Navy Moms on Facebook

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  • Sharon ~ K's Mom



    darlene, Monterey is beautiful. I lived near there many moons ago when ex-husband was in the Army and stationed at Ft. Ord.


    Nate, it will depend on what their job and rate is. Also, wait for him to tell you what his new address will be. No, don't write him at the old address, if you have, he will get it though. He will be in another area, not where BC is held. He will be able to have more contact with you which is always good. Congrats!!

  • Natewash-RodneyDanielsMom

    @ Sharon-Diego's Mom...Thanks!
  • darlene8993

    Vuke's Mom, that's great news!  My daughter is in 02/947, and there is one other CTI in the same division with her. 

    Sharon, I am really looking forward to visiting Monterey!  It will certainly be different that Southwest Ohio!  :)

  • Vuke's Mom


    i sent you a message! Hope to meet you at the meet and great!

  • Karen

    Hi, Im looking for a pin to give to my son when he returns from his deployment , he is in the George W Bush Fleet Group, Operations Freedom Maritime Deployment.

    Its like a coin , where would I find it and which one for his deployment.  I got one for my nephew  ( Army) when he returned from Irag and I would like to also get one for my son as a keepsake. Can anyone help me with . Thanks Karen


  • INmom

    Karen I've never heard of the pin. What's it for??
  • Karen

    I got my newphews coin on the army base. it said like returning from Iraq on one side and the other was like map of the Iraq state.   i just wanted to give him something that he can keep from where he was deployed . remberance coin.  look on the navy site for clothes,assessories and stuff they show some there.   A keepsake coin.

  • DebS

    How do I get an emergency message to my sailor?  I can't find any numbers .. he is with the HCS 9   Tridents
  • claudia

    my husband says the red cross in a true emergency...
  • Mama C (PS E-Class 1202-1)

    Red Cross Emergency Services - (877) 272-7337
  • GirlsGoneNavy

    We raise our Children to be strong and get them ready to face the world....But I think I forgot to get myself ready for them to face the on the world without me. :(
  • Lil Angie 74

    My husband bought those "space-bag thingys", I can't seem to pack away my boys things, he just graduated this past may, then left for BC on august 16th, now PIR , so excited, yet I know this is going to be hard, a time when I will have to realize he is growing up, my husband set up his computer in his room took the bed out, I was very upset, he said Angie, he is probably not gonna live here, he is gonna be traveling, he will visit ,but honey, he has to do this," ya, ya ya, to which I just blubbered and cried, he is now going to put in a futon, and paint the room and said we can put up all his pics, and sailors creed, I feel that I still need for him to have a room, I wish I could except this, it's so so hard:( but I am so proud of him, I just love him so much, and I am secretly scared when I see him at PIR, that it will be too hard for me to let go.
  • Lil Angie 74

    Thank you so much! It sure is a blessing to have people like you to lean on, wish or better yet hope his two grandpas and his best friend will be looking down from heaven cheering him on, they all knew his plans to go to navy and gave him the confidence to do it, we are all so just proud of him, the strength that kid or man has is twenty times that of my own! Thx again blessings to you for listening;)
  • Batmansmom531

    I like many of the moms here feel proud, scared, anxious and melancholy.....i tried to prepare myself for when my kids grew up and didn't need me as much, buy I didn't anticipate me needing them more. My oldest son will be leaving for basic on 10/26 four days after his 20th bday, I miss him already...
  • Maria ( 9/132 - HM- 04-2011)

    Devil doc mom, that is a great story. Thanks for sharing.
  • momoftwosons

    This warmer can be ordered and sent directly to you. I wanted to share with all N4M. This is a fundraiser  - with the proceeds being donated to the USO.  As you know they take care of our sailors both here at the airports and abroad.  I couldn't think of a more worthwhile cause - Look thru the catalog towards the end for the special value deal. Be sure to click on N4M-USO.  Great smelling holiday gifts too.

