Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17)

For loved ones and graduates of Ship 5(17) no critics!This is a haven for the above, not for those seeking to attack those in need of support! PLEASE READ THRU MASTHEAD. MANY QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE!

Please, if you no longer want to be a part of N4M's consider NOT deleting your profile as everything you have ever posted will disappear when you delete it .  You can leave a group but don't permanently delete your profile!

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  • kelly

    SG, My son was told he could be in SEPs for up to 3 weeks when he first went to SEPS.  Wondering if the new SEPS members have mental health issues, so get to go home sooner.  Since the influx of new members there has been a lot of punishment being dealt out.  My son told me they are spending 4 hour time slots just sitting on the floor because of someone horsing around or not doing what needs to be done.  He said it was much better before they had so many men. When he first went to SEPS there were 140 men in SHIP 5 and everyone was disciplined and they were getting a lot of extra privileges but not now.  He told me they now have 3 compartments.  With so many more coming in on Monday and Tuesday the Navy is really going to need to send men in larger groups to free up space.  Tell your boy to hang in there, he will be home soon.  My son bought a watch at the NEX with the 2 time zones and the day and date.  He said that has helped.  He also told me they have to take SEPS members to the NEX 2x week so they can make calls at that time.  I will pray your son is headed home soon.

  • kelly

    SG inbox me and I will let you know who my kid is and maybe you can have your son connect with him.  Having someone they can hang out with has made a big difference for my son.  JenBo's husband has been that someone for my son.  My kid makes friends where ever he goes so he may be a good connecton for your son until he (my kid) comes home in the next week or so.

  • teacher/mom Ship 11 Div 108

    Hi all, new to this site my son was sent there on Tuesday for a medical condition we were completely unaware of. I only got the voice mail haven't heard from him since I am extremely upset after reading all the posts about the treatment that is happening on Ship 5. Many of our family members are there through no fault of their own. If they are there because of Mental Health issues or disipline reasons they should be in separate areas. I always respected the military now I'm starting to rethink my reasoning. Sorry for sounding so gruff but I find this not knowing extremely upsetting.

  • JenBo

    Hi teacher/mom, I'm sorry that your son has been sent to SEPS. It's not a pleasant environment a lot of the time, but if he can manage to make some normal friends ("normal" people do exist in ship 5!) it will help him greatly. I agree that disciplinary separations should be, well, separated, but mental separations aren't always what they seem. Many of them are being separated for having the blanket issues of "anxiety" and "depression" whether they truly have it or not. It seems like if the recruits is to express nervousness or sadness of any kind they'll use that as a window of opportunity. This is not what my husband is separated for, but I've heard enough to form a theory on the matter. Don't get me wrong, there are some real crazies in Ship 5 from what I've heard, but it seems like the majority are pretty mentally stable and are just assigned an invisible ailment to detract one less paycheck from the Navy's budget. Haha, as you can see, I can relate to your anger about the situation. What makes me the angriest are the actions of some of some of these recruits and how they are used to punish everybody. I've heard so many ridiculous stories within the past couple of weeks. Even though these people aren't allowed to be in the military anymore, they treat them like they are still in training as far as mass punishment goes. But, instead of being IT'd they have to sit or stand on a line for a number of hours because one person did something stupid. It sounds like they treat them ALL like they're in some twisted psychiatric ward sometimes. Believe me, it irritates me to no end as well. 

