900's division sailors

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  • MamaRete

    No call yet. We are driving distance 5 to 6 hours. Already booked Holiday Inn Express as it was rated well and already bought a Groupon for Hunan Buffet in Waukegan (rated really well) as my SR loves asian buffets. Yayy

  • MyboyAllgrownup

    If I get a call on Easter it would absolutely make my day! Does anyone know if the area code will be Ill or just unrestricted call? Don't want to decline any number I don't know so I am answering everything!
  • Sunshinesmom

    Has anyone with PIR of May 15th gotten a call yet?  Anxiously waiting.  

  • Mamakweenb

    Hello all! Anyone receive a call from 928? I was so hoping to get a call from my son. ♡♡♡

  • Sunshinesmom

    Got a call from my sweet SR. today finally! Yay! I was so happy. He sounded good, but said he's had a cold since he got there. Said the first couple of weeks were "boring", but knows the "fun" stuff is starting soon. Lol He was one of the lucky ones who got his wisdom teeth pulled. He said they did it this last Thursday. He said he enjoyed the two days of SIQ. Haha!
    I could hear the RDC's yelling at other recruits in the background. It was kinda funny, but so loud! My son says they don't yell like that all the time. He said the food is pretty good. He said they even had ribs the other night! Wow! Anyway, so I am a happy momma and more at ease now that I've heard his voice. He's in Div 927 for those wondering.
  • MyboyAllgrownup

    Yes! Got my call on Easter too!!my boy said all was well, asked me to pay his cellphone bill and said he looks forward to me seeing him on May 15th!! What an awesome Easter present. He said he got on ship two because they asked all athletes to stand up and seperated them..lol actually pretty funny. He sounded good..I was listening for any breaks but there were none...this is one proyd mama!
  • Sunshinesmom

    Yay, MyboyAllgrownup!  Glad to hear you got your phone call!  Sounds like Ship 02 is a great one if our boys are happy.  :)

  • MyboyAllgrownup

    Yes it seem it is! Can't wait to see them soon!
  • garden gal

    Hi, My son doesn't leave for bootcamp for a while, but he will be a prime candidate for a 900 division. good ASVAB and former Music Education major in college (tuba). So I am "trying" to figure out the possible rotation between the 3 types of 900 divisions to guess what might be coming up when he goes.  I know that some weeks they have 2 & some weeks none, but in prior years it looks like that mostly happens around Christmas.  Can any of you let me know which type of 900 division your recruits are in?

  • garden gal

    Another place on Navy for Mom's I found this description:

    There are 3 types of 900 divisions. There are the Band/Bluejacket Choir/Drill team, otherwise known as Triple Threat (the musicians, singers, and drill team), the Sticks (those who carry the state flags), and the Ship Staff/Honor Guard (the body snatchers, those who guard various things...). So I was trying to guess which one would be being filled the week he gets there.  Probably a futile exercise I know, but I am a planner (OK, maybe a little bit of a helicopter) & I don't have too much left to research right now to keep me from going crazy waiting for his time to go. :)

  • navy1985

    Hi terry's mom. My son (29) is in division 928 ship 02. He has  Bachelors (FSU), Masters (Penn State) and certificate of performance (DePaul). He is a french horn player. So in the brass world too. Like Sunshinesmom, I think you might be talking about the different things that recruits do in division 900's. From what I've read 900 divisions is mainly for musicians, high scores in ASFAV's, people with marching and music experience, etc. So the 9 stands for that... then the last 2 digits represent the week of the year they were assigned to a division. I believe it starts with 901 the first week of September when the fiscal year starts. So right now he would be assigned to a division higher than at least 928 or 929, since a couple of weeks has gone by since my son was assigned to 928.

  • garden gal

    Thanks. Maybe I misunderstood. I thought they made one of the types one week, then a different type the next week but maybe not.  It might make sense though if 927 is flags & 938 is musicians, then 930 would probably be ships staff/honor guard.  Is anyone out there has a recruit in 926 I would be interested in their role.