  • momoftwosons

    Oops - forgot to add the link for the Navy warmer below

  • Sharon ~ K's Mom

    A friend is having a Scenty party soon and I will be ordering two of the Navy warmers. I have to see what I can order for the candles as I have terrible allergies anymore. I can pretty much only do vanilla or mulberry and I love the mulberry!


  • momoftwosons

    I just read the msg about no warmer - contacting the rep and will post asap. thanks. I couldn't find it either.

    Please note that all proceeds from this fundraiser - being made are going to the USO for all their help and support of our Sailors/SRs both here in the airports and abroad.

  • Christa (Proud Navy Mom)

    Hi, Julie F and momoftwosons.  I was able to find the Navy warmer by performing a search for Navy once I selected the N4M-USO party.  Here's the link to the warmer.
  • momoftwosons

    Thanks Christa - it's pg 16 and 17 on the on line catalog... the # for the navy warmer is  DSW-PAT-NAVY and the price is $35.00 plus tax. its under the premium warmers
  • mel


    My sons first assignment as an Operations Specialist is in Norfolk, on the Admirals' staff.  He went to A school right after boot camp, and is coming home today for 2 weeks.  Does anyone know what he will be doing?

    I'm looking for a site which relates to poetry in the Navy. (mom and son sailor) to be specific.

    Does anyone have a link?

    Let me know.





  • ProudNavyMom

    momoftwosons - I just placed my order for a Navy warmer and some scentsy bars. Can't wait to get them!!!!  Thanks!!
  • Marcia Shea's Mom(Ship3, Div367)

    My heart is so full everytime I read a letter from my daughter. I miss her so very much and it breaks my heart when she mentioned that some of the girls did not get along, they have to become a team real soon.  I told her to just keep praying for herself and pray for her fellow sailors to unit as one for the mission at hand.  I visit my daughter's room every morning and every evening, this is the hardest thing I have had to do is to realize she will now just visit and not live here with us anymore.  It was hard when my son went in the army, but some how this is worst.  Maybe because she is the last to go.  Well, I am at work and I don't want people to know that I am crying.  I will pray for yall strength and please pray for my strength.  Hooyah!
  • Suzi-OH

    Marcia......wish I could give you a big hug!!! Do you have a Navy Moms group near you? Here in NE Ohio we get together once a month for lunch, shopping, etc.... I also started a Facebook group for us. We help keep each other together.

    I know exactly how you feel. Mine is now in OK of all places for a Navy guy, lol!!! I use to blubber myself sick over my son. PIR was even worse for me when I saw that transformation and realized he also belongs to the Navy now.

    My son was fortunate...he was in a coed div for BC and they were a great team. It was so cute to see them together after PIR. Many of them still keep in touch, especially on Facebook. They really encouraged each other .....whether in runs, PRT and even loaned each other phone cards when some wouldn't work.

    It can be so hard to let go and I haven't exactly been able to totally do that yet, lol. But, when you see how mature, confident and secure in their field you will find it a little easier to be happy for them without crying over missing really DOES get easier, but never EASY! {{{NMH}}}

  • Ashleysmamaluciana

    My arms are around you Marcia! My baby girl is on the Ronald reagan Carrier on her second deployment and I miss her dearly,but they become strong fast and soon you are at awe at their strength and growth,but we will always be mamas!

    Sending good vibes your way for extra strength at this time!:)..hugs,Luciana

  • Marcia Shea's Mom(Ship3, Div367)

    Thank you I feel the love and I am so very grateful.  I am praying for them each and every day.  @ Suzi-OH, how do I check to see if there is a group near me.  I really appreciate you both for responding to me.  I feel better.
  • Ashleysmamaluciana

    Hi marcia, a very good friend of mine found me by searching by city and state,and come to find out she lives right up the street from me!! she sent a private msg and three of us met once a week during boot camp and we still  keep in close contact:) daughter had quite the experience in her div.during bc.I remember those letters and they broke my heart,but they do make through it, and so will you:)
  • Suzi-OH

