ALUMNI OF PIR 11/21/2014 TG 02 - 11 Divisions (009-018, and 902)

This group is for those who have loved ones that graduated from boot camp on November 21, 2014. A place to keep in touch with each other as the sailors continue their Navy journey.

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  • marychris'smom

    Thanks so much!!! SO EXCITED!!!!

  • Ndlove09

    Hello everyone!! I hope you are all having a wonderful day! I wanted to ask, is there an RSVP phone number or email for Sarge's Meet and Greet or do you just show up? I would like for my mother in law and I to be well informed the day before PIR.  Thank you

  • diannep

    Link to RSVP for Sarge's MeetandGreet:

    marychris'smom:  We also took the was great....that may work for your parents too....if either of them need a wheelchair, there are sailors manning them on base who would be happy to wheel either or both of them into PIR Hall and back out again. 

  • N4M10756

    I talked to Sarge today. He said that if you are coming to Meet and Greet, you can reserve your shuttle with him then and not to worry, he will get you there as early as you want. He also said that if your SR graduates with honors, you don't have to worry too much about getting there early because you will have especial sitting. You will know if your SR graduates with honors during your "I am a sailor" call. Make sure you ask your SR about it. She/he may be so tired he/she may forget to mention it. :)
    Goo night everyone!
  • marychris'smom

    Thank you all so much, I feel so much better! I cannot believe after all my son has been going through, and the one little thing we needed on our end (The letter with the Password!) we can't locate!!!  Looking forward to meeting other parents in the "SAME BOAT!"!!!

  • diannep

    N4M:  Hmmmm....I believe there is a special ceremony for the Honor Recruits/families held before PIR at a separate part of the base.  So that would involve the families getting there earlier.  But I know that would not be a problem for Sarge to get all there.....he has a large fleet of drivers!  Those who have Honor Recruits are mailed a letter from RTC that will arrive probably within a week of PIR, if not earlier.  So the families are made aware of this from RTC.

  • N4M10756

    Diannep, I am just repeating what Sarge said. :) Thanks for all you do and the effort of keeping us well informed. If you say leave early, early it is!
  • diannep

    Thanks, N4M.  Yes, I know you were repeating Sarge's info.  No problem!  Maybe he is not aware of the little private ceremony before PIR?  But it doesn't matter.  I think most will want to get there early anyway and most will!  

    Good Morning!

  • diannep

    Not sure if this group started BattleStations last night or will tonight.  I would ask that Div 009-012 families have phones available this afternoon just in case.  Calls can start as early as 2 pm Central time but go for a while.  Normally they start BattleStations on Thurs nights, but lately, some have started on Wed beware!

  • jrk'smom

    One week!!!! We are down to the nitty gritty

  • amity109

    ok. I'm crying. yes. I'm crying. I'm excited. I can hear his voice saying it....... I pray to God for all of our recruits to make the call and say it... Phone in hand until he calls.... 

  • amarmom1996

    I cant believe how quick this time has gone, I never thought I would make it without my son. He is such and amazing young man and I know these last 48 hours will be difficult but may God guide all these young and men in division 009-012 through this difficult time and may they all pass. God bless u all
  • BeachBunny

    Good Morn..

    Hi PIR group….

    If any of you have a sailor going to Pensacola for training after BC, we’d love to have you join the Pcola group, lots of information on the 700+ training courses there, join us at

  • jrk'smom

    Blue candle going strong right now.

  • Ndlove09

    Thank you so much J Freshie!! I just went and rsvp'd :-)

  • Shelly

    My son has requested his contacts for graduation. Please can anyone tell me how I mail these safely? In a regular envelope?

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Shelly - Some suggest the smallest Priority Mail box. If I remember the packing slip will identify what is inside. I would seal them into a Ziploc in case of leakage, then use bubble wrap for cushioning.

    Anything other than a letter will be opened in front of an RDC for inspection first.

    From the RTC FB Note - Recruits may receive one pair of contacts and one week's worth of solution to wear for photos and/or graduation.

  • Hygienistmama

    I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!!!! I have not gotten a call yet, but my phone is attached to me. I can't believe we just have a week to go!! Eeeeeek!!!! I also am praying for all our SR's. I have confidence that they will all pass!!
  • Shelly

    Thank you so much ♥FireTeamLeaderWife♥ Ill send it in the am . Cant believe its here !!!

