NUKE moms

A place to come for support and guidance for anyone with a loved one in the nuke program ⚓️.

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  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    D'sMom - so glad to hear that your son is improving.  I'm sure it's been super frustrating for him but remind him these things take time!  And I'm so glad he will be home for his cousins wedding.  I'm sure the family time will do him well!  Enjoy!

    JNMnavymomOH - thanks for the update!  Depending on how much longer the ship is out I would think they would fly him out to meet up with them.... Funny how the time seems to fly by in some instances but in other it seems like forever!  

    Nice that you and joe-mom were able to meet up!  I've met many Navy moms over the years and I cherish each visit!

    Chipmunk - continue to enjoy those snuggles with Baby P!

  • 4kidsforfun

    JMNavympmOH so good to hear you made it to graduation and are enjoying time with your son. Are there any plans to fly him to meet the ship? This week's port call was canceled due to weather so the sailors were bummed. Hopefully things will go smoothly for the next one. I told my son to be on the lookout for a new guy and that they seem to have lots in common (at least from what their moms think!)

  • JNMnavymomOH

    4kidsforfun he says he won't know what the plan is for him until he checks in at Norfolk. But I think he is going to call and see if he can get a better idea as he does not own the vehicle he has been driving.  He also says what they decide determines what he is able to pack and take. I saw the port call was cancelled.  I kind of wonder how many of those port calls do the nukes really get to do, or if it might be like a rotation. 

  • 4kidsforfun

    JMNavymomOH - my son and his Nuke friends got almost a day and a half and then again off for dinner when they stopped in Rio so I think they try to get them all of for at least a bit. I did see some post their kids got a half a day. I hope they don't have him stay in Norfolk long - when my son got there initially he went to the room they assigned him and for whatever reason he left and checked into a hotel. Not to mention the place he was initially told to report was not an open office. Luckily he finally got through to his sponsor and get the real details. The paperwork from Charleston was not correct. They made changes to where to be and when but none of it was approved or known by the folks in Norfolk. Fun times!

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Hi all - Happy Thursday!

    Oliver picking flowers in the garden ;-D

  • Pizanche

    B's - he's very cute!

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Happy Friday | Snoopy, Snoopy friday, Snoopy love

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Thanks Pizanche!  He is the sweetest lil guy too!

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    It's Monday! Garfield Quotes, Garfield Pictures, Garfield Cartoon, Garfield Comics, Garfield And ...

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Make The Day Amazing Happy Tuesday Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest ...

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    They went to the fair and Oliver won himself a stuffed animal!

    And he starts his swim lessons today ;-D

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    50 Funny Wednesday Meme That Make You Smile | QuotesBae

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Today is B's birthday - #35!  I just don't know how that's possible lol!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON!

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Summer Solstice Wallpaper

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Swim lessons going well! He doesn’t like to float on his back but everything else he’s enjoying. And B was able to get in the pool with him today too!

  • AxolotlMom

    update on my little sailor girl...she's still really really loving it there at A school. She is taking her final exam for the Basic Electronics today so wish her well. I asked her if she is understanding it all. She said she gets MOST of it, but there's so much information all shoved at her at once. Which she knew this coming into it, so she's handling it well. She is in the top 25% of her class she says. She broke up with her boyfriend (also in the Navy but a short lived romance, he's in another state).  He had gotten into a bit of trouble and she said with her security clearance she didn't want to be associated with anything like that. I think it was just a good excuse for her to end it. She's growing so much as a person it's awesome to see. We text on the weekends and if something interesting happened or i see a cool little facebook meme, then I'll send her a quick text to which she will respond. She says "everyone here says I act like a mechanic, what does a mechanic act like anyhow??"  I have no idea! She's an EMN, so I don't know lol

  • AmeliaJW3665

    How do I post a picture of the tattoo I got for my ETN1 sailor and my dad, retired LCDR Coast Guard?
  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Amelia - click on the little picture in the comment box - 2nd from the top left.  Looks like a little mountain.  Then you click "choose file".  You either choose from your photo library if on your phone or the file where the picture is.  Then attach it. 

    I usually choose 325 for width/pixels.

    That should work! (I also responded in the US Tennessee group!)

