Texas' Moms

All Mom's who hail from the very proud state of TEXAS!!!
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  • Garretsproudmomma

  • MarNavyMom

    I got my kid in a box today!!  He got to boot camp on Monday. It was just like they said. His jeans were still rolled up from trying on boots. He sent me some trash too. A water bottle with a drink left. Crazy Kid!!  I do miss him. I am still burning my candle. 

  • MommaBear

    Haha, marnavymom....mine sent trash too!! Lol! How are all you newly-shipped mommas holding up?
  • V's Mom

    It's been a few months that I last posted. We made it through Boot Camp, and Meridian pretty much unscathed. But now that my daughter is flying out to her permanent post, I will truly be leaning on my Dear Lord and Saviour. To all Navy Moms, Bless you.
  • Kylesmom

    Our sailor goes on deployment in March..not sure what to expect
  • Tx Mom of Far Away Nuke

    NightCrawlerMom - Hello Arlington!  I lived there for about 4 years.  Boot Camp was the hardest.  I never received any letters from my Son except for the Form Letter.  The unexpected calls were the best though.  Send him/her lots of letters!  I sent comic strips, letters, pictures of pets printed out on regular paper - anything to cheer him/her up and remind them of home.

  • sigel

    Hi all. My son is in bc. His pir is 2-6-15 we live in Bastrop and his a school is at Ft Sam Houston. We will get to visit a lot
  • austin'sproudmomma

    Hi all, I'm from Pflugerville and just joined the site this weekend, my son graduates high school in june we are meeting with his recruiter this weekend. Are there any other mom's in this area?

  • mary

    Hello to all the new moms !! I haven't stopped by in awhile. My son is in his 5th month of deployment, so I am in there alot !! Nightcrawlermom, I am in Grand Prairie. I don't usually make it to the dinners, I work at the hospital and am usually working on the nights they go. All the mom's in bootcamp hang in there. It gets easier once you get the I am a sailor call. It is cold up there right now. I am born and raised in Michigan and the wind off that lake is paralyzing !!! Dress warm when you go for PIR hahaaa. Keeping all our sailors in my prayers. 

  • Pearl Harbor MA

    We are down to counting days until my son comes home for good!

  • Homeschoolmomof7

    So cool to see other DFW area moms on here!!  We moved here  in June from Va.  So still trying to get to know the area!  My son is in BC and graduates 2/6/15!!!  Cannot wait!!! 

  • Homeschoolmomof7

    I love seeing there are other homeschool moms!!!!  I feel not so all alone! My SR is heading to Groton for A school!  We are encouraing him to pick a fast attack!!  How long have each of your sons been there??  We are a retired Navy family!  And Groton was one of our duty stations!  I am excited to go visit him there!  My SR is not crazy to go because of the winter weather!  We are driving up for Boot Camp!!  I cannot wait!   

  • TexasmomShip13

    Hello y'all! I'm from Killeen. My son left Tuesday for BC. I miss him, but I also am very proud of him! After BC, he will go to Groton for subschool, then A school. He is my only child and I find the seperation a bit difficult. The 18 yrs flew by and I was kinda caught off guard. We have had our 30 second call, now waiting for the box and form letter.
  • MommaGirl

    Hello Texas Navy Moms!

    I am in Arlington, TX. New to N4M and this page. Our son talked with recruiters his Sr year of high school and almost went the NROTC route but ended up not going that route college. 

    He will enlist in May/June of this year. 

    Immersing myself in so much this site, its forums and groups has to offer and look forward to going through this new chapter in life with other Navy and Texas Navy moms. 

  • Homeschoolmomof7

    J's/S'smom how is he doing with the weather right now??  I hear it is terrible :( 

  • Homeschoolmomof7

    Any DFW gals attend church in Arlington?!?  Church on Rush Creek by any chance? 

