My boyfriend sent a letter and he said that a lot of the guys are fighting and not getting along in his DIV (945) and apparently all the girls are telling the guys that they need to start falling for them and I guess he is really sick and tired of it all. it makes me wish I could be there to comfort him and it sucks that I cant. :(
Emily & Proudmama.......don't you feel proud and anxious all at the same time? I was doing real well with all of this until I got the call last Monday from my SR about her eardrum rupturing. Now it all seems up in the air as to what will happen next. Like will this detain her PIR? Will she keep her rate? Ugggghhhhh! I'm so anxious to know how she is doing with her ear.
Just found out that my son was moved from his original Div 352 to Div 949. He just called my DIL to tell her that he had been moved & said he really likes his chief & the division.
Navymom0602, my grandson is Ship 02 Div 950. I think I understand this, but there are so many 9xx numbers that are only group 900 defined. Can you shed any light? Ginny (aka connect...)
Ginny, hope all is well. In my research I have found that all numbers (947,948,949,950,901) are in general referred to as 900 divisions. The numbers in the 900 division are assigned particular jobs. Example: 948-sticks (flags), 949-triple threat(band,chorus etc.), 950(ship staff/honor guard). Then it starts over with 901. If you go to the group Boot Camp Moms or PIR 10-23-15 group you can look to the right scroll down an see a tab that you can tap on for more information on 800 and 900 divisions. I hope I've helped. There are so many others that are more knowledgeable if this has not answered your question. Take care!
Navymom0602 and lemon elephant, I've been reading lots today and had sorta figured that 950 refers to all 900s that will PIR in the TG 50 based on he Training fiscal year. Since I don't think my grandson would be considered musician or drill, I have assumed Ship Staff/Honor Guard or flags (sticks?). Think I'm more comfortable that this is an ok step and that he hasn't changed his intended contract...or needs help with some aspect of boot camp. Y'all are a blessing (oops, that was a southern word). Thanks for your help.
My son is Ship 02, Div 948 with 10-9-15 PIR. Everywhere I read it says 948 is sticks (flags) but he says he's head of the drumline and keeping cadence for PIR on the snare. It's confusing. Received one official call a week ago Sunday (with a couple of security clearance calls days prior) and 2 letters. Would love to know more about how the overall group is doing and how that impacts them all.
My daughter is in that same division. She's playing the bass drum, so it is the drumline. She loves it. She said they practice for three hours on Saturdays and that's the highlight of her week.
My son was in the 942 and it too was called "Sticks". Many of them carried state flags. He, however, was a snare drummer in the drum line. So the term "Sticks" doesn't exclude recruits from filling other roles in support of the PIR. In his case he played for two PIR's before his own graduation.
Somewhere I read that the "sticks" divisions also have the drumline and that there is a separate percussion section in the Triple Threat division band (which also has the chorus & drill team). The honor guard seems like maybe it is part of the ship staff divisions. When I watched the PIR videos it does look like there is a separate drumline for the flags than the percussion playing with the band. But I'm no expert on this.
mmpr9133, Check out The PAO posts random photos randomly. The PAO does not usually identify the division/s photoed, so you have to look through all of them. There is no guarantee that your recruit will be photoed, but it is fun to look at the photos and get an idea of what is happening at the RTC. They do not have pages that follow a particular division.
My DIL got a short letter Friday saying 949 was not going to be calling this weekend. Not a punishment, just calls were not scheduled - he didn't know why. I am wondering if it is because they are going into hell week & they probably have a lot to do this weekend.
Hello, anyone getting phone calls or updates? My son thought that he would be able to call on Sunday, no word. Hope all is going well there. I did watch their performance Friday,it was awesome! So exciting to see my son after so long. The 30th can't get here soon enough.
Also, I read somewhere that the 800 and 900 divisions go thru Battle Stations first, is there any truth to this or is it random who goes first, and when do they start?
Mj, 900 divisions can go through BST on any of the days for BST for the TG. It all depends on when the division filled and when they are ready. Sometimes that is first and sometimes it is last and sometimes it is in the middle. See Battle Stations-21 (BST).
Aug 21, 2015
Just found out that my SR made the Division 949 Group!!! So excited!!!
Aug 22, 2015
Aug 26, 2015
Emily and Looper12, I also have an SR on SHIP 02, DIV 945.
Aug 27, 2015
My boyfriend sent a letter and he said that a lot of the guys are fighting and not getting along in his DIV (945) and apparently all the girls are telling the guys that they need to start falling for them and I guess he is really sick and tired of it all. it makes me wish I could be there to comfort him and it sucks that I cant. :(
Aug 27, 2015
Aug 27, 2015
garden gal
Just found out that my son was moved from his original Div 352 to Div 949. He just called my DIL to tell her that he had been moved & said he really likes his chief & the division.