  • JenBo

    Angie, I think it is reasonable to be suspicious that this extreme increase in separated recruits is in response to the recent budget cuts made to the military. I am going by what my husband in separations has said, so take it for what it is. He has said that they now don't even have enough room for the amount of people coming into Ship 5 and the reasons for these separations are getting more and more insignificant by the day. When he was still in training, they started taking away half of recruits' uniforms to give out to new recruits because apparently the Navy could not pay for new ones. I guess things really are that bad. In the long run, separating these recruits will save them money rather than keeping them in the military and continuing to pay their salaries for years while they find something for them along with current sailors of newly dry docked ships something to do. A lot of the "children" in separations know they have nothing to lose now and are therefore acting out and making others suffer for their actions. If they were actually going to enter the military, this is an understandable tactic. If someone in the military screws up, people can die. But these people are not going into the military, they're just want to go home and figure out plan B. Things rarely work that way in the outside world. Everyone is responsible for their own individual choices and actions. When your loved one is being thrown out of the Navy and they can't contact you for a week because someone "overdosed" on energy drinks at the NEX, it's frustrating. I've heard of separated recruits sneaking out of the compartments at night all the way to punching others in the face completely unprovoked... It's just incredibly frustrating when your loved one who is put in such a bad situation is punished further. It's nearly dehumanizing how they are punished in ship 5. They make no distinction between the trouble makers and the ones that are just trying to lay low and get through the day. When you loved one changes their life and sacrifices everything to serve their country and suddenly get their dreams crushed, you have to understand the anger that comes with that. Whatever the cause, asthma, an injury, etc, it's not their fault. A lot of them wanted this more than anything. I'd say the "failure to adjust" types are a minority in SEPS. I know you have a lot of respect for the military and are trying to defend it, but we're just expressing our feelings about what has happened to our loved ones. I'm not trying to slander the Navy, they have to do what they have to do and I'm sure we all understand that. But that doesn't mean that we are going to be perfectly fine with it, especially when some of these people are wrongly separated for things that simply aren't an issue for them. Having to experience the process alongside our family members comes with a great deal of pain and frustration. 

  • JenBo

    Apparently the more riled up I am, the more typo's I make. But, regardless, this is simply a place for people to vent about their loved ones being put in separation and get support from others in the same boat. It's not the best place to find positive and uplifting things about the Navy since we've all had a pretty bad experience with it for the most part. 

  • Stephany (Nick from PA sister)

    I just found out that my brother is coming home tomorrow. (My parents knew for a few days but wanted to surprise my other brother an myself.)

    I can't wait for him to get home. Especially after hearing all of these crazy things happening to them.

    Like what was said before, he's afraid everyone will be disappointed in him. I hope the guys (and girls) realize that.

    I wish all of you luck along with your families. I hope they all come home really soon.
  • JenBo

    Yay! Congrats Stephany! He'll be coming home in the same group as my husband. I'm sure we'll both be glad when this crazy emotional roller coaster is over with. Good luck to your brother. I hope he finds his path to bigger and better things!

  • Cammy

    Well I just received my first word from my husband.  He went to boot camp on 2/13 and I received a phone call tonight.  It wasn't from him, but apparently a ship mate. I have no idea what's going on.  He just told me that my husband wanted to tell me that he's probably getting medically discharged.  He couldn't tell me why my husband was unable to pass this information along to me himself, and he could not tell me why he was being discharged.  Needless to say I am very distraught and confused.  He received a medical waiver and it took two months to clear BEFORE he went into the DEP, so I'm afraid with the budget cuts they are using this as a reason to discharge him now. He had to be cleared by an orthopedic surgeon as well as the MEPS doctors, and passed just fine.  

  • JenBo

    Cammy, I'm so sorry. He probably hasn't signed his HIPPA release yet, so he can't tell you why he's being separated. There is some info about HIPPA at the top of the group info box above. It seems that when recruits arrive at Ship 5 they get a phone call right away, but with the amount of people there right now I'm not sure if that's always the case. It can be hard to get to a phone at the moment. Problems usually arise when waivers should have been issued for something in their medical history but the recruiter did not notify the recruit that they needed one. If he has a waiver for something, I would assume he is safe from being separated for that particular reason. His possible discharge could be for a number of reasons, ranging from imperfect color vision to sleep disorders to stress injuries. I know you are feeling awful right now, but I promise it will pass and you two will figure it all out together. Hang in there and I hope you hear from him very soon!

  • Cammy

    Thanks.  It was just really weird that while he didn't call me, someone else did.  It was the correct zip code and he knew my name and my SR's name.  So it seems my husband passed on my phone number and my info to someone he trusted that he knew was getting a phone call.  I'm thinking he's probably in the group that's getting moved there tomorrow or Tuesday, and that's why the weird phone call.  He's still in his normal ship but was on watch I believe.  It's just really hard not knowing what's going on. 

    I can't believe it took them 28 days of paying a recruit they were releasing?  That's terrible Batmom!  I really hope my husband isn't stuck there that long if they're just going to release him.  

