2. The recruiter does not always give the right address and letters that do not have the correct address may be returned or may be delayed several weeks in getting to your recruit since it will not be a high priority for those in the mail room to look up the correct information.
3. Even if you do have the correct information, your recruit will not receive letters that are mailed before receiving the form letter much quicker, if at all, than letters mailed after receiving the form letter because recruits do not receive mail until they are in their permanent ship and a Recruit Mail Petty Officer is trained. The first Mail Call is on day 1-3 or 1-4 DOT.
Note: If it has been at least 2 calendar weeks since your recruit arrived at the RTC and you do not have a form letter, then you can call the recruiter and get the address and mail letters to your recruit, but be sure to double-check the address against those at http://www.bootcamp.navy.mil/contact_recruit.html or Ship/Division--How it Works.
Dartmasterj79, the info you have is most likely correct, but do wait on the form letter. There is info for you in 800 and 900 Divisions and in the info I left on your My Page.
My daughter is Ship 02 Div 919. She has marching band, symphonic band, jazz band, youth worship leadership and drumlins experience. Ha ha....she did not want to perform because she knew it would be so much extra work but at her finance's graduation she noticed every step that the band took and whether or not it was sharp on together....I am so proud for her to be a Nuke 900 Division. No tears from the form letter just jumping upland down excitement.
Hi Everyone...my daughter is in Div 919 with Kissinghand37, but she must be in flags... she is NOT musically inclined. So proud of her accomplishments. Just waiting every day to get that first phone call. Did you all send phone cards? When did the first call come in? 3 weeks after arrival? Any info is appreciate. My sweet girl will continue her CNA and pre-nursing as a Hospital Corpsman. This AF mommy loves her Navy girl, for sure!
I'm sure my girl will be super happy if that is what she is dong :) She didn't want to play an instrument. I know she would love to do flags :) I can't wait to get her first letter to tell me....I can't stand the suspense :)
The website claims that division 920 (my daughter's) is a triple threat, but my sailor was only in orchestra, so I'm a bit confused. Any help would be appreciated! Also haven't seen anyone else who has a sailor in her division post. Anyone?
Everyone, Make it a habit to check your My Page because you may have comments from Members and not even know it if you have the notifications turned off for comments on your My Page. To reply to someone who leaves a comment on your My Page, click on "Comment Back" or "View Thread" (you will have to do that if the person has their profile set to "Just My Friends") below the comment. Also check in the upper left to see if you have Friend requests or any new messages in your Inbox.
On the form letter we received from our son, hi address is: Ship 02 Div 921. We were told that this is the correct address to write to our son. Someone said I had to put the actual ship name: Reubens James????? If that's the case, he has not received the 4 letters sent . Help!
Everyone, Make it a habit to check your My Page because you may have comments from Members and not even know it if you have the notifications turned off for comments on your My Page. To reply to someone who leaves a comment on your My Page, click on "Comment Back" or "View Thread" (you will have to do that if the person has their profile set to "Just My Friends") below the comment. Also check in the upper left to see if you have Friend requests or any new messages in your Inbox.
Ship 2 Div 923
Got my letter yesterday! PIR date, 4/14/17. I'm a bit confused, my son is more of an athlete and played sports since he was 4 years old. I keep reading that this is the performance division ( band, choir) should I be concerned?
No concerns chinoshortcake :) this is a special performing division. You will see him up front most likely at graduation if I'm not mistaken. Depends on what he is exactly? This is an awesome thing! They do have more work ahead of them but it's a nice thing for a Momma to be Proud of! Congrats.
Our son is PIR 3/24, who is going to Meet and Greet? Also SR called Sunday and said they are performing this Friday so we can watch and see them live ( or recorded)
Hey 900 Div Family, just a heads up... as the time gets closer, your sailor will be performing in a graduation before their own graduation. Ask your sailor when he/she will perform and you can watch that live graduation video and watch your sailor before you see them in graduation. 919 performed yesterday and my daughter graduates next week. So awesome to see a full week before, doing flags! Best of luck. So excited for Friday!
Hello 900 division, I just got my form letter and my son is PIR 4/28/17 and in DIV 925. In reading about the 900 divisions I'm so proud and can't wait to see what he is doing!
My daughter is in the same Unit, DocMom98! We have no idea what she will be doing, but we know she was anxious to be in that unit. Just joined this group. Hi everybody!
Does anyone know where I would find the graphic of the ships (barracks)? I've seen this in the past but now cannot find where it is. Now that I know where my SR is, I want to look at it again.
I just saw on facebook where a letter was received from a recruit in Ship 02 DIV 916 so mail might be coming soon
Jan 20, 2017
Jan 20, 2017
I got mail! :)
Jan 21, 2017
Zee's Mom
anyone have a SR in Ship 02 Div 918??
Jan 22, 2017
Jan 25, 2017
Zee's Mom, my son is in Ship 02 Div 918.
Jan 27, 2017
My SR is Ship 2 DIV 919
Jan 27, 2017
Dartmasterj79, have you received The Form Letter?
Jan 27, 2017
Reasons to wait on The Form Letter before sending letters:
1. The PAO at the RTC asks that loved ones wait on the form letter before mailing letters. See http://www.bootcamp.navy.mil/fam_guide.html.
2. The recruiter does not always give the right address and letters that do not have the correct address may be returned or may be delayed several weeks in getting to your recruit since it will not be a high priority for those in the mail room to look up the correct information.