  • Homeschoolmomof7

    My SR is not going to enjoy his time in Groton if the weather continues!  I will be praying for safety of all of those there. 

    oh!  We had looked that direction before we moved here!   We would love to be out in the middle of nowhere!!!  We need land for all these boys!!!  We did travel that way for a soccer tournament a couple months ago!  I loved it!!  But now with my husband now working with the VA hospital we are stuck to the South side of FW.

  • MommaGirl

    Homeschoolmomof7, Is the Church on Rush Creek the former Rush Creek Baptist right there on Green Oaks just west of Bowen? I don't attend there but my folks live  close to there. 

  • Homeschoolmomof7

    MommaGirl, I am not sure if it use to be Rush Creek Baptist but it is on the corner of Green Oaks and Bowen!  We moved here only about 6months ago and have been attending that church for about 3 months!  we live in Desoto right now and will hopefully be moving to Arlington this summer!!

  • MommaGirl

    Homeschoolmomof7, Yes, I know of which church you speak. I went to high school with the founding pastor's son. Not sure if he is still there or not. It has been a good number of years...ha ha.

  • Bandit1998

    Six Flags?????  Haven't been there in years.  Used to take our three sons there and to AstroWorld in Houston and Fiesta Texas in San Antonio.  Think I was a bigger kid about going to amusement parks than anyone else ever was.  LOL

  • Homeschoolmomof7

    MommaGirl, the pastor is Russ Barksdale.  Ring a bell?  I think he has been there from the beginning.  Still trying to learn everything about our new church, area, etc.!!!  But I bet it is him!

  • Homeschoolmomof7

    J's/S'smom, awesome!  I will have to pencil that in!  Are tickets expensive?  We had Busch Gardens in Va.  I know so little about Six Flags except we had one in Ca. when the hubby and I were teenagers!!  I need to learn of all Homeschool stuff in the area!!  Like a homeschool "school".  Something like Tafa?  Not sure if I am spelling that right!!

  • Homeschoolmomof7

    Thank you for all the info J's/S'smom!  We moved here, unpacked, one left to go to college, we got the others involved in their soccer, husband still trying to find full time work, get connected with a church etc, then my oldest left for boot camp!  So much still to learn and see!!!   Does any one else on here have a hubby retired or active duty??

    A get together sounds great!!

  • Concernedad

    OK, who is looking for things to do in the D/FW area? I've got many years of experience finding things for kids to do in the area, both expensive and cheap. Which direction would you like to go? East? West? North? South? 

  • Tx Mom of Far Away Nuke

    Hope all Texas Mom's affected by this weather are safe and sound!  I still have to make it home from work.  Keep warm!

  • Concernedad

    Looks like Dallas Hale got his truck back

  • Ruth, Gun's Mom

    I'm sending this to a Houston Navy mom that I know.  In my area there are many places for homeless vets to stay.  I'd think there's got to be something in Houston. 

  • Concernedad

    Free places to take your kids in the Dallas/Ft Worth area

  • Isaiah40:31

    My son arrived at boot camp today, April 1st. Anyone else?

  • MarNavyMom

    Hi Issaiah40:31

    Yay he made it there! Now for the real fun. My son has already left boot camp and is awaiting A school now. Good Luck to you and your son. I know boot camp can be tough on you waiting to hear from him. 

  • MyboyAllgrownup

    Just got my last call from my boy today! (4/10/15) and I just heard from him on Easter to say that he will be going to Pensacola, FL and to bring his cellphone to the airport with me when I see him off.  His PIR is 5/15/15.  I cannot tell ya how excited this mom is right now! 

  • MyboyAllgrownup

    Thanks, but it good to have it to share with other!

  • Deanna

    My son left for boot camp on the 6th of April PIR 5/29 I miss him so much 

  • MarNavyMom


    I know its hard. Soon you should get to hear from him soon. Just try to hang in there. My son's PIR was 1/23. It does get better.

  • Bandit1998

    Your story about your son always saying he was never going to do this or that got me tickled.  Reminded me of the TV commercial about the guy that said he was never going to get married, have a kid, have another kid, living in the suburbs, etc. and Never letting them go!  Now, I'll think of your post whenever that commercial comes on.  LOL.

