

Olympia, WA

United States

Profile Information:

A little about me:
Proud dad of a daughter who served in the Navy and now is out and back in college and now a son who is at Boot Camp with a PIR on 12/5/14.
I am here to support my
Stage of (Sailor’s) Navy career?
When I heard “Navy,” I...
Was proud and encouraged it
The Navy offers opportunities that...
it was a great investment no matter how long you chose to remain active.
Our Navy experience so far...
It was positive and maturing. Our relationship has grown stronger.

Comment Wall:

  • Navy for Moms Admin

    Welcome to NAVYForMoms!

    You will find this site very helpful and full of members who are eager to answer your questions. Browse around the site and check out the forums, groups, blogs, photos, videos, and even the other member profiles!

    If you haven’t already, please make sure that you review our Community Guidelines to learn the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the community. Also, check out this Internet OPSEC Safety Video and this Survival Guide for NavyForMoms Newbies that was created by one of our members.

    Enjoy your time here! I look forward (along with the community) to reading more about you! :)


  • FlBroomie

    Look for us tomorrow. My husband was asked by his son ,our sailor to wear his uniform to P.I.R. Would love to meet you

  • FlBroomie

    I am so sorry we missed you at the meet and greet. We were actually next to you. We were at the table next to the food tables. I was the redhead with the black sweater with the poinsettias on the top front. I was having trouble reading the name tags  I am terribly near sighted even with my glasses.My son is staying in Great Lakes to go to A school. Keep in touch and if you are ever in the Tampa area stop by and see the Chief of Police in Indian Shores Florida right on the beach. Congrats to your son!