  • JenBo

    Ah, that makes a lot of sense Cammy. I know they will hold them over the weekend because nobody is there to process them until Monday. My husband will be there for 19 days. He was separated on Valentine's Day (Happy Valentine's Day to us!) and will be coming home tomorrow. The good news is that they're actually trying to process them out quicker now since there's so many of them. I couldn't believe that they only sent three people home last Thursday and will now be sending a group of about 15 home on Monday. That tells me that it IS possible to get them out a lot quicker, but they just choose not to. Sigh. It must be really hard waiting for more information, but just hang tight and try to be supportive. He may be really hard on himself for a few days like mine was. It's not easy, but like batmom said, it will be over eventually.

  • Cammy

    I just called Legal and they have no information for him, so maybe he is just being paranoid and thinks he is going to be transferred (he gets paranoid about things like this easily and frets).  They told me if he does get sent to Ship 5 he will get to call when he gets there, so I guess I will just have to wait til I hear from him directly to know what is going on.  I'm hoping he is just panicking for a silly reason.  He might just be homesick and be freaking out too (we have a 14 month old so I can't imagine how lonely he is feeling away from us).  I'm sorry about your husband Jen!  My husband shipped to boot on the 13th so our Valentine's day wasn't the best either.  I'm sorry you are going through this :(  I'm very glad your husband is coming home though, and I hope the best for you guys.  Keep your chins up.

  • JenBo

    Thank you for the kind words, Cammy. The military can be so hard on families! ): My husband would have had 11 days left until graduation today. We have come to learn that this situation is for the best for us personally, although it sure didn't feel like it at first. If you get a chance to speak with him, tell him not to worry too much and just focus on his training. They're really looking for reasons to separate recruits right now, so the less he speaks about any potential issues, the better. I really hope he is able to finish his training and that you guys don't have to deal with the separation process. But if you do, just be his rock and let him know it's not his fault and everything will work out, even if you don't feel so positive at the time. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and your family!

  • kelly

    For those of you just coming to SHIP 5, support, support and support your loved one.  They need that now more then anything.  They need to know you are still very proud of them for trying and you are glad he/she is coming home.  Get them thinking about plan B.  They will have plenty of time to do so, especially during their 4 hour sitting or standing sessions.  Remember everyone deals with disappointment in their own way.  Some will act out while others will do what is expected.  Those who are acting out haven't figured out their time in SEPS would go better if they followed the rules.  Know that if you haven't gotten a call from your loved one that has been sent to SEPS it may be because they have chosen not to call.  Maybe because they are afraid you will be disappointed in them, they may be embarrassed.  With so many in SEPs right now they are probably still trying to figure out when the phones are free.  You can continue to send letters but they need to go to SHIP 5 now.  Hang in there you will hear from them soon.  My son has been in SEPS 2 weeks and has finally gone to legal, now waiting for the captain to sign off.  Then travel plans will be made.  At this point my boy could be home any where from Wed ths week to Mon next week.  Can't wait for him to get home!  Good luck to you all and your recruits, there is life after the Navy, my son has already come up with plan b and is wanting to get home to put it in place.

    God bless each of you and hang in there, be up beat when you finally get to talk to your son/daughter.

  • JenBo

    Well, my husband is home now! We are both so happy and relieved. The moment we spotted each other in the airport was priceless. He has accumulated lots of stories and picked up a few habits. The morning after he got home he started tucking in his shirt, something he never did before. I asked him why and he said the RDCs would make them run around the compartment screaming "I'm a pretty pretty princess!" if they didn't tuck in their shirts. So naturally, he had to avoid that. Lol! I don't think he's going to be finished with remembering new stories to tell for a while.

    I've been on Navy for Moms since he enlisted in July 2012 and most of the people I've talked to here have been very friendly and helpful. I'm really glad I had this website for the whole journey. It didn't turn out how we had expected, but we're hopeful that things will end up better this way. A lot of good has come out of this seemingly bad situation. I hope you all get your loved ones home very soon and have a happy reunion day. It's a shame that many of them wound up in Ship 5 through no fault of their own, but there are bigger and better things waiting for all of them. If you could have gotten through boot camp if it wasn't for something like an injury or disqualifying condition getting in your way, you're a strong person. Strong people will find their way. :)

  • Cammy

    I am so glad to hear that Jen!  It must be a great feeling to have him home :)  I believe everything will work out in the end, and things happen for the best.

