Moms of "A" school Sailors

Our sailors are now in "A" school - let's share!!
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  • JoeR's Mom (Ship 04 Div 283)

    Thanks JustApril, I appreciate the information!

  • JustApril

    You're welcome! 

  • Squan

    My son's PIR was August 2nd and it was wonderful! Not a dry eye in the hall. Now he is in Texas and he is loving it, even the crazy temperatures:) I hope all your Sailors are enjoying their new A schools. Are they all 8-9 weeks long?

  • margie

    My son just grad. 8/2/13.  He is still in Great Lakes awaiting to start his "A" school.  It was so wonderful to see him and the man he is becoming.

  • Jana

    Squan Concerning A school. Every rate is differnet. Did you join your Sailors rate group. Main page fo to groups type in his rate. What rate is he?


  • margie

    I was wondering why people were asking what his rate was.  I didn't ask my son what his rate was because I didn't feel it was any of my business what he got paid.  Now i understand, but still don't know his rate, I guess I will have to ask anyway.

  • Jana

    Margie Oh my gosh Yes by all means you want to know their rate  You want to be a Proud Mom and you want to tell everyone by son is... Upi want to be able to get just a little idea what they are doing.  Let us know

  • margie

    Well sent an e-mail asking my son what his rate was.  He has called home every night since we got back on Mon.  He is such a sweet boy, misses his family.  it is so nice to be able to communicate with him now, makes it easier.

  • CHC

    My son is in Great Lakes for A school. Are there separate groups for A schools, ships or future job? He's going to be an ET

  • margie

    ET?  Engineering maybe?  Sry Newbie here.

  • jillymom

    ET-electronics technician.

  • JoeR's Mom (Ship 04 Div 283)

    My Sailor Son is in Pensacola, he loves it there too, he's in for 24 months of A school there.
  • shirleyann

    JoeR's mom--Wow a long time there.  My son's A school there is 4 months--what is your son's rate?


  • JoeR's Mom (Ship 04 Div 283)

    Shirleyann he's an E-3 IT, might have to get a timeshare or a condo since he's going to be there SO long lol.
  • shirleyann

    JoeR's mom--that might be an idea on the condo!  One consolation--it is beautiful down there--my son says he loves it.  You will have lots of time to go visit!

  • Jana

    Jennrenee7  Main page Groups  al groups search ET   there is a group  AECF FC and ET that is prob what you want to join  Happy to know you are talking and know his rate 

  • JoeR's Mom (Ship 04 Div 283)

    Hello2u I've seen good comments on the Navy Lodge there, we are going next month, the Navy lodge did not have a room large enough ( just on king bed) so we went on and found s good desk at Ashton Inn extended stay, has decent amenities and we get to save money for doing activities. Hope this helps
  • Karen

    Good Morning Moms.  My son is in A school at Sheppard AFB for CE.  He is right in the middle of pole climbing.  It seems they have to climb a 30 ft pole without any safety equipment to catch them when they fall.  They have been climbing for 3 days and already several have fallen and been hurt.  My son's roommate broke his leg.  I am asking for all of the Moms that read this post to please pray for this group of Sailors that they will safely complete this part of their training!  Thanks to all of you in advance.

  • AaronsMom

    Praying they all complete their task safely. It's hard work becoming a sailor and I have the utmost respect for all our young men and women making this their goal.

  • Karen

    Thank you AaronsMom. I agree completely. I have so much respect for each and every one of the SR's and Sailors!!!
  • margie

    I am so proud of my son and everyone of the young ladies and men who serve our country.  They are our future.

  • Skins210

    Hello everyone my daughter is in A school in Pensacola Florida. Any advise on things are done. Is the place a safe place
  • shirleyann

    Hi Dkins210--my son has been there since July and has had no problems--he doesn't go anywhere without a group though

  • shirleyann

    timmysmom95--welcome to the group--and congratulations on your son's achievement.  I started sending my son packages as soon as I got his address.  I'm not sure about visits--think it depends on where he is in schooling--phase etc--I'll let one of the administrators answer that!  Each A school and each rate is a little different--there should be a specific page for your son's rate where you can get more specific information

  • John and Yvonne

    Well, no one came over tonight. Cody's ID card dropped over the side of the ship, and everyone from the USS Ross had to get ready for an underway.

    Yvonne and I bought a new version of Monopoly called Monopoly Electronic Banking this week that we were going to try out tonight. So even though it was only Yvonne and me, after dinner we played the new game together. It is really fun! No cash to pass out or count. An electronic debit machine does all the calculating for you. You play with a credit card that adds or subtracts money from your account. Everyone starts out with $15,000,000 at the beginning of the game. But properties cost between $600,000 and $4,000,000. So the stakes get pretty high quickly! But it is fun!!! :)

    Yvonne won! She ended up bankrupting me and still sitting on almost $20,000,000. I'm glad it's only a game!! Tee Hee...

