900's division sailors

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  • Navymom904

    Ship 02 Div 904 PIR 12/05. Super excited!

  • Navymom904

    We've gotten out  flights - booked, (check), hotel - reserved (check), and next car rental.... I am very excited to see my recruit (soon to be sailor) very soon!   44 Days!  Yes, I am counting until the day! 

  • FlBroomie

    Can anyone tell me what "Wacky Wednesday" is on the Navy trainig command face book page  ?

  • TatersMomma

    Wacky Wednesday's is where they show to pictures and you have to be the first to spot all the differences. If you win you get to pick which division you'd like a picture posted of.
  • TatersMomma

    I'm always on my mobile so the pictures are too small for me to really see but I am hoping someone picks division 903 someday. :)
  • FlBroomie

    Thanks all for clearing the Wacky Wednesday up for me 

  • Navymom904

    5 Fridays to go....and counting! 

  • cpbMom 02/903

    Blessednavymom which div is your SR in?
  • Navymom904

    904, and yours cpbMom?

  • cpbMom 02/903

    903, haven't found many in 903.
  • TatersMomma

    Just us 2 903ers?
  • cpbMom 02/903

    TatersMomma - I have found 3 others but I'm not good at navigating websites so don't see them on much.  They are nhhmmom, Kay's mom, and twonoisybirds.  I have friended them so I can find them.  Can't figure out how to friend you.

  • cpbMom 02/903

    OK got someone at work to help. sent request.  I am learning so much doing this.  :-)

  • Navymom904

    cpbmom, what is your SR's PIR date?

  • cpbMom 02/903

  • Kay's Mom

    Hi my SR is in 903. I just stumbled across this post this morning. She will graduate 11/26 and her A school is at GL.

  • cpbMom 02/903

    903 are getting calls. Did well today so got phone call. She sounded really good. Can't wait to see all these lovely sailors at graduation.
  • ScottsMom ship 02 DIV 949

    I have created some great journal pages to memorialize our memories and feelings while our SR's are/were in boot camp.

    I hope you like the latest one:


  • Sonya Momof2Recruits

    Hi everyone!  I have twin boys that have been at BC for a week now.  They are in DIV 907 and are on the rifle team.  

  • twonoisybirds

    Hi fellow 903's :) - very excited 11/26 PIR is almost here- can't believe it! This week I picked some stuff to decorate hotel door - hope he'll like it! If anyone learns of the Battlestations date for ship 2 div 903 please private message me. My SR hasn't mentioned it yet in his letters. Have a great day
  • cpbMom 02/903

    twonoisybirds hopefully someone has told you. If not tell me how to private message you, cpbmom :-)

  • Trecia

    My daughter just left for bc yesterday.  Today her recruiter told us she is in the 900 division.  I don't even know what that means really! 

  • Vickie360

    I'm just curious. I haven't talked to the recruiter that much. Do they keep track of our kids at boot camp? Do you just call them and see if they have any info?
  • Trecia

    Our daughter's recruiter told my husband we could call him the day after she went and he could look up her address and PIR date.  And he did!  I don't think they keep track necessarily, just that they are able to look them up in the system.

  • Trecia

    My daughter is in ship 2, Div 910.  Her PIR is 1/16/15.  Anyone else out there will recruits in same Div?

  • AprilB

    My son is Ship 2 Div 910 also!  So excited for him!

  • cjsmallfry

    Hi all.  Anyone else have a salor in Ship 02 Div 908 with a PIR of 12/31/14?

  • Mattie

    And pls excuse my typos
  • AprilB

    Alexandria's mom Victoria - there are a few of us with SR's in ship 2, Div 910! :)

  • Trecia

    Alexandria's mom; Victoria - My daughter is on ship 2  div 910 as well.

  • cjsmallfry

    Can an alumni please tell me what a weapons petty officer does and do they preform at PIR?   Thanks    Also, you can learn about what a Triple Threat is here:  http://navyformoms.com/group/pir12312014/page/800-and-900-divisions

  • Jaldermom

    My son, ship 02/Div908, was appointed weapons petty officer for his unit.  Told us he is responsible for checking the sentries weapons at night, a responsibility that for the time, he loves.

  • cjsmallfry

    Hi Jaldermom,   There must be two as that is what my Son said he was as well (he is in ship 02/908)  I'm sure they know each other.   :o)

  • Navywife2015

    My husband left for bootcamp Nov.24th he is in Ship 02 Div.911 anyone else have a loved onein the same division?
  • MommyL

    ByrdNavyWife, My son is Ship 02 Div 911. Is your husband a driller?


  • Jacobsmom95

    My son is on Ship 2 Div 911!

  • MommyL

    Jacobsmom, mine too!
  • Melanie

    My son is Ship 02 DIV 911.  His PIR is 23 Jan 2015.

  • crystalgayle525

    After reading all of the info on the 900 division, I am starting to worry that my son's recruiter gave me the wrong mailing address. I was told he is Ship 02, DIV 912 and PIR date is 01/30/2015. I have yet to hear from my son to verify the info but now I am worried he wont get any of the mail we sent him.

  • ncnavymom53

    Hello all, my son is on ship 02 div 911 I have only received the "I made it here" phone call his PIR date is on 1/23/2015 anyone else have son/daughter on this ship and same PIR date....did you all hear from them yet?

  • MommyL

    Yes, NC. My boys on that ship and div. Something to be very proud of indeed.
  • MommyL

    Oh, no I havent heard from him other than: made it safe and form letter.
  • MommyL

    Ship 2
    02 Div 911 would you want to connect on a facebook page? This site is awesome for info but I find it difficult to navigate and respond.
  • Melanie

    MommyLinda I'd like to connect on a FB Page, I'm having the same issues navigating here.


  • Jacobsmom95

    I heard from my son on Monday. It was a quick question and literally only a few seconds. I know he called his girlfriend and they talked for awhile. Missing him so much!
  • Dachshund28

    Hello I was just recommended to this site my son is on Shio 02 Div 911 I don't know yet how they differ from others but someone said to join this site to learn more.
  • AprilB

    Letter from the boy today!  All is well, but he is missing home.  So glad to hear from him!

  • ncnavymom53

    Has anyone gotten calls from ship 02 Div 911 other then the I am here call 

  • ncnavymom53

    Has anyone gotten calls from ship 02 Div 911 other then the I am here call 

  • Kris

    Ncnavymom53, I'm still waiting for the call!