3. Even if you do have the correct information, your recruit will not receive letters that are mailed before receiving the form letter much quicker, if at all, than letters mailed after receiving the form letter because recruits do not receive mail until they are in their permanent ship and a Recruit Mail Petty Officer is trained. The first Mail Call is on day 1-3 or 1-4 DOT.
Note: If it has been at least 2 calendar weeks since your recruit arrived at the RTC and you do not have a form letter, then you can call the recruiter and get the address and mail letters to your recruit, but be sure to double-check the address against those at http://www.bootcamp.navy.mil/contact_recruit.html or Ship/Division--How it Works.
Jan 27, 2017
Dartmasterj79, the info you have is most likely correct, but do wait on the form letter. There is info for you in 800 and 900 Divisions and in the info I left on your My Page.
Jan 27, 2017
Jan 28, 2017
Jan 28, 2017
Welcome! My son is also 02/916. He is carrying the Montana State Flag for graduation.
Jan 28, 2017
My daughter is also ship2 div 916 she will be carrying the Alaskan flag at graduation .
Jan 28, 2017
My daughter is Ship 02 Div 919. She has marching band, symphonic band, jazz band, youth worship leadership and drumlins experience. Ha ha....she did not want to perform because she knew it would be so much extra work but at her finance's graduation she noticed every step that the band took and whether or not it was sharp on together....I am so proud for her to be a Nuke 900 Division. No tears from the form letter just jumping upland down excitement.
Jan 29, 2017
Hi Everyone...my daughter is in Div 919 with Kissinghand37, but she must be in flags... she is NOT musically inclined. So proud of her accomplishments. Just waiting every day to get that first phone call. Did you all send phone cards? When did the first call come in? 3 weeks after arrival? Any info is appreciate. My sweet girl will continue her CNA and pre-nursing as a Hospital Corpsman. This AF mommy loves her Navy girl, for sure!
Jan 31, 2017
I'm sure my girl will be super happy if that is what she is dong :) She didn't want to play an instrument. I know she would love to do flags :) I can't wait to get her first letter to tell me....I can't stand the suspense :)
Jan 31, 2017
My daughter is carrying the NC state flag ship 02 div 916
Feb 1, 2017
I got a letter!!!! My girl is the Educational Petty Officer for the division...woot woot! Go Div 900's!!!!
Feb 2, 2017
Feb 11, 2017
Melahead, write and ask your recruit what she will be doing.
Feb 11, 2017
My son is in Division. 920 with PIR of March 24th. Anyone else?
Feb 12, 2017
Feb 13, 2017
Feb 13, 2017
Our son called yesterday, Div 920 Ship 02 PIR 3/24. He is doing great. He is in choir.
Feb 13, 2017
Everyone, Make it a habit to check your My Page because you may have comments from Members and not even know it if you have the notifications turned off for comments on your My Page. To reply to someone who leaves a comment on your My Page, click on "Comment Back" or "View Thread" (you will have to do that if the person has their profile set to "Just My Friends") below the comment. Also check in the upper left to see if you have Friend requests or any new messages in your Inbox.
Feb 13, 2017
Feb 18, 2017
Feb 18, 2017
Feb 18, 2017
Feb 18, 2017
Feb 18, 2017
Feb 18, 2017
I received a letter today. Ship 2 Div 921!
Feb 24, 2017
Feb 25, 2017
Feb 25, 2017
Everyone, Make it a habit to check your My Page because you may have comments from Members and not even know it if you have the notifications turned off for comments on your My Page. To reply to someone who leaves a comment on your My Page, click on "Comment Back" or "View Thread" (you will have to do that if the person has their profile set to "Just My Friends") below the comment. Also check in the upper left to see if you have Friend requests or any new messages in your Inbox.
Feb 26, 2017
For those with a SR Ship 2 Div 921. I just received an one hour phone call!
Feb 26, 2017
Way to go Div 916. Great job winning Captain's Cup.
Feb 27, 2017
Got my letter yesterday! PIR date, 4/14/17. I'm a bit confused, my son is more of an athlete and played sports since he was 4 years old. I keep reading that this is the performance division ( band, choir) should I be concerned?
Feb 28, 2017
Mar 1, 2017
Mar 1, 2017
Mar 5, 2017
Mar 7, 2017
Hey 900 Div Family, just a heads up... as the time gets closer, your sailor will be performing in a graduation before their own graduation. Ask your sailor when he/she will perform and you can watch that live graduation video and watch your sailor before you see them in graduation. 919 performed yesterday and my daughter graduates next week. So awesome to see a full week before, doing flags! Best of luck. So excited for Friday!
Mar 11, 2017
Mar 12, 2017
My daughter is in the same Unit, DocMom98! We have no idea what she will be doing, but we know she was anxious to be in that unit. Just joined this group. Hi everybody!
Mar 13, 2017
DocMom98. The form letter did not indicate what your son is doing?
Mar 16, 2017
Maggie, the form letter indicates the division number, but not what the recruit will be doing.
The Page, 800 and 900 Divisions, within Boot Camp Moms (and loved ones) will be of interest to you since you have a recruit in a performing division.
Mar 17, 2017
Roheenie and DocMom98, I believe that Division 925 is Sticks/Flags.
Mar 17, 2017
Does anyone know where I would find the graphic of the ships (barracks)? I've seen this in the past but now cannot find where it is. Now that I know where my SR is, I want to look at it again.
Mar 17, 2017