ALUMNI OF PIR 11/21/2014 TG 02 - 11 Divisions (009-018, and 902)

This group is for those who have loved ones that graduated from boot camp on November 21, 2014. A place to keep in touch with each other as the sailors continue their Navy journey.

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  • CatMom509

    I personally prefer the female Sailor dress blue uniform.  It looks more like a style for an officer to me~~

  • CatMom509


    The Navy Lodge is great with rooms $66/$71 with a kitchenette and no need for a chit to stay there.  Just book under your SR's name.  Most cost effective is to rent a car, especially since you will need it to also meet your SR at the airport when he leaves for A school or traveling around if he is staying at Great Lakes and can spend the weekend (days only, no overnights) with you. Call them direct because sometimes the website shows they are full, but they aren't.

    The Courtyard (in Waukegan) is already one of the favorites for Navy families~

    Please check out my "PERTINENT PIR TIPS" up above for a coupon code for a car rental.  I rented a car for $124.00 for Thursday - Saturday.  Sarge, who hosts the Meet & Greet on Thursday evening, has a shuttle service.  He will pick you up from the airport and bring you back at the end of PIR weekend roundtrip for $99 from O'Hare, $159 from Midway, and $169 from Milwaukee.  Those include a free ride to PIR, but you pay $3.00 per person to return to your hotel.  You can contact Sarge at or 212-847-0246.

  • CatMom509

    Not to mention those "crackerjacks" falling into the toilet or floor if you don't grab them just right....  I remember the "jumpsuit" days of the past...

  • amity109

    I received a very touching letter from my son. He says "Mom thank you for your nightly letters. they help me push forward. God knows I need it". Ladies before now, I thought I was overdoing it by writing every night. Little did I know how my 21 years old son is feeling and how much my letters can help him get through the day. They mean the world to them. If you are not writing every day, start now. They need us and this feeling of being part of their success is great!

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Doh! CatMom509...didn't think of that! UGH...yuck!

    Or pantyhose...bleh. It was required at a waitressing job I once had. No fun when you are in a three hour "bomb".

  • AmandaHisNavyGirl

    Amity 109 I also thought I was over doing it. I write twice a day and I've also sent letters from my students. My bf loved them. He thanks me in every letter for writing him so much. I'm
    Glad he appreciates him and knows I got his back!
  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    You can't overdue it. Keep up the good work folks.

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    BC is just the start. When hubby was deployed they said the same thing about mail that we hear from BC. It's like gold...and they live for it.

  • diannep

    Nope, they can never receive enough mail!

  • CatMom509

    J Freshie,

    I think Sarge has access to raffle tickets, but if anyone has a connection where raffle tickets could be donated (like an American Legion), that would help.

    I am thinking maybe Sarge's wife handles the selling of the raffle tickets, but she might need help?

    I'm not sure who provides the containers, but maybe the Sundance Saloon has something that could be used?

    I really don't know who does the announcing. 

    Sorry, I can't be more helpful.  We didn't do a raffle when I went to the Meet & Greet. 

    Here's his email again just in case:

  • diannep

    J Freshie:  I believe Sarge will answer you.  He is tied up with this week's PIR group now.  Always easier for him to be in touch after Sunday and before Thurs.  Did you email or text him?  If texted, try his email:  but he may not answer for a couple of more days for the reason I stated above.

  • diannep

    Good Morning All !

  • Merissa1992

    Good morning!!
  • proudmom14

    Good Morning everyone, just received a call from my SR who was set back a week that he will still graduate on 11/21 but he has been moved to Ship 4 Div 017. Hoping he fits in well with your SRs. 

  • CatMom509

    Happy Friday!!

         "In God we make our boast all day long,

          and we will praise Your name forever."

                                                      Psalm 44:8

  • CatMom509


    Glad your SR is back in training and you have just earned bonus days with him!!  Not sure if he is flying out (liberty from PIR through Thanksgiving, flying out Friday, no overnight) or staying at Great Lakes for A school (liberty from PIR afternoon til Sunday, but no overnights).

