900's division sailors

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  • SouthernCharm

    Yes Wendy ..mine is as well! :)
  • SouthernCharm

    Just booked my hotel room for PIR ..trying to decide if I'm going to fly or drive out there ..it's a 10 hr drive from here ..worried about the snow though.
  • Sis16sis

    Daughter is in ship2 division 914 doing well and is very excited for the next phase
  • SouthernCharm

    Linda did she call u today? Waiting on my call from my daughter ..she's on ship 2 Division 915 ..
  • Sis16sis

    We got a call yesterday it was great she was so positive about everything. She makes it a lot easier knowing she is fine
  • MamabearK

    My son is in Division 916....PIR 2/26/16.

  • lemonelephant

    MamabearK, I left info for you on your My Page.

  • AONick'sMom

    Hello all! My son is ship 02 div 915

  • Minnie

    Got my first letter from my son today! He dated it the 15th and got it today. Hope everyone gets theirs soon too if they haven't already!
  • AONick'sMom

    Good morning all. Hopefully we get some calls this weekend. :)

  • thisnurse_lovesasailor

    Good Morning everyone!

    I received my SO's formal letter this morning & he is Ship 02- Division 918. He graduates March 11, 2016.

  • Irene

    I also received my son's letter and he is in Ship 02, Div 918, too! He graduates March 11, too.  I was so excited when I saw it...i thought it was a letter from him. 

  • flcrakar

    Got form letter today! Confirmed! Ship 02 Div 918 PIR 3-11-16 :-) Happiness!

  • Brenda

    Hi everyone my husbands left for bootcamp on Jan 13th I received his form letter Saturday and he is in ship 02 div 918 his PIR is on 03/11/16
    Super excited :)!!!
  • tracya716

    My daughter is Ship 2 division 918. I got my letter today.
  • Sis16sis

    One week from today will be in Great Lakes for Friday's graduation. We can hardly wait.
  • Sis16sis

    One week from today will be in Great Lakes for Friday's graduation. We can hardly wait.
  • AONick'sMom

    Good morning 900 DIV! That's exciting Sis16sis, congrats to you and your sailor!

  • Sis16sis

    Just waiting on the I am a Sailor call
  • Maria - Michigan Mom

    Did any Division 915 moms get a call yesterday?
  • SouthernCharm

    I didn't Maria ..my daughter has called me once and it was on a Tues night 11pm...I'm always hoping for a Sunday call though! :)
  • AONick'sMom

    Me neither Maria. Hopefully today!

  • Clearwater

    Hi, I'm new to this Group! I got a call from my sailor just an hour ago! I have not received form letter yet. Please give me info about mailing address zip code for Div 920. Which zip code should I use, 60088-7105 or 60088-3156?

  • lemonelephant

    Clearwater, either ZIP Code will work.


  • Melonie

    We just got a call from our son!
  • LucindaC

    I got my phone call from my daughter today, it was so nice to hear her voice. She is also in 920.......I sure do miss her!

  • Clearwater

    Thank you for the info! I will mail the letter to my sailor tomorrow...no.. today. :-) and now I purchased ticket to Chicago MDW.

  • lemonelephant

    Clearwater, you are very welcome.

  • Sharon

    I just found out today that my son is a member of the 920 (?) with a PIR of April 1.  Said that he is mailing out letters on Sunday.  I don't know much about what this all means yet.  Can someone fill me in?

  • lemonelephant

    Sharon, recruits have holiday routine and write on Sunday and letters are then mailed by the Recruit Mail Petty Officer and go out on Monday. See Letter Writing & Fun Stuff/Questionnaires to send to your Recruit. I left more info for you on your My Page.

  • lemonelephant

    Sharon, DIV 921 has PIR on 04/01/2016.

  • JulieTimsMom

    I just received my letter and found out my son in Ship 02, Div 921.  My understanding is that 921 is 'Triple Threat' which is the drill team.  Can anyone confirm this?  Dying here :)

  • lemonelephant

    Julie, DIV 921 is Triple Threat, which is Band, Bluejacket Choir, and Drill team. There are also extras. You will have to ask your recruit what he will be doing so you can look for in in the Livestreams on 03/18 and 03/25 if he is performing. See 800 and 900 Divisions.

  • jayjay8503

    Just found out that my husband is ship staff/Honor Guard. Anyone have any info about this besides what is listed on the website. Cant explain how good it was to hear his voice today even if it was a short call. He said that he is good and missing home :) 

  • meadechef

    Hello everyone, just found out today our son is in 922 division and PIR is 4/8/16.

  • jayjay8503

    Still no letter :( was so praying for one today as I could use the boost!
  • IT_Mom_CJ

    Son is in Div 922, ship 02. PIR 4/8. Has anyone else received a call? I had a call today and received his form letter but no other letters yet.
  • Klu

    @Proudmomma79 - No letter yet - he's not much of a letter writer though.  Fingers crossed.  Got a call last Saturday.  Div 922

  • meadechef

    No letter yet. :(
  • bethmac

    My daughter left on Tuesday the 23rd and her recruiter called me the next day told me she is in Div 924 ship 02. Haven't received her box or a letter yet, anyone else have a kiddo in that division?

  • Maria - Michigan Mom

    Hi all, my son had his PIR on Friday the 26th.  He was is Division 915 in the band.  Does anyone know if their Division and Ship number carry on to A School or is it just how  they are grouped during boot camp?  Thanks for any information.

  • lemonelephant

    Maria, the division number is just for BC. Your then Sailor may have a class number in "A" School.

  • Maria - Michigan Mom

    Thanks Lemonelephant.  I talked to my son a day or so after I posted and found out from him.  Have a great week!

  • lemonelephant

    Maria, I'm glad.

  • Yolie

    Ship 2 Division 930
  • Colleen

    I just found out my son is in Division 931! Is anyone else's son/daughter in that Division? He arrived at bootcamp on 4/12.
  • Snake91

    Just received the Form letter my SR is Ship 2 Division 934 PIR 06/30/16
  • Betsy

    Trying to friend any other Ship 2 Div 933 peeps out there

  • Navymomx2

    Ship 2 Div 935

  • PapisMom(SHIP 02 DIV 933)

    Hey Betsy