Moms of "A" school Sailors

Our sailors are now in "A" school - let's share!!
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  • D'sMomMary

    Good reminder, Janie. My son has a really amazing eco-drive watch that his uncle gave him, but the color is wrong. Well, we shall see if it still is eco-driven in 6 years, lol!

  • D'sMomMary

    yeah, if it was just a watch to get him by I definitely would go that route. I'm normally a very practical person, funny how missing him so much makes me think very un-practical thoughts, lol! I have read that the G force stand up to water pressure well, so that seems like a real plus... 

  • Jersey Sam

    oh.. I just bought a gold watch with white strap as a go away gift for my daughter flying off to Japan for her 1st assignment. Is she not allowed to wear gold watch??

    Please advise, anyone who knows this rule..

  • tamraPIR3.15.2013

  • tamraPIR3.15.2013

    so my son was told today that he has to have a meeting to discuss ....that he is not doing well in a school ... so if a sailor is not doing well in A school  and they have to go in front of a board  ..what happens to them..he does not drink , smoke , or even cucc lol.. I am scared for him about this board thing.  he is just not doing well in school, he has always hated school .  anyone know what happens next ?

  • 1Proudmom ship12 div137

    Tamra, I'm not sure. maybe they can work with him more. My son just started a school. He says so far it has all been on computers. I was kind of worried about his class room studies also. I hope they can do something to help him.
  • Jersey Sam

    Tamra, I just asked my daughter about the 'A' school situation. If they failed 3 test, then they have to do the ARB (Review Board). She forgot what the 'A' stands for. They will give them another chance to pass the test again. If they failed again, then their rate will fall to a cook or a painter. they will not be kick out. But don't worry. Your son will pass. Ask him to join a group studies. Wish him luck..

  • tamraPIR3.15.2013

    hi proud mom and jershey mom .. thanks so much for reaching out . he has not failed any test , but is bored to eeath.  guess he did not realize what a yeoman really was , until now. 

  • tamraPIR3.15.2013

    boy my spelling is bad... dang auto fill he is bored to death... is what a 

  • Makayla P Ship 12 DIV 189

    My sailor is not in A school yet, but will be in mid May. He asked me to find out any possible information to let him know what to expect when he gets there. He will be a Seabee BU and be attending school in Gulfport, MS

  • Zacksmom

    For all my Navy Mom & Wife Friends... My cousin Nancy is making these awesome dog tags... If you would like to order: I am a Navy Mom too of a son currently Deployed on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower....

  • Zacksmom

  • Jersey Sam

    Tamra, how's ur son doing? Any updates..Hope he's doing better.. My daughter is also a yeoman just got graduated on 4/19. She just got back 4/30. She said 'A' school was a it boring but bear with it. Once u graduate, the world belongs to him. Wish him lots of luck...

  • Sailor Boy J's Mom

    Hi Everyone!  My son just arrived at Monterey this past Sunday for A School.  His PIR was on the 10th.  The group I was in for his PIR date was so helpful, I'm hoping that this group will help me understand what my Sailor is doing in A school.  Is there anyone else here with a Sailor in Monterey CA?

  • KathybShip13Div099

    Drew graduates tomorrow from CM A school, Port Hueneme, CA.  So proud of him.  Reporting immediately to his duty station - Amphibious Construction Battalion One, Coronado, CA.  I was so looking forward to having him home but I will have to wait another month.  He wanted to be able to come home for his sisters wedding.  Will be great to have the whole family home for that but sure makes for a long wait.

    Does anybody have anyone in Coronado??

  • Sunita

    hi everyone. my daughter daughter pir 5/10/13 and  start OS classes this week.any information on OS??

  • Coach Shelia

    Hello all! Anyone know how long they are going A school holds for aviation ratings?
  • MomThatLovesHerSon

    Hello all,

    My son's PIR in Great Lakes was Fri 5/31/13.  He flew to Goose Creek on Sat. 6/1/13, so he just went through his first week there.  I have talked with him 3 or 4 times.  It is so nice to be able to talk with him often!!

    So veteran moms, please fill me in with information about A school at Goose Creek.


  • Noelle Blues Mom

    Hi , my sailor is in A school at Great Lakes for O.S. she's on hold for a couple of weeks.Loves her ship and her shipmates.(PIR date was 5/31/13)

  • Navy-mom (shp09 Div265)

    I have a question... My son grad on 7/19 and will be attending A school there in GL as an OS.....will I get to spend sat with him ...should I book a hotel for the whole weekend or will I not get to spend time with him plz let me know
  • jillymom

    Our Sailor also stayed at GL. We didn't leave until Mon morning. He was free Friday from about 4-9 and all day Sat and Sun. It's possible they are given watch, but rare. They can't be late getting back. Have fun and bring his phone and whatever else he can carry around in case he has to move dorms while there. :)

  • linda1963

    My son's PIR was 6/21 and his A school is in GL.  We had Friday, Saturday and Sunday with him.  If you have the time and the funds stay for the weekend! 