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    AxolotlMom - great news on your daughter!  They do throw stuff at them and it's pretty fast and furious.  B said he's never memorized so much stuff in his life lol!  Sounds like she made the correct decision on the relationship.  She'll have time for romance later!

    I'm glad it's Friday - our weather here in SoCal is heating up.  Summer is definitely here!

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    a group of minion characters with the words we made it it's finally friday

  • AmeliaJW3665


    For my ETN1 son and retired Coast Guard LCDR dad. Roses for loyalty

  • AmeliaJW3665

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    AmeliaJW3665 - I LOVE IT!

  • Chipmunk

    Good Evening!! Well, I don't know if I completely caught up, but I am loving the pictures. From Baby Oliver to tattoos! 

    My sailor baby went for her first swim outing the other day. 

    AxolotlMom - It sounds like your daughter made a wise decision!!

    JNMnavymomOH - I hope everything is going well for your son's next chapter in the Navy. That is a bummer about the shirt!

  • JNMnavymomOH

    Random question:  we were told that my son will need a vehicle while he is in Norfolk, esp. because we don't know how long he will be there and if he is going to stay in barracks or what.  Is there a place where he can park it until I can pick it up?  I have a feeling that he might be shipped to SD faster than I can get back there.  The vehicle in question does not belong to him, but to my mother.

    Less than 7 days left.  Where have these 2 weeks gone?  And he is NOT ready.  I asked him to not wait until the last minute to do things like pick up/order and start packing what he needs, thinking about his phone plan, thinking about POA....UGH.  I'm going crazy and I don't want to keep pestering him.  I'm also sure that my anxiety is off the chart, because all I wanna do is cry knowing that I might get to see him before he goes halfway around the world.  This kinda feels like boot camp all over again.

  • MomofJoseph

    JNMnavymomOH - I don't know the answer to your question about parking the vehicle, but wanted to tell you that we are here for you during this challenge of BC all over again.  I'm not there yet (my son's boat hasn't deployed yet) but I'm here for support as much as I can!  BNMH to you! <3

  • Chipmunk

    JNMnavymomOH - The Norfolk, VA area is very large, and my understanding is that the public transportation system is not very conducive to a sailor's needs. It is almost a must to have a vehicle. 

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Good Morning, Happy Wednesday 😜 | Minion jokes, Funny quotes, Minions funny

  • G'sNavyMom

    Good evening:) I haven't posted in awhile, but I wanted to stop in and say hi and to share my sailor graduated from A school recently with honors!! We are so very proud of him. He worked so hard and we couldn't be any more proud! We drove to SC for graduation. It was a long ride, but worth it!!! We are enjoying him for 10 days. He's exhausted and catching up on rest and seeing loved ones.  While he's been home, he was sworn in at our local American Legion. They are super proud and supportive of him, too. It's amazing how he's changed and matured. I have struggled with him away, bc he's only 19, but so very proud! It brings tears to my eyes as to how well he's doing. I hope everyone is doing well and I hope and pray your Sailors are doing well, too 💙⚓️

  • Chipmunk

    G'sNavyMom - Congratulations to your sailor!!! Enjoy those hugs!!

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    G'sNavyMom - BZ to your son!

  • joe-mom

    G'sNavyMom - That's fantastic! Congrats to your son. Enjoy your time with him and best of luck to him in power school.

    JNMNavyMomOH - Hope you're hanging in there... I know how you're feeling!

  • JNMnavymomOH

    joe-mom I am doing as well as can be expected.  trying to get my son ready to go to his 1st ship and just trying to get his stuff together and packed is giving me anxiety.  we only have a few days left together and I am really trying not to be all over the place emotionally.  at least not in front of him.  UGH!!

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    a sign that says i've got my friday smile on with a cartoon character holding a rubber duck

  • MomofJoseph

    G'sNavyMom - congratulations!  That is so encouraging that your Sailor graduated with honors AND he's home!  Enjoy this time and best wishes for him in Power School.  I love that you got to go to A School graduation!  

    joe-mom - You are in my prayers.  Remember to reach out (especially after he leaves) so we can encourage you!  <3

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Good Morning Monday Minion Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Pin by Joanne Cheshire on Tuesday | Minions, Despicable minions, Minions love

  • MomofJoseph

    Happy Tuesday, everyone!  Hope you (and your Sailor and your family) are having a great day today!