  • Shelly

    Been burning my blue candles since yesterday <3 Wishing all our kids strength !!!!!!!

  • CatMom509

    Hello Friends!

         "Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed,

          because His compassions fail not.  They are new

          every morning; great is your faithfulness."

                                                  Lamentations 3:22-23

  • Hygienistmama

    Someone had posted a lot of airport information for when our SR flys out after PIR. I can't seem to find it now. It was either on here or on FB, but I've looked both places several times and can't seem to find it. Does anyone know where I can find this info again?
  • Hygienistmama

    I found it.
  • Career Mom

    Where did you find it? I thoight it was on the FB page but i cant locate it.
  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Hygienstmama :-) you're so cute!

  • diannep

    I take it that there were no I'm a Sailor calls today?  If not, then they are starting them tonight.  Phones glued to your bodies tomorrow afternoon!

  • diannep

    *Starting BattleStations tonight

  • diannep

    Ahhh......the 11/14 PIR group was still going through BattleStations last night, so that is one reason why your PIR group didn't start last night....they don't mix PIR groups during BattleStations....they finish one PIR group before starting the next one.

  • CatMom509

    Career Mom,

    I have no idea if Hygienistmama was talking about my "PERTINENT PIR TIPS" up in the Discussion Forum.  I do have a bunch of info on Sailors flying out to A school, some is specific to flying out of the Midway Airport, but some is good info for both. 

    The USO at the O'Hare airport in not behind the security checkpoint.  I also have no idea where their long term day rate parking lot is either~

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Here is a link to CatMom509's :


    Also, I added a Discussion just on the Airports:

    Meeting your NEW Sailor at the Airport/USO info

  • jrk'smom

    Blue candle going for all of our SR's!  We are almost there!

  • heyma313

    Good morning everyone.  Do you think its too late to send a letter to my son today? My daughter wants to send a picture of his neices as a final boost before PIR.

  • jrk'smom

    heyma313, I sent my last letter today. I figure it will get to him after BS, I even put a note on the letter telling him not to open until after BS. LOL

  • CatMom509

    Happy Friday!!

         "Praise the name of the Lord,

          for His name alone is exalted,

          His name is above Earth and Heaven."

                                               Psalm 148:13

  • CatMom509


    Today or tomorrow can be the last letter out as your SR will receive it Tuesday or Wednesday of next week~~

  • diannep

    Hoping that some very special calls come in starting in the next couple of hours from 009/010 and possibly 011/012 also!  Keep phones close!

    Good Afternoon!

  • diannep

    Captains Cup in the morning for all divisions in this PIR group.  Fun athletic competition for them!    No BattleStations on Fri or Sat nights, most likely not Sun night either (although over the years, they have sometimes gone on Sun nights).  My guess is that the I'm a Sailor calls will resume next week on Tues afternoon.  Just a guess from past experience!

  • Hygienistmama

    Here is the link to the airport info I was asking about last night. I found this very helpful. I hope this will open for you.
  • Hygienistmama

    I feel like I did 18 yrs. ago-will he be born today?? Now it's will I get the call today?? I'm so anxious and hyper now waiting!!! Ugggg!
  • SBMom

    On pins & needles! What time do you think would be latest we would get a call today?
  • sarah

    Div 009 passed BS. Just had my call!

  • amity109

    Congratulations Sarah!!!! 

  • jrk'smom

    On the FB page, 009 and 010 are reporting BS passed.
  • amarmom1996

    any news on ship 14 division 011 BS, I am like a kid at Christmas waiting

  • anasazigypsy

    Yeah, me too. Still waiting
  • SBMom

    Another question for my fountain of information (Navy Moms)...can binoculars be brought into PIR?
  • anasazigypsy

    All of those in division 011 except those who have not passed PFA are now SAILORS!! My former SR, now sailor, just called
  • Jwn's Mom

    Division 012 passed Battle Stations 21. Just had a great talk with my Sailor who was enjoying a Monster drink and a Kit-Kat! :) Next...graduation!

  • Hygienistmama

    That's awesome to all who've had "the call!" I feel so excited for you! Still waiting on mine. I've heard BS will be Monday for div. 13 and 14. Should be getting my call on Tuesday.
  • Shelly

    Hygienistmama, Where did you hear this from?? It was my understand BS was today ....