choose?

  • ambermc

    Austins mom, my understanding is that MUs (who will be musicians in the Navy) automatically get in the 900 division, and others volunteer or are selected.  When my boyfriend arrived, they asked which were MUs, and they were put in 900.  He plays trumpet.  As a musician, he practices with the band a few hours on Saturday, which is priceless because he usually practices hours daily. Better some than none!

    He may be carrying a state flag at PIR, or in drill team as you suspect, or even doing a behind-the-scenes job.  Let us know when you find out! :)

  • Austins mom

    OK Thank You very much, ambermc.  Cause I went nuts when I thought it was JUST for musically inclined people. He was NEVER in band or NEVER played an instrument.  Had heard there were drills, and rifles, and flags, and even body catchers. lol.  Now I cannot wait to find out.  Will let you know hopefully soon.  Thanks again. This stuff's new to me now that he's fully in.

  • azmom

    I know I might be a little late posting about being not being able to see your SR out on the floor. My son was in the 900 his PIR was 3/28/14. He told me that is a volunteer division. It is an honor to be a part of this division.  Although it was great to watch him perform for the time that he did, it was far outweighed by that first hug. I 100% agree with NavyMom93, the hardest part is putting them on that plane. So from one Navy mom to another, look forward to enjoying PIR and that awesome first hug. The ceremony is amazing and that hug is even better. You can get through this time apart by holding on to that and with the support of other Navy moms.

  • proudnavywife&mom

    Thank you AZMOM ☺
  • kim


    My son leaves for BC next week and he was talking to us about being in a 900 division. He sang in the top choir in high school, received 1s at state and even had a music scholarship for a small college before he changed his mind and decided to go into the navy. Can anyone tell me how SR gets into a 900 division and are there any benefits to it. Seems like it would just add more stress to an already stressful situation. Sorry for being so long winded.
  • cruisefan

    I just got my son's form letter and found out he is in Division 952, which apparently is Sticks.  Looking forward to watching him perform!

  • Josh'sDad

    Kim, he can volunteer to be in the drill division, BUT, no guarantee he'd be in the Blue Jacket choir. My son played trumpet in HS marching band, but he is in a "sticks" or flag division. The division formed behind his in the next training group is "Triple Threat" (band, choir, rifles) the division after that will be Honor Guard/staff. And so on..
  • Austins mom

    Anybody else's kid in div 952? I hope I get a call this coming week. Dying to know what his job is. Does the 900 div's not get to participate in actual graduation? If that's so, when and where or how will they get recognized?

  • cruisefan

    My son is in Div 952.  I got his form letter on Friday and am hoping for a call this week too.  I know this division will perform the flag ceremony at the beginning of PIR, but I don't know what happens to them after that.  I assume they are still recognized though; they just don't parade in like the other divisions cuz they're already there.

  • proud2babbysmom

    My Sr is ship 02 div 949 anyone else?
  • Shannons mom

    My daughter is on ship2 div 901.. Any moms out there with a child on the same?
  • kim

    Does anyone know if 900 divisions include singers. I just found out from my sons recruiter that he is in Div 902...he was never in marching band or played an instrument, but he was a top vocalist at his hs and got a vocal music scholarship to college.
  • MommaBB

    Kim, My son is in DIV 948 staff/honor guard. There are three diff 900 DIV so I would think that Div 902 is also a staff/honor guard. if you search on top for 900 div there is a page that explains how and what they do.

  • A's_momma_Erin

    Kim, back in December (PIR 1-24-14) my son was Div 911 and was a singer. Not sure how they decide which ones are what...
  • kim

    MommaBB...did your son like doing that? Was he bummed to not get to walk in with the rest for graduation? Was it a lot more work than being in a regular division?
  • kimik303 (02/901)

    Hi Shannons Mom.... My son is also in 02/901 PIR 11/14!  Have you also joined the 02/901facebook group?

  • Shannons mom

    Kimik303..yes I joined that page on FB :)
  • MommaBB

    Kim sorry took so long getting back to you. My son loved being in div 948. He said it was extra work but he also said that there was a certain respect for them. The staff div have responsibilities during PIR and will know what to do when. He didn't mind not being able to line up like the other div. Only about 20 or 25 of his div is actually seen during the ceremony. The rest r in the back making sure all special guests and brass have what they needed. And some were helping medical. U wud b surprised how many sailors almost pass out. My son was body snatcher. He stood at back of formations and walked up and down the ranks making sure no one was going to face plant! So we got to see him the whole time. The staff guard is different from the other two 900 div because these guys don't play or sing or march. They almost seem like authority out there. They help run the PIR. If u watch the live stream u will c what I mean. Remember it means nothing after boot camp but I think it helps them gain confidence and leadership.
  • MommaBB

    My son got selected for 948 because he was tall, had military bearing when he walked past the RDC on the way to the head, and he scored well on asvab. He has no musical background and never was on any drill team or performance group ever! But he loved being a part of the staff guard!
  • MommaBB

    As far as extra work goes they had practice on sat afternoons. His div was able to handle the extra work no problem. The PIR'd with 11 flags, (that's all of them) honor div, hall of fame div, and captains Cup winners! So was it extra work? Yes. Did make them a stronger div? Absolutely!
  • twonoisybirds

    Got the form letter today! Ship 002 Div 903 PIR 11/26/2014 :)

  • C'sMom

    I am still waiting for the form letter, but the recruiter told me that my son is Ship 2, Div 904, PIR 12/05/14. He played the Alto Sax in HS, but nothing since.
  • Taralynn

    my son is on ship 2  div 950 with PIR 10-24-14


  • Taralynn

    how do u find info on the 900 div?


  • twonoisybirds

    Ship 2 div 903 calling - just got a call ! He sounded great & we r so happy!
  • navygurlsaunt

    I'm waiting for the form letter, but just talked with my son's recruiter who told me my son is Ship 2, Div 906, PIR 12/12/14. WooHoo....