  • Sunshinesmom

    Also, if you have JROTC or ROTC experience, you can be chosen for 900 divisions.  That's how my son was chosen.

  • Sunshinesmom

    navy1985, is your son heading to OCS after boot camp?

  • garden gal

    OK.  I guess I read it wrong.  Thanks

  • navy1985

    Sunshinesmom No he still has to go to the Navy School Of Music in Norfolk for 6 months. I'm sure those are going to be 6 long months, since he has gone through all the music school he can go through. I guess OCS is down the road.

  • Sunshinesmom

    A few years ago, I lived right down the street from the Navy School of Music.  It's not actually at Norfolk.  It's on base at JB Little Creek/Ft. Story.  Great location!   We loved living there!

  • navy1985

    Sunshinesmom. Thx for the comment on Little Creek. It's good to hear good things about Little Creek. That'll be his home for 6 months. We're going to drive his car from Chicago. Any suggestions as to where to stay? We'll be there for about 4 days.
  • Travis' mom

    I was wondering where I can find details for the meet and greet. I have found a web site that explains a little, but I didn't know if we needed to RSVP? I have also read people's facebook posts about center pieces and don't recall seeing anything about this.
  • MyboyAllgrownup

    My boy just called (his last and final call) to say after graduation he is going to Pensacola, FL and to bring his phone with me to the airport so he can get it!  PIR is 5/15/15 so I'll be there with whistles on!  this is one proud momma!

  • Michelle0206

    So happy to have found this page! We got our first phone call 4/12 and what a wonderful surprise! Our son talked quite a while, animatedly, without any negative things to say. He seemed to be doing fine, having fun, making friends, staying out of trouble and not attracting the attention of the DIs. When I asked if there was anything difficult, all he said was he was sick, (suspect a reaction to the antibiotic), and never having time to do anything he wants. Not bad!
    I knew he was Ship 2, Div 928, and that he was singing and keeping cadence, but beyond that no more.
    We didn't get a call this past Sunday and I was bummed. So I got on Navyformoms and looked up more about the division.
    Thanks to this resource, I found out that beyond the normal busy and tiring schedule, these guys and girls have beyond what the other recruits have on their plates. Wow! How helpful that was to learn...now I can continue to support him with lots of letters, no guilt trips about not writing or calling. He has to concentrate on his challenges there, and I have to trust him in the Navy and GOD's competent hands. Thanks everyone for this wealth of information! God bless you all, and your recruits. Sounds like they have a great group,
  • Sunshinesmom

    navy1985, there is a Navy Lodge on Little Creek that you could try and get a room at.  There is also a Navy Gateway Inn as well.  Both are right by the Exchange and Commissary and right down the road from the movie theater, gym, and the beach.  If you want to stay off base or if there is no availability on base, you can also try the beach cottages at Ft. Story, which is right down the road from Little Creek base.  

  • nkg4

    PIR 06/12/15 Ship 2 Div 931. I can finally breathe...now for the wait!

  • nkg4

    I see lots of calls received from those SR in the 200's division with PIR 06/12/15.

    Do they go in numerical order for the division? If so, then I can expect that my SR in Div 931 will be one of the last ones to get the chance to call home?

  • S and L

    My daughter is Ship 2 DIV 931 , Left on 4/12/15 haven't heard from her but I have sent letters.
  • Cassababy

    I haven't received the form letter but I found out from his recruiter that he is on Ship 2, PIR 6/19/15, shipped 4/22/15, which should put him in DIV 932.

    I can't wait for a phone call so I can hear about his division!

  • mztessa1

    I received an email from my SR recruiter and was given Ship 2/Div 934.  I am still waiting on the form letter from them for verification.  However, I did read that Div 934 is Triple Threat (I'm wondering which my SR is participating on as I know they were in the choir in high school and shooting was great in ROTC) I guess I will have to wait and see.