  • proudmom14

    Thank you CatMom509! He is staying at Great Lakes A school for GM. We plan on staying over a few days. How did I earn bonus days?
  • diannep

    Ahhh, proudmom.  So they just moved him to a division in the same PIR group that is further back in training from his original division (they are a few days apart).  That's good that his date didn't change!  If he stays in GL for A School, you DO get "bonus days" since those sailors get the remainder of PIR day after they move to A School base shortly after PIR, then they get daytime Sat. and Sun. Liberty!  Those flying out most likely will be bussed that Fri night to wait for Sat. flights.  Families can visit with them at the airports though.  GL A School students must return to base each night by a certain time, but can be picked up early the next morning.

  • proudmom14

    Yes we do get extra (bonus) days because he is staying there, so thankful for that!!!
  • Hygienistmama

    When do we find out when our SR will be flying out?
  • diannep

    Most of the sailors will be flying out the day after PIR, bussed on PIR night to the airports (late).  Occasionally they leave on Sundays, but most do on Saturdays.  They won't have their actual orders until right before PIR.

  • CatMom509

    Since the Sailors get their traveling orders after Battlestations and before PIR, usually they will share the info with their families during the "I'm a Sailor" call~~

    If they somehow don't make this call for whatever reason, then you will get that information after PIR when you actually see your Sailor~~

  • Melissa aka: Daniel's Mom

    I have a question for the veteran members.  I just logged into my SR's bank account (WellsFargo) for the 1st time since he left for bootcamp on 9/24. He's only 18, has no bills, but I wanted to see if he was spending any $$ and if I needed to deposit some into his account (he hasn't spent a dime). I totally forgot that he is getting paid, there are two deposits in there from the Navy, the 1st on 10/15 for $617.87 and another on 10/31 for $284.71.  See the is no pay stub to refer to, I am lost at to what he gets paid and if there are deductions.  Can someone possibly share some info with me?  Thank you :)

  • ellen0502

    Melissa, The first couple of paychecks will look a little crazy. There are deductions taken out for uniforms supplies, recruit card etc. Later there may me deductions again for photos, personal supplies etc. There is no way to know what exactly has been deducted at this point.

  • diannep

    also, Melissa:  He will be able to get on when he has online access again and set up his password/etc--- has all of the pay, deductions, even will have his W-2 forms on it eventually.  Everything is online with the military pay.

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Military personnel do not receive a pay stub. They receive an LES. Leave and Earning Statement.

    Their pay is Direct Deposited and the statement may be viewed on myPay through the DFAS -Defense Financing and Accounting Services who services all DoD (Department of Defense) entities.

    Military and DoD members only have access to MyPay through their CaC - Common Access Card or a by username/ password. Think ID but it actually does more than serve as that. 

    So, civilians may not access the sight...unless your loved one provides the username/password for you. Which is not advised...unless absolutely necessary, usually deployment.

    You can Google LES and MyPay and find the links or I can add some if you're interested.

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Here is the link to Navy Pay Basics though:

    Navy Pay Basics

  • CatMom509

    Good Day!

         "For we are His workmanship,

          created in Christ Jesus for good works,

          which God prepared beforehand

          that we should walk in them."

                                              Ephesians 2:10

  • Shelly

    Today division 009 got calls. It seems everyone I know who has a SR in that division got a call except me. He's ship staff so maybe that was in the way. Or he had to stand watch. Do they usually get to make up calls they miss???
  • kim

    Shelly...that happened to me a couple of weeks ago. The division called on Friday evening but nothing from my son...then on Wed the following week he called and said he couldn't call Fri because he was busy with ship staff so this was his make call. I don't know if it happens every time but I sure hope you get that call
  • Shelly

    Thank you so much Kim. That makes me feel a lot better. I know he would have called if e could. I just worry but of course if there was bad news I would hear! Thank you again have a great day.
  • diannep

    Shelly:  I had the same thing happen when my son was there....but he was able to call that night after watch on the same day when the division called.  Just know that when your SR misses division calls, there is usually a good reason for it.  Even appts on base, etc can cause them to miss it.  Hopefully he can call soon!