    Marcia - search the groups on here for your state or large city near you. Where do you live? I'm in Solon, OH, near Cleveland. There are also Mothers of Military groups all over the US. Look on Facebook, too. Feel free to add me on Facebook ... Suzi Hoffman Castiglione.
  • Sharon ~ K's Mom

    Marcia, I am sorry that  your daughter is going through all that. Having an all female division is harder all around. Our son was in an all male division for BC and they had some issues early on, but came together after that and graduated as an Honor Division. It was so cool to listen to him tell us about all the guys and how they came together as one. Hang in there and continue to be supportive. I am also with you on going into the bedroom morning and night, though I did it quite often standing in the  doorway, wishing I had taken a picture of his room with his posters, Navy parking sign and other stuff that would never be on the walls again. The signs of a teenager, now a young married man. Our son married his girlfriend last 22 December, they were both 18 at the time. He wrote us during bc that he wanted to marry her, and she and I planned the wedding in a short seven weeks. It was a wonderful celebration for them, they are a great couple together and are doing well in Norfolk. So, you are never alone............we are all in this together, rants, raves, tears, and laughter, praises and sadness as well. It all goes with being a mom and letting our children grow up and bloom into the wonderful adults they will become. Though, the missing is always there, huh?
  • ProudNavyMom

    Good morning Ladies!!!!  Well, I'm with all of your that are still waiting on the first phone call and first letter from your SR!  It's only been 2 weeks since he left, but it seems like a long time ago!  I miss him and hope the letters start coming soon.  I've written him a bunch so far.  I hope he's getting them.  I book our flights yesterday to go to PIR!!  I can't wait to see him and give him a great big hug!!
  • ladyayp

    MOrning Proudnavymom, My Screen name is ladyayp. My son has been in for about a year and a half. I have another son that has been in for 13 years. I am sure that your Sailor is getting all the letters, jut keep in mind that they are very busy. Please let me know if you have any questions, I will be more than willing to help answer them. Hang in there!!!! Please jion all the groups that you can for support. My son is on the Ronald Reagan. Whatever ship your child will be assigned to, I suggest that you join that group. Take care
  • ProudNavyMom

    Thanks ladyayp!  I've joined several groups so far and the support here is wonderful!!!
  • ProudNavyMom

    Still no letter today. :(. I had my son for 19 years and I'm having a very hard time with the not being able to talk to or him him or at least text him. I've also had the same feelings of it being like a death. I sob sometimes when I think about him. When I'm not sobbing I'm crying. I really need to get a letter soon. I miss him alot. I know I'll probably feel alot better once I hear from him and can hear from him that he is doing ok.
  • elizabeth

    Oh boy do I remember those feelings, while my son was in boot camp.  Now he is only 10 days away from graduating A school and going to his station, only 2 1/2 hours away from where we live. 

    While they are in boot camp we lived for those letters, usually arrived Wednesdays or Thursdays. Then the first real phone call around the 4th week and that last call when they pass battle-stations and get there sailors caps.  I know exactly how you feel right know, and seems like forever,  but it is all worth it when you get to see them in their dress blues and how proud they are of themselves.

  • Pearl Harbor MA

    I feel that I was so blessed while my son was in BC. We got 4 long phone calls and I think 2 short ones. They got to call the very first Saturday they were there. I was so shocked.It all depends on their RDC's.They also had a guy kind of freak out and  get sent home almost right away so maybe that had something to do with it..who knows?!  Just glad it's over with. He is now stationed in Hawaii!
  • kristie 09/016

    I felt the same way the day before my son was going to leave. He got a call later in the afternoon and they changed his leave date for 2 days was a huge blessing to have the extra couple days with him but then come ship day deluged all the crazy emotions again. Hang in there, it is a roller coaster of emotions. It may take a few weeks to hear anything from your SR we are still waiting for the first " real" letter to arrive and he left Oct 6th . Praying we hear something this week.
  • Marqy'sMom13

    ProudNavyMomShip09DIV ~ My daughter is my only biological child, she will turn 20 in 6 days.  She graduated BC 10/1/10.  She is now on her first deployment and first birthday sooo far away from home.  This will also be the first time we spend the holidays without her, we were fortunate to have her for x-mas right after A school, she received her orders for San Diego while she was home for x-mas in 2010.  I have been also fortunate enough to visit her a few times in San Diego before her deployment.  