  • MyboyAllgrownup

    @ Sherrie0530, they select them based on past talents. My son is in 927 and he said when he got there they were asked who were athelics i. High school and he raised his hand and was placed with flags. Not that he knew anything about flags bcz he played football and track. They will make sure she is somewhere that mirrors some type of talent she already possesses. At least now you have the form letter so your call should be soon. She is just as anxious as you are..hope that helps.
  • Alcmom

    Div 933 PIR 6/26/15

    Any moms out there?? Any letters yet? Let's keep in touch on here!
  • NavyAunt

    Div 933 PIR 6/26/15

    Have not received any letters or call as of today.

  • NavyAunt

    My niece is Ship 02 Div 933. Her brother received the first letter today. It was postmarked May 11th.

  • NavyAunt

    Got call from niece Div 933!! She sounded happy and upbeat.
  • Rhonda

    When did your sr ship for those that received calls from 933
  • NavyAunt

    My niece is ship 02 Div 933 and she shipped April 28th.
  • AshleyT

    My SR is Ship 2 Div 934 PIR is 07/02- so it looks like div 933 started 2 weeks prior to div 934... Hopefully with all these calls t home for div 933 i'm hoping in 2 weeks i can hear from my SR. Does anyone know if they can make more than one phone call on Sundays?

  • AshleyT

    Thank you Sherrie0530

  • mztessa1

    Has anyone received letters from their SR in Div 934 yet?
  • Rhonda

    @mztessa1 not yet. My son is in 934 also
  • AshleyT

    Nothing from 934 yet. My boyfriend is in 934. Waiting anxiously everyday.
  • Mightymouse

    Both my husband and I each received a phone call today, and our son had time to call his grandparents and great aunt!  I talked about 25 minutes with him.  AND, the letter came today!  Our son is in Div 935 Ship 02.  Such a good day!

  • Rhonda

    Does anyone know if navy lodge allows early check in?
  • NavyAunt

    Got call from niece Div 933! Was good to talk to her. She sounded good! Had nothing to complain about. So glad she is doing well.
  • ProudNavyMom

    Hi everyone... my son is on Ship2 Div 935.  Anyone else??

  • Mightymouse

    Another surprise call from our son. He passed a practice test with a perfect score along with 8 others. They all were given a question to answer and he did it! Reward? A phone call home.
  • ProudNavyMom

    Received my first letter today from my son he's doing very well he made master at arms and his second and lead of his division. So proud he's doing well he says he's tired the long 4:30 AM to 10 PM days but says it's all worth it.
  • Angie

    I'm in Heaven right now. I got 3 letters from my son and I got to see a picture of him posted on recruit training command facebook page. Right up close!! He looks so grown up :( but very handsome and am very proud of him. This is the hardest thing I've ever experienced in my life. Letting go, no control. I know in the end it will be good. God is good! He is in division 931 ship 02 for others looking for pics in that division. It is the first set of pics. They are wearing their firefighting uniforms, all in blue.

  • ProudNavyMom

    I know how you feel Angie saw my son Div 935 they have changed so much but all for the better. I have so much mixed emotions, but a choice he made and a good decission to better himself and his future.
  • MD. Girl

    I'm so happy I received my letter from my daughter she's in division 937 PIR July 24 now 8 letters just went out. I'm loving her handwriting by the way
  • mztessa1

    Hi everyone,
    It is with regret that I will be sinning off the site my SR is being sent home due to medical issues. I'm so devastated but I'm still proud of her efforts. However due to the medical illness she won't be able to go further. She's been removed from her division into the other division awaiting processing. Please continue to pray for me and my family as I will continue to keep you all in my daily prayers. It's been such a pleasure getting to know you all and I'm saddened that I won't get to meet you all 7/1. Again congratulations and good luck.
  • NavyAunt

    Hope all is well for everyone. I am sadden to say that I will be leaving this division due to my niece having to move to ship 04 div 2341. She has some stress fractures that need to heal and then she will be put into another div to finish BC and graduation with. Best of luck to all your sailors!