    I finally heard from my husband, and he's terribly homesick (not injured thankfully) and wants to come home.  He says it's getting harder and harder every day to be away from us (especially his daughter, who learned to walk shortly after he left) and he just doesn't know if he can handle this life style after all.  

  • JenBo

    Cammy, I'm sorry to hear that! The military definitely isn't for everyone. Once he's graduated, there's a very good chance he will be deployed for months at a time. Though, in that situation, there will be more contact and less stress than boot camp. Does he have something to fall back on if he comes home? If so, then maybe you two should start weighing the pros and cons. If not, then I would really encourage him to keep at it. Maybe start writing him daily letters if you don't already. They don't have to be long, either. If you don't have time, just write him a few positive sentences to hang on to. Pictures help, too. My husband said that my letters helped him immensely. Also, around week 4 is when things get a lot easier for everyone, so maybe he will feel differently by then. I can only imagine how hard it must be for both of you with a baby in the picture. I hope you two can get a chance to talk about it and that you find the best option for your family!

  • Cammy

    Yeah he made sure not to specifically say anything over the phone, I just asked him questions and he answered.  He said a lot more about it in his letters.  He will be making his decision on Monday and after that there is no coming home no matter how homesick he is.  I feel like he'll regret it if he comes home.  Maybe not when he first gets home...but then again maybe it's just not meant to be.  I trust him to make the decision that's right for him, and I hope him the best.  

    I write to him every day and send him lots of pictures.  I also sent his address to all of his friends as well as his mom and dad for him (he doesn't know they'll be writing, so hopefully that'll be a nice surprise!). 

  • Cammy

    Meant to say he does have something to fall back on here.  It was a great job that actually made more money than in the military, but it was really tough manual work (like the Navy isn't? haha) and he wanted to do something more with his life.  I just want him to be happy with his decision in the future, and there are equal pros and cons to each life style.    

  • kelly


    So sorry to hear about your how homesick your husband is.  My son said once they started getting mail it was a huge spirit lifter.  He looked for mail every day.  He would get loads of mail because so many people from home where writing to him.  Each time I talked to him he asked what was going on here.  He wanted to know all the little things.  I know this is a hard decision for him and you.  I wish you both the very best.  Once eh makes his decision he will need all the support you, family and friends can give him, so he doesn't get down on himself. 

  • kelly

    My son arrived home on Thursday!  It was such a relief to see him get off that plane and know he has come to terms with being medically discharged.  If after 2 years he is medically fine he can sign up again with a medical waiver.  I think this made a big difference for him being discharged.  He is planning to pursue fire science and EMT.  He his also considering returning to the Navy at a later date. 

    So very glad he is home!! :)

    For those who have loved ones in SEPS there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Just take it one day at a time and support your loved one. :)

  • teacher/mom Ship 11 Div 108

     Angie-I would be interested in the survey

  • JenBo

    Kelly, congrats on getting your son back! Best of luck to him with his future plans. :)

  • kelly

    Thank you JenBo!  It is amazing having him home again.  He is working on getting all his ducks in a row to begin school in June or September.  He has also been out beating the streets for work.  He has a few promising job prospects.  We are definately seeing it's who you know not what you know.  We are thank full for friends who own their own businesses and friends wo are in positions of requesting who they want to have work with or for them.  Hope things are coming together for you and your hubby.  Has he begun his new job yet?



  • JenBo

    Good to hear! He'll be just fine :) He sounds like a very proactive person with lots of connections. He's at his old job for now. We're waiting on word from the new company. They're in the middle of contract renewals and most likely won't be hiring for a couple months. He has some back up options, but this job is the most promising so far.

  • Daphne

    I just received a call from my daughter saying she wasn't allowed to complete battlestations due to her blood pressure being high. She is being sent home. This sounds strange to me. She was told that high bp wouldn't affect her Navy career. Because she won't be graduating with her division, does anyone know if she will still have liberty next week? If so, I'm not going to cancel my flight.
  • Joelle415 (Ship 14 Div 175)

    My son just called me yesterday saying he's in Ship 5 now. I'm a wreck. I joined his PIR group and learned so much but this I know nothing. I truly believe the Navy was going to be the best thing for him, now what? Everyone is saying " I knew he wouldn't make it" which kills me and I want to get defensive but just am so frustrated. I can't be alone on this?
  • Joelle415 (Ship 14 Div 175)

    He didn't. Just said medical. He was to upset and I didn't want to push it but I know he was in a few days earlier with bronchitis. He says if he appeals he wants to do so from home. Does this affect future employments. On applications does this count as a discharge?
  • Joelle415 (Ship 14 Div 175)

    So Angie , just to be clear on the questions have you very been discharged from the armed servers, he puts no? He said they told him to put yes and then write medical.
  • Marine&NavyMom

    Got the dreaded call tonight that my daughter was sent to ship 5.  She has a stress fracture in ankle and is mentally beaten.  They has said that she is having separation anxiety issues.  This is just the worst news and we are so sad.  I can't even imagine how terrible my daughter feels.  I just want to hug her and can't.