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Hello Wednesday, Good Morning | Good morning wednesday, Good morning quotes, Good morning minions

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Happy 4th Of July Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Friday 29th January 2021. Afternoon home learning. Free Choice Friday! | Holy Trinity CE Primary ...

  • Chipmunk

    Good Morning Everyone!!

    How are we doing?

    Did anyone receive letters or a phone call? Please share!

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Monday. Let's do this! -- Minion :: Monday ::

  • WearsLargeHats

    Chipmunk, we got one of those priceless 1:30AM calls from Guam. When I heard my wife's cellphone ring, I first thought "who could be calling at this hour?", then I remembered that our son is 14 hours ahead, or 10hours behind +1 day. We miss having him in the same time zone.

  • Chipmunk

    WearsLargeHats - Oh how wonderful!! I am glad you all were able to talk to your son. That is a booger of a time zone difference to have to deal with. 

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    Welcome to our newest member ~ Seahawks12!

    Welcome Aboard Cliparts | Free Download Clip Art | Free Clip Art | on Clipart Library

    Please be sure to read the ***NEW MEMBERS*** info at the top of the page.  Lots of good info there.  Also take a look at the Pages (21) to the right under the member profiles - be sure to hit "view all".  And the discussion forum above has some good info too - be sure to read Chipmunks "Nuke A School Daily Schedule".  And of course, feel free to ask any questions you may have.

  • Tx Mom of Far Away Nuke

    Welcome Seahawks12!

    Per B'sNukeMom request, here's an update on my Nuke Submarine Sailor's status to give Mom's something to hope for.  My boy got out of the Navy after 8 years (2 were Nuke training).  He originally started college again on the Navy's dime.  I think the college life was more difficult for him since he's older than he was when he got his first degree.  When he got a job opportunity at a major trucking manufacturer, he jumped on it.  But the area was a MCOL (medium cost of living) location so the salary was just OK.  After just a few weeks, a retired military friend of his alerted him to a job opening at a Nuclear Facility in a LCOL area.  Lower Housing/Higher Salary beat out the Trucking Mfg job.  But let me tell you, the Security (vetting) was rough.  We were constantly contacted with questions like "what are the names/phone numbers of his closest friends".  I'm like "Dude, he's been in the military at a remote island for years plus he's an introverted Nerd!"

    Any advice for your Sailor?  Make as many friends and contacts as you can.  They will be a lifesaver when you get out.  Danny Trejo (scary movie star) claims that everything good in his life came from doing good for others.  So remember that when you are tired and miserable and wanting to be home.  Everyone else feels the same way.  

    Best wishes!

    My boy is pretty happy now.  He bought a crazy 100 year old house.  A kitten adopted him.

  • AxolotlMom

    Tx Mom, glad you updated us! Q's Momma, sounds like a busy life at the moment!!!

    My kiddo is still in A school and is doing well. Things are beginning to get a bit tough for her, but she will make it. She claims she didn't need the mandatory study hours at first but is now glad they are there (go figure).  She's the last of four kids and the only one in the military (although my parents and grandparents and brother were in the military).  She finally has a roomate and is getting along with her. She didn't care for college much but is liking this set up much better. She texts every now and then and seems genuinely happy there. The scenery is WAY different from a rural town of 5000 in Oklahoma. 

  • B'sNukeMoM⚓️MMN(Vet)

    I'm glad to see you got my message and are responding!  Love to hear how everyone is doing ;-D

    Most of you know my story - son and DIL (both nukes) are out now and veterans.  They live in MI (where she is from).  They both got their undergrad degrees from MSU - after the Navy, and paid for by the Navy! (and she's working on her Master's, also paid for by the Navy!). They had their first baby, our sweet little Oliver (and our first grandbaby) in May of 2023 and he's just the best! Being Lolli and Pops is the best ever <3

    Hubby and I bought a condo in their neighborhood (which we are renting out for now) and our plan is to retire near them, hopefully in the next year and a half to 2 years.  I just need to figure out how to make it all work lol!

    I stick around here as an admin 'cuz I guess, why not?

    I've been fortunate to meet many Navy moms since I joined in 2012 and I always look forward to meeting more.