    When she left for bootcamp she was fresh out of high school, 8 weeks to be exact.  I cried myself to sleep the first week she was gone.  I am very lucky to have a relationship with my daughter where we have been the best of friends.  Not talking to her whenever I feel like it, not seeing her whenever I feel like it, yes it is like experiencing a death.  You hit it right on the nose.  It does get better, maybe a little easier.  I am so proud of her, she has visited 6 countries so far since she left on 7/29.  She even got hurt during deployment and I just about lost all my marbles.  Navy 4 moms has helped me tremendously, I know now I am not alone, I know now I was not just going crazy.  

    When I received her first letter informing us of her graduation, I saw her name on the return of the envelope, I was crying so hard for joy I could hardly read the letter, lol.

    I am sending you a great big hug right now!  I remember my daughter explaining how phone calls home were a privilege.  They work as a team and have to earn the additional phone calls.  I only received 2 calls while in BC and checked my mailbox everyday.

    I can't wait for you to hear from your son for the first time, again I am sending you more hugs.


    Stay in touch with Navy 4 Moms, they have been my "Saving Grace"

  • eolia (ship 10/div 257)

    proudnavymom I feel like I am you when I am reading your post, my son an only child and very close to his dad and myself, the whole way after dropping him off was horrible, we drove 50 miles crying one would stop the other would start, getting my first letter was July 3rd it was a saturday and i walked in the postal service to check again my po box, there it was not just 1 letter but two, i yelled out woooooo hooooooooo so loud thank goodness no one else was there. I think it was better then christmas as a child. That day it started getting a little easier, He is now almost graduating from A school and I have seen him twice since dropping him off at that recruiter, I do still cry leaving him but I see what kind of person I should say MAN he has become and the hard work he has put into being a great Navy Sailor. My husband and I are so proud of him words can't describe it, you will feel the same way. I just keep saying we have to support all his efforts and that helps me so much. After seeing my son last weekend in San Antonio I know he made a great decision to join a wonder Family like the Navy, thank your son for the sacrifice he is making for me and my family and we are all hear for you.
  • kristie 09/016

    Thank you Diane. It's so nice to hear other moms that have been through this hard time and know that if they can get through it so can I. Its so hard not knowing what is going on, but I guess that will make that first letter even more special. I pray my son gets stationed in San Diego, that would be the closest to us. Hope that doesn't sound too selfish.
    I love hearing all the other stories and meeting people who know what we are all dealing with. I wish I could meet some people in my area, Las Vegas, so that ee could actually sit down and talk about things. But I'm so thankful to have been given this website to find support.
  • ProudNavyMom

    Thank you Margysmom & eoila - I really appreciate your thoughts and words of encouragement. I literally had to stop multiple times while reading your posts to wipe my face cause I was crying so much I couldn't see.