  • Joelle415 (Ship 14 Div 175)

    My son came home today the 11th but they only paid him until the 7 th. is that legal?
  • wfindley

    Does anyone know if they all go to legal before formal separation?
  • wfindley

    I talked to legal yesterday and today.  Yesterday they said his chances of beating it were no, but after I reviewed a few things he had written down she said there wass a possibility.  I need to talk to him before he goes to legal so I called today and they said they would have him call me before he talks to them.

  • Patti

    My son is on ship 5 waiting to go home for anxiety and sleep disorder he has been at basic 4 weeks, he's been on ship 5 since Monday night he is suppose to see legal Friday or Monday. After reading so much here I am very nervous about him being there.
  • wfindley

    My son is separating and going to legal today. Does anyone know if he gets his medical papers.
  • Patti

    After talking to my son yesterday I feel better, he said he is in the medical wing he said the other wing with discipline and administrative seperation seems to be a difficult place to be. He said he was doing better just bored, but he had already emailed his advisor at college to meet when he gets home and was going to email his old boss about interviewing when he returns too. So that is good, I am just ready to get him home and see his local doctor and make sure he is ok.
  • sunny2372

    Good morning!  I'm new here.  My son arrived at BC on 4/4.  He called last night to tell me he was SIQ and would be moving to Ship 5 and then eventually be sent home.  He said he was feleing depressed and asked to speak with a councelor.  After speaking with her, she diagnosed him as having anxiety disorder then she took it to the Captain (I think that's who he said) and they signed a discharge order.  He's only been there 2 1/2 weeks.  Of course he was depressed.  Of course he was anxious.  He had only gotten 2 letters from me by the time they S/IQ'ed him (because I had only recently gotten his address).  Shouldn't they be trying to get these boys to stick it out just a little longer.  The 1st 2 weeks are the hardest.  My SR didn't even have a chance to adjust.  He just wanted someone to talk to.  He's so upset.  I aksed him if he wanted to stay and he said he wanted to but wasn't exactly sure.  I just think if they had given him more time he would have realized he could do this.  He could finish and he'd be proud of himself.  It's just not fair!!  Now I'm wondering, what will happen to all the letters that are already on their way to him.  And how do I address any new letters?  He was Ship 13, Div 210.  Obviously the Ship # will change but what do I put for the division?  And does everythign else stay the same?  Sorry for the rambling.  My head just isn't clear on any of this. 

  • Patti

    Sunny2372. I understand your frustration. My son left march 26 and has been on ship 5 since last Monday th 15 th, he was diagnosed with anxiety and sleep disorder. To me those would be two very common things to occur in boot camp. I have heard they are separating alot of folks. The waiting is the hard part, we are hung he will see legal today and. Then home in 5 days.
  • wfindley

    My son shipped 4/8 and has been in ship 5 since the 10th.  He met with an attorney yesterday and then legal.  He was given an RE8 separation, which means he can re-enlist in 6 month, which he says he want to do.  He has some things he has to do before he can re-enlist.  See what their separation rate was.  They may be able to re-enlist.

