

Seminole, FL

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
I am a retired dispatcher of 28 years. Just opened my own business. I have numerous hobbies. Married to a Police Chief I am a mother of 4 sons, 1 step son and 2 stepdaughters. My sailor is my youngest
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
It's a family
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

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  • Hawaiianleo

    Correction....I had a slight change...I won't be wearing my Seahawks sweatshirt...I will have a DIV904 Sweatshirt with a Kraken (Octopus) on the back of it.  Maybe see you there! Cheers!


  • NavyMom2014

    I found you on the "Moms of GMs" page.  My son's PIR was also on 12-5-14 and was on hold until the beginning of March I think and was also on the Essex.  He has 5 weeks to go for A school and I don't remember what the name of the ship is he is on now.  I wonder if they know each other?  I am counting down the days and hoping he gets to come home before he reports to his next station.  We are very excited for him and to see where he is going next on his life's adventure and journey!!

  • lemonelephant

    Make at least change 3 at the bottom of OPSEC and PERSEC (Making Changes to Your Profile) (clickable link).

    There may be other changes you need to make as well, so read and consider each of the changes.

    Another change that I recommend that is mentioned in change 1 is to change the ZIP Code to one that is not easily associated with you or your Sailor.