  • Sailormum

    Any moms have a sailor in A school at Point Loma, San Diego? I think about 12 sailors left on 9/7/13 to be Sonar techs.
  • jillymom

    My son is there. He has completed A school and is waiting for C school. There is a separate group for moms of STG sailors. I went for A school grad in July.

  • Dmaeship12div410

    My son won't graduate boot camp until Nov 1st. I was wondering if any one might know where he might be going for "A" school. He's a PACT Airman on ship 12 Div 410.

  • John and Yvonne

    We always love it when servicemen and women come back into this area and get in touch with us to reconnect. Yesterday Eric Trejo contacted us about coming over today. He joined us for Sunday school and worship at church and then joined us at the house for lunch. Yea!

    Eric was in the Army at the School of Music in 2003 and came over to the house on the weekends. He played the tuba. It was really nice to see him again! He contacted us back in August when he was in the area so we could get together. But we were on vacation in West Virginia. He's out of the Army now and lives in California.

    Yvonne fixed Creamy Chicken and Broccoli for lunch and finished it off with Blueberry Macadamia Nut Coffee Cake and ice cream.

    Eric reluctantly agreed to let me take a group picture of the three of us, and then really groaned when I said yes after he asked me if the picture was going to be on Facebook. Thanks for being a good sport Eric!

  • beenerjoan

    Is anyone out there who's a school in GL starting 9/19?

  • beenerjoan

    if sending our son a fed ex package, will it get delivered if the sailor isn't present?

  • Mendomom

    I have sent packages using UPS and Fed-X.  My sailor girl received all without incident.

  • beenerjoan

    We are going down to GL for the first time today.  Any tips for the drive down or getting in the gate.

  • shirleyann

    Okay--Sailor is graduating A school October 18 and messaged he would be going to Texas for C school--any ideas which base--he is a CTR

  • GuthrieGal

    Hi I'm looking for others who have children going to A School at Dam Neck for IS.  He leaves next Fri (Oct 4) his destination.  Thanks.

  • Rock

    GuthrieGal, My son arrived at Dam Neck on 8/17. He said school is hard but he likes it there and is doing well.
  • beenerjoan

    Our son will start A school at GL on 10/28.  What are they to do while they wait to help preprare?  Any ideas? He said he fn or was it fm :)


  • Millie Div 224

    Hi... My son finished A school August 22 Yesterday Oct.2 started strand he will be done Oct 25.  He still hasnt recieved his orders =( He's been in Pensacola since June 17.  Anybody got an idea why???

  • lakemom

    I am so glad I found this group!! I have had some diffiulty connecting with others who have loved ones going to or already at Groton for BESS

    My son has PIR 10/25/13 then to BESS and as I understand it then to Kings Bay GA as he is going to be Missile Tech Ohio class sub

    Any information so appreciated

  • SiaW-Candice's mom

    My son-in-law has been stationed there since June of 2010. He has really liked it there. They live in Saint Marys it's a very nea
  • SiaW-Candice's mom

    Nice town (lol)
  • Pilarcita30

    Hi, I am new, son just started A school classes today in San Antonio.

  • Dale-Ann

    Im new here also my son started A school at the beginning of the month in CA

  • Hello2u

    hello dale-ann, where in CA?   I'm in cali myself,,,

  • Dale-Ann

    Port Hueneme

  • Hello2u

    ahh a seabee mom,, :) yes, its Ventura County base, I'm 1 hour away from them, its a nice, clean and strict base near the beach.  City loves them navy boys! :) 

  • Dale-Ann

    good to hear all of that!, he still in phase 1 so he cannot roam freely or leave the base yet

  • Dale-Ann

    although it is his 19th bday this saturday, and its hard to have him so far away and to spend his first bday without us

  • Hello2u

    I know the feeling, mine spent his bday there too,  we just took a family pic and held up bday posters and balloons and emailed it to him. He loved it! We had a cheesecake in his honor for dinner. :)  I love ventura, they have alot of farming in the outskirts, I often go out there for my fruits and veggies organically grown.

  • Dale-Ann

    lol the holding up bday sign in a pic is already planned for the weekend, i sent a care package with goodies and a sappy card and sending another this week, hes feeling homesick and overwhelmed right now, i hope he settles in he has only been there a few weeks but hes never been that far from home before and i think that along with the sched. he is keeping is getting to him