    I'm trying to not dwell on it today. Went to store with my younger son and bought a pumpkin and we are carving it now. Well - he is. We worked on scraping out the inside and I helped him get the pattern taped and now he is tracing the pattern onto the pumpkin. It helps doing things but I still miss my SR and the phone call / letters can't start soon enough for me.
  • Marcia Shea's Mom(Ship3, Div367)

    Hello Everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful day.  I just left my daughter's room and I am really missing her right now.  I plan to leave out the house in 20mins to walk around the mall.  My daughter said I can send her natural eyeshadow and foundation, so I will mail items off to her tomorrow.  I can hardly believe I have 19 more days before I can hear her voice.  I pray daily for our children and our peace.  I will continue to pray for all of our families.  Have a blessed day!
  • Marcia Shea's Mom(Ship3, Div367)

    Are there any moms that child has the PIR date of November 10, 2011 traveling from MD, DC, VA, PA, NY or NJ?
  • TXNavyMom

    Kristie, Have you checked to see if there is a group of either Nevada Moms or Las Vegas Moms.  If not start one, you might be surprised at how many moms or girlfriends, wives and fiances there are.  I now that our son's fiance is in in Vegas.  That's where we lived for 20+ years up until Jan of this year.  Our son PIR'd on 06/03/11.  We had to say good by to him in March when he came to visit before he left in April.  I haven't seen him since his PIR, but his dad went up and they had a Guy's weekend over Labor Day.  He will be here in Texas for Thanksgiving so that's going to be great.  He will finish A School mid Jan and we too hope he gets San Diego.  So no it's not selfish to wish for that.  Friend me and we can exchange information if you like.


  • terbeasch

    Reading all these posts made me remember how much I missed hearing from my son in BC and I thought it was bad, now that he is deployed for 7 months its even worse, contact is sooooo limited and he is so far away - I just keep telling myself  "this to shall pass" and he will be back on US soil soon!  Just remember when things get tough there is always someone here to listen and lift you up!
  • ProudNavyMom

    Good morning Ladies!
  • ladyayp

    Terbeasch, What ship is your sailor assigned to?


  • Michele

    Any moms/families from the DE, MD area with PIR date 11/4/11, My son Ship 09 Div.364 friends with a recruit from MD and he told me to try to find his mom.
  • mamawalrus

    Any other moms out there with a Sailor going to FMTB at Camp L?


  • Sharon ~ K's Mom

    Hello to all and those that are *newbies.* Your messages take me back to when our son was a *Depper* and then the time came where he was taken to the hotel to leave the next morning. It was so hard, I sit with tears in my eyes and the heavy feeling in my heart remembering those days. It was so hard to let him go!! He graduated in June, he left for BC on 22 September. It was so hard for us, his girlfriend had left two weeks before for college, she was living with us (long story), she came home on the weekends and we were a family!! Then Diego was to leave as well and that was not a good feeling. We are a close family and to watch him get on that bus, I wanted to go and get him!! Then the wait for the phone call, then the wait for the "box" and then letters!! We were blessed, he was in a great division, his division had the most phone calls over the course of seven weeks (they were a push division) and we got lots of letters. They live for your letters as you live for theirs. We took his calls no matter where we were or what we were doing. When letters came I would sit in my car just so I could be *alone* with *him* for a bit. He had never been away from home, heck he didn't stay the night at any friend's houses until he was over 10 years old. He was always with Kevin and I and we loved it. So, then one letter comes in mid October and he tells us that he "Loves Kels" and wants to marry her while home on leave!! So, Kels comes home that Thursday night and we talk and tears overflow and we will welcome another *daughter* into our lives!! We gave them our blessings and in a short seven weeks, we planned a bridal shower and wedding!! It was stressful, but wonderful, sad because Diego was still in BC and then went to *A* school. Kevin and Kels drove down to get him and bring him home, we had a beautiful wedding on 22 December and then he got really sick on Christmas Eve, so we had a quiet Christmas. They had to leave on the 28th to get their housing. We went to visit them in July, they are doing great though we miss having them home with us. They had to decide if Kels will be coming home while he is deployed next spring. They aren't sure how they want to work things, though we are quietly praying she comes home. The thought of her being in another state by herself with the dog just doesn't sit well with us. Time will tell.


    Anyway,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT!!! Come here often ,join your groups and lean on those you understand! We have all been there and continue to be there with you and for each other. That is the wonderful blessings of site such as this!!! HOOYAH!!!!