  • sunny2372

    Angie, yes I understand the whole thing of handling stress while out to sea.  My dad was Navy, my son's father was Navy.  I've lived Navy my whole life.  However, what I disagree with is that by acknowleding that my son is depressed and the consequence of that is he is told he cannot be in the Navy.  What happened to teaching our children to work through their problems.  Why is the Navy teaching him that just because he was a little homesick then he is not qualified for the Navy.  My son just wanted to talk to someone.  Talking about your problems is a whole lot healthier than holding it all in.  And my son has never in his life displayed any "anxiety issues"  He is the most laid back kid, nothing ever really bothered him.  He has only been there 2 1/2 weeks.  Had my son been given the suggestion to stick it out just a little bit longer, he would have had all kinds of mail arriving for him, all positive and upbeat.  He would have gotten the pick me up he needed and then found the strength in himself to carry on.  He would have adjusted, if he had the chance to finish this

  • wfindley

    What burns me the most is he says he owes $650 in clothes.  He never went to bootcamp and has weats and such.  He said he got one uniform and boots but has to return befor ehe leaves.  Why should he pay for the uniform when you know they will give to somebody else.  Then if he does get back in he will have to pay for all of it again.  Sounds like double dipping to me.  I have a good notion to box up all the stuff they gave him and if he gets back in send him with theb ox and say I have everything already, here it is, don;t charge me again.

  • diannep

    sunny:  I'm so very sorry about this.  Yes, I know what you mean...he just arrived, and of course, there are adjustments for all of them.  Of course, we can't second guess the Navy....but it does seem that observing him for a couple of weeks to see more of what is going on with him would give him a chance.  Unfortunately, with the Navy being overmanned right now, and more budget cuts ordered for them, there is little patience in the Navy now for issues that formerly would have been allowed.  My son would tell me that those working with him who had been in the Navy for years were astounded at what sailors were being released for....and they would tell him that this never happened in the "old" Navy.  They refer to current times/rules as the "new" Navy.

    If your son wants to stay, I sure hope he will fight this.  There was a SR recently that was told he had a hearing issue.  His mom said that he has never had a hearing issue?  They were going to separate him.  He was able to stay and fight this diagnosis, and is now going to be resuming training.  Fighting separation can take some time...and that's the hard part.  In some cases, it can take a couple of months or more....and the SRs find that part difficult.

    Hoping that you get another call from your son so you can see how he is doing.  Prayers and blessings to both of you as this goes on.

  • diannep

    Awww, Angie....sorry to differ with you....but I find my friends/family/others around me "just what the doctor ordered" many times when I need a "pick me up!"  If that wasn't God's purpose for us, he would have stopped with just Adam....Eve would have never been created!  :-)  Although we each need to take control of our own life, we certainly need others at doubt, when the SRs are doing BattleStations, there are many who encourage those who are tired/sick/have a weak moment....and all become sailors!  Maybe you should listen to the words of the song:  Lean on Me.  One of my favorites of all time! 

  • diannep

  • sunny2372

    Thank you to most of you for being supportive and understanding.  I guess I'm used to the old school Navy ways- the times when kids weren't pushed to give up so easily and were taught to push through the tough times.  My dad was an RDC (back in the day they were called Company Commanders) and he would come home many times talking about how he would have guys want to go home but he'd always give them a pep talk and encourage them to keep fighting for their future.  Many of those same boys kept in touch with my father throughout the years and even came to attend his funeral last year when he passed.  I wish my SR had had someone like that to talk to instead of someone who in the space of an hour misdiagnoses my son with anxiety disorder instead of simple homesickness which will ease with the pasing weeks.  And to others on here, perhaps you should reread the information box describing this group... I came to this group for support, not to be attacked for my opinions.  I support my son in every thing he does.  That's why I'm upset because something he wanted so badly has been taken away from him.  He told me today he wished he had never spoken to the councelor.  Would that have been the right thing to do?  He does plan on coming home and then working towards reenlisting-regardless of what waivers he needs.  He will not stay there for an unknown length of time waiting for his appeal to come up. 

  • wfindley

    sunny2372.  I feel the same way.  My son in the "moment of truth" disclosed things he had not told during the whole enlisting process (as he was told to do by his recruiter) and was told whatever they said would not be held against them.  Guess what it was held against them.  He is coming home within the next week and has to get some paperwork verifying some information and then can re-enlist at that time.  He still wants to joing the Navy.  I prayu that your son will work through this, as I pray my son will, and they both will become Navy Sailors.

  • sunny2372

    Thank you sincerely wfindley.  I wish the best for your son and you :0)

  • Robynkm

    There you go again Angie, just cant be nice for long. PLEASE stay off this page, I ask you for the second time! Go Away!!! None of these families need your need your style of HELP, it's not helping! Well said Terri! Guess we have to be the Angie Police. Guess we need to hold someones

  • Robynkm

    Thanks Terri, always watching! Yes we do!!!