Aug 28, 2015
My daughter is in Div 949 and really likes the chief as well. She really likes the division.
Aug 30, 2015
Aug 30, 2015
My daughter is in Ship 02 Div 948, PIR 10/9/15.
Sep 3, 2015
Sep 5, 2015
Sep 6, 2015
garden gal
949 is calling now
Sep 6, 2015
Sep 6, 2015
Ginny (connectwithnavy) There will later be a discussion within PIR 10/23/2015 TG 50 for Division 950.
Sep 6, 2015
Sep 6, 2015
Ginny, no oops needed. Love the southern word.
Sep 7, 2015
My son is Ship 02, Div 948 with 10-9-15 PIR. Everywhere I read it says 948 is sticks (flags) but he says he's head of the drumline and keeping cadence for PIR on the snare. It's confusing. Received one official call a week ago Sunday (with a couple of security clearance calls days prior) and 2 letters. Would love to know more about how the overall group is doing and how that impacts them all.
Sep 9, 2015
My daughter is in that same division. She's playing the bass drum, so it is the drumline. She loves it. She said they practice for three hours on Saturdays and that's the highlight of her week.
Sep 9, 2015
Sail on Son
My son was in the 942 and it too was called "Sticks". Many of them carried state flags. He, however, was a snare drummer in the drum line. So the term "Sticks" doesn't exclude recruits from filling other roles in support of the PIR. In his case he played for two PIR's before his own graduation.
Sep 9, 2015
garden gal
Somewhere I read that the "sticks" divisions also have the drumline and that there is a separate percussion section in the Triple Threat division band (which also has the chorus & drill team). The honor guard seems like maybe it is part of the ship staff divisions. When I watched the PIR videos it does look like there is a separate drumline for the flags than the percussion playing with the band. But I'm no expert on this.
Sep 9, 2015
Buc'smom posted pictures of Div 945 today
Sep 10, 2015
Does anybody know what Div 952 is? Thank you!
Sep 13, 2015
Jyssicarm, The Page, 800 and 900 Divisions, within Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones) will be of interest to you since you have a recruit in a performing division. I believe that Division 952 is Triple Threat.
Sep 13, 2015
Jyssicarm, your other comments indicate that your recruit is in Division 951 and has PIR on 10/30/2015. I believe that Division 951 is Sticks/Flags.
Sep 13, 2015
Hi does anyone know where they are posting picture they take of the sailor that are attending boot camp right now?
Sep 17, 2015
mmpr9133, Check out The PAO posts random photos randomly. The PAO does not usually identify the division/s photoed, so you have to look through all of them. There is no guarantee that your recruit will be photoed, but it is fun to look at the photos and get an idea of what is happening at the RTC. They do not have pages that follow a particular division.
Sep 19, 2015
Any 900 divisions get calls this weekend?
Sep 20, 2015
I saw on face book that a few 948 moms got calls.
Sep 20, 2015
I have not @Arismom
Sep 20, 2015
garden gal
My DIL got a short letter Friday saying 949 was not going to be calling this weekend. Not a punishment, just calls were not scheduled - he didn't know why. I am wondering if it is because they are going into hell week & they probably have a lot to do this weekend.
Sep 20, 2015
There are some new pictures on the U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command facebook page of Division 949 during
Simulated Arms Marksmanship Trainer (SAMT.
Maybe you can spot you SR!!!!!
Sep 24, 2015
There are pics of DIV 945 at
Sep 25, 2015
Is there anyone else in this group with PIR 10/16/2015? If so please PM me. Thanks!
Sep 30, 2015
navymama, there is a discussion for Division 949 in PIR 10/16/2015 TG 49 - 9 Divisions (345-352 and 949).
Oct 1, 2015
Congratulations to the Division 949 on winning this week's Captain's Cup!
Oct 12, 2015
Oct 17, 2015
Oct 17, 2015
Oct 18, 2015
Oct 19, 2015
Oct 19, 2015
Got the call from my SR. He passed! He told me all of Div 950 passed! WTG DIV 950!!! We are so proud of all of you!
Oct 20, 2015
Oct 20, 2015
Laurie, have you received the form letter?
Oct 20, 2015
Mj, 900 divisions can go through BST on any of the days for BST for the TG. It all depends on when the division filled and when they are ready. Sometimes that is first and sometimes it is last and sometimes it is in the middle. See Battle Stations-21 (BST).
Oct 20, 2015
Oct 20, 2015
Oct 20, 2015
The Page, 800 and 900 Divisions, within Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones) will be of interest to you since you have a recruit in a performing division. I believe that Division 906 is Triple Threat.
Oct 20, 2015
Oct 20, 2015
Oct 20, 2015