    Good Morning!

    Anyone staying at Ramada for PIR?  If so, please read the post by monica on the PIR 10/31 group---posted yesterday.  This hotel has had lots of issues in the past with families staying there.  Please read monica's post and also check out for reviews of it....then make your decision.  We want you all to be safe!

  • anasazigypsy

    Saw that post from Monica last night and texted her info to my SR's girlfriend, who has not made arrangements yet. Not something people want to deal with at PIR of any other time:(
  • CatMom509

    Blessed Sunday!

         "And the peace of God,

          which transcends all understanding,

          will guard your hearts and your

          minds in Christ Jesus."

                                        Philippians 4:7

  • proudmom14

    Thank you J Freshie! He was able to call his dad last night, he was excited about his new division.
  • diannep

    Good Morning!

  • Merissa1992

    Morning everyone :) only 2 more weeks and some odd days. Anyone else getting excited?
  • CatMom509

    Greetings to All!

         "Morning by morning O Lord,

          You hear my voice, morning by mornng

          I lay my requests before You

          and wait in expectation."

                                                    Psalm 5:3

  • jrk'smom

    I just realized today that two weeks from this Wednesday, I'll be packing and getting ready to go see my son!  This just totally made my day :) Good morning everyone, the light is at the end of the tunnel.

  • srmama

    I KNOW JRK'SMOM!! i am smiling. i cannot wait!

  • diannep

    Good Morning!

  • kim

    Can anyone give me some suggestions of a fun place for dinner and if we need reservations. I want to give my son some choices to pick from and I really don't want to get too far away from our hotel (residence inn). Thanks in advance. 16 days !!!!!
  • heyma313

    Kim- I heard there's a Rainforest Cafe nearby and my family always loves going there. We've never needed reservations except for a large party.

    We're thinking of staying at Residence Inn , we need a 2 bedroom suite as well, hope they have some still available.

  • kim

    heyma313...let me know I'd you do. Rainforest is a great suggestion...thanks
  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Here is the direct link to the PAGE I promised a day or to ago on Flags and Pennants in BC:

    Flags and Pennants that your DIV can earn while at BC

    You can also go to PAGES at any time to see it and other important info.

    PAGES is directly underneath the Members pictures on the right hand side of your PIR GROUP.

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Rainforest Café is in the Gurnee Mall. Here is the link for the Gurnee Mall directory and info.


    We didn't eat there but walked around in it.

    The Gurnee Mall is huge! It is in the shape of a "Z". There are not a lot of entrances in the middle of it though so mind where you park. It can take forever to walk all the way across the darn thing. 

    They have an ice rink and a Merry Go Round. Movie Theatres as well. I don't think those had an entrance directly from the Mall, can't remember. It's probably better to park right outside them anyways because of the distances.

  • CatMom509


         "Let each of you look out not only for his own interests,

          but also for the interests of others."

                                                                      Philippians 2:4

  • diannep

    kim:  There is a Buffalo Wings place next to the Walmart in that shopping center (close to Residence).  We ate sailor liked it because there were lots of A School sailors there and he was able to talk to some of them.  Casual but fun!

  • diannep

    By the way, we also stayed at Residence....when we checked in back in early 2010, they gave us lots of printed info on things to do in the area/restaurants, etc....

  • diannep

    Good Morning!  PIR is just a little over 2 weeks away for this group!  Your SRs are finishing up final tests soon and getting ready to start BattleStations, which some divisions will do later next week, the rest during PIR week.  You are almost there!