  • Gmans/Mom

    We live in Alvin. It's 30 minutes from Galveston. This is my sons 2nd day in BC at Great Lakes. His rate is ABH. He said there were 3 other aviation guys in his group. I would love to connect with another mom who's son left out of Houston on 4.15.2015. Although I'm sooooo proud. My house feels different. My 16 year old daughter is missing her bro. Miss my boy!!! Love him so.
  • Bandit1998

    I live down the road from you in Palacios which is in Matagorda County.  My grandson left for PIR a year ago this month and is now stationed in Honolulu aboard USS Buffalo, a fast attack sub.  It is scheduled to be decommissioned in 2017.  I thought he would be assigned to another sub, but he is thinking the crew will be the ones doing the decommissioning stateside.  We will see.  Welcome aboard the Navy Family.  Glad to have you.

  • momstuy

    Bandit, Have any of your family gone to Hawaii to see him?  I would love to have an excuse to go there. haha

    My son is in BC with a PIR of May 15. Then he's off to Nuke school in South Carolina.  I'm glad to see the Texas group becoming more active.  We live outside of Dallas. :)

  • Deanna

    we live in Edna and after bc Josh will be in San Antonio for MA training can't wait for that only 2 hours away it will be so nice

  • Gmans/Mom

    @Bandit1998 Thanks for the kind welcome. You're not far from us. After BC my son will go to Pensacola for 4 months or so. Not sure where after that. Still feel like I'm dreaming. Lol! I'm sure each day will get better. I'm so excited for him. He was smiling when he left. God, I love that kid.
  • Deanna

    I found this on a fb site it is so true but I still can't say it with out crying 

    Father, in the coming days I will need you, but my recruit will need you more. Let him perform his tasks with a sense of duty, not of anger or vengeance. Let his reflexes be quick and his hands steady. Let his head be clear and his eyes sharp. Let his mind and body be strong and his spirit stronger.
    God, please stand by my recruit and watch his back when he cannot. Father, I love this recruit of mine! Take from me what he needs and give me what he does not!
    I will pace the nights if it means he gets some sleep. I will deal with the fatigue if it means he will have energy. I will carry his fear if it means he will have courage. I will take his pain if it means he is healthy and whole. I will take his anger if it means he is at peace.
    Take my love and pride and let him feel it. Let him know that I am with him every step of the way! Please, take from me what You can... I give it willingly and with love. It is all I have besides my prayers.
    Above all, please help my recruit achieve his goal of becoming a US NAVY SAILOR.
    This I ask on bended knee, that which cannot be done without YOU!

  • MarNavyMom

    Hi Ladies,

    My son's PIR was 1/23/15 he is now in Pensacola and will finally class up for AC Monday. YAY... We are in Atascocita  Texas just a little north of Houston. We have been lucky enough to go visit him during Spring Break. It was so nice to see him again. We text daily so I don't miss him so bad anymore. But I do miss him. 

  • Bandit1998

    Beautiful prayer.

  • VKat

    I said that prayer every single night while my son was in BC. It really helped me a lot.
  • mrsruth1986

    @Gmans/mom we live in Friendswood/Webster area near Bay Brook mall. Welcome to the Navy world. My daughter has been in since July, 2013 & has one deployment under her wings. There are many ups & downs we learn to "ride the waves!"
    PIR is a must. It is the best thing we did. I still tear up thinking about it. You will see how much they grow & mature in just this short period of time.
    Let me know if you need anything, Navy family is always here for you.
  • Tatty

    Thanks for the add, I live in houston texas and it's always nice to find new navy support. God bless
  • NavyMom916

    Sent our son off this past Wednesday. Looking forward to PIR! Live in NW Houston and so glad to find this group.

  • Nana51

    Welcome to the group. My grandson is in Goose Creek, S. C. In Nuke power school. We are from Pearland.
  • sherylb70

    My son left Wednesday also From Houston.