  • Karen

    Hi all.  My son's PIR was 6/21. He is now at A school in Wichita Falls, TX.  Rate CE.

  • Hello2u

    Hello, anyones elses son/daugther in Panama City, FL A School?

  • raingirl042

    My sailor graduated basic   5/24/13 and went straight to the Pensacola A school.  He just graduated from there today.  He  has a bit of leave before he flies out to his destination mid July.  I don't know where you live, but if it is far away tell your sailor to start saving for a ticket to go home after he graduates.  We were faced with a few hours notice and coluld have flown to Europe for what a 'now' ticket cost for him to come home.  Even after he knew when he would graduate, he still had not received his orders to  deploy.  He has to go home for a few days and then fly back to Pensacola to fly out again to Houston the next day. 

  • shirleyann

    Hi--my son graduated June 28, 2013 and is there now!!!

  • AMLsMom

    Just wondering if there is a moms group for A School in Great Lakes for different MOS.

  • Jenn Z

    my son also graduated 6/28 now in Meridian

  • Jesmom6

    My son had PIR on Friday 6/28 and is at Great Lakes. He's enjoying it so far, especially with the marina right there where he can go fishing! Two weeks of hold and then ATT starts for him.

  • Bug's Mom

    My daughter graduated from Great Lakes on Friday 6/28...she loves it so far and holds her head high wearing that uniform!!!  She's in Pensacola right now for A school...getting used to the base.  So proud, as I'm sure the rest of you are...can't believe the feeling I get when I look at my girl, now a woman!!!


  • AMLsMom

    Does anyone have a sailor in GL A School with I.C. Fireman Recruit for their training?

  • Coach Shelia

    Happy July 4th everyone! God Bless You All and Your Navy Loved Ones Today and Forever!
  • Jana

    AMLsMom I just joined this group.  your son is an IC so is mine!! Join the group

    IC Sailors Paige the admin. it the best as well as all  moms

    My son PIR was 5/31 He was on hold for about 2weeks also. 

  • Jana

    Happy Independence Day to all 

  • ninirivera

    Hi are any of your daughters in Pensacola? My daughter graduated from GL June 21st...ship 02 div 932!!! So proud of her!!!
  • Hello2u

    how about Panama City anyone?

  • AMLsMom

    Jana: very cool. My son graduated boot 6/28

  • Hello2u

    what a nice pic,, my son graduates in Oct too, from PC FL, :)

  • Hello2u

    @B-ready,,, not an airman,, diver in PC, FL, late October I heard


    hey i want some lemonade! gup gup gup!  lol

  • Hello2u


  • JustApril

    I'm a sister to a Sailor rather than a mom to one. My brother arrived in Pensacola last week and is waiting to start his AE training.

  • JustApril

    Those are such sweet photos! Fortunately my brother was able to get a temporary phone at the airport so he's been able to call and text and my mom sent his regular phone to him via FedEx so he got that today. It's much easier now than it was when he was at boot camp, going from daily communication to waiting all week for a slim chance of a quick phone call! I'm several states away but my mom is in Georgia so she'll be able to go visit him soon.

  • proudmom63

    my son is due to graduate "A" school this friday! then home for 10 days  yippppeeee!   any other moms on here with sons in goose creek graduating 7/19/13? Michah's mom, how are you and your family doing? hope michah is happy his choice of the NAVY?!

  • navymom2013

    jean-jack - remember - no news is good news!  She is probably busy like my son is

    Did she go to Pensacola?  That is one beautiful place.  You will hear soon - have faith.  Remember she loves you and is working hard to show you she can do it!

  • momofc.r.15

    Hi, my Son graduated July 26th, 2013. Amazing! Now A School at Great Lakes. Just wondering how different life will be now?

    Thank you

  • shirl

    A school is great as they earn their cards that give them privileges . And you will be able to text and talk with them , that is the best part. Enjoy.
  • JoeR's Mom (Ship 04 Div 283)

    Hi my son just arrived in Pensacola for A school on Saturday night, PIR was 8/2/13. So excited that we get to text and speak with him!

  • JustApril

    Hi JoeR's Mom! Congratulations! He's going to love having some of his freedom back. It's definitely great to be able to call and text them. My brother's been in Pensacola for a month now and we text every day! So nice after 2 months of very little contact.

  • JoeR's Mom (Ship 04 Div 283)

    Yes JustApril! I am loving it, hey by any chance have you sent any baked goods to your brother? if so, how did you package them?

  • JustApril

    I haven't but my parents have so I called my mom and asked her. She said she read somewhere that the sailors have to keep them in a Tupperware container so she just sent them in one of those disposable Glad containers. She said the first time she did that, some of them broke, so now she puts them in a Ziploc bag and then puts them inside the container and that has worked well.