Ship 5 Moms(Formerly Ship 17)

For loved ones and graduates of Ship 5(17) no critics!This is a haven for the above, not for those seeking to attack those in need of support! PLEASE READ THRU MASTHEAD. MANY QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE!

Please, if you no longer want to be a part of N4M's consider NOT deleting your profile as everything you have ever posted will disappear when you delete it .  You can leave a group but don't permanently delete your profile!

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  • donnad

    I just want to say that all of you moms are terrific!  I've been through this horrible separation process with my son, too.  He's been home a few weeks now, and you all are so right - life goes on.  The pain of the separation will subside but the 'scar' will always be there.  I am so grateful for all of you moms-we all share a common bond.  This experience has made our children and our families stronger, that's for sure!  God bless....

  • Chantily6971

    I wonder if today is going to be especially hard for our loved ones, it being the 4th and them being stuck in there.

  • donnad

    I'm so happy you finally received a call from your daughter, Marylou!  It'll feel so nice to be able to hug her again.  When my son rounded the corner at the airport after his stay at GL, I think it was the happiest I'd ever been to see him (aside from his birth)..  I didn't want to let him go!  Best of luck....

  • Deanna

    I haven't been on this site in a while, but July 3 was the 1 year anniversary of my son coming home from ship 5.  It makes me  sad to know that so many have similar stories to mine.  Hard to understand even 1 year later.  My son came home and my worst fears came true, he was arrested for MIP (minor in possession).  Thankfully he was not driving and was able to do a second chance program where you are on probation for 6 months, take a MADD class and some other related classes and pay lots of fees.  If you stay out of trouble you get a clean record.   This kid came from a good home with tons of support, so it has been a rough road for his dad and myself the last year.  A far cry of what I thought the future would hold.  You know, a joyful graduation and the pride of watching your son serve his country.  I am a christian, so even though I don't understand why these things happen I know that God is in control and He has a great plan! 

    All this to say,  I know how all you moms feel~  Thanks for listening to my rant!

  • mattsmom

    Hello to all of you! I just found out about this group. Reading through some of the posts is like reading my own heart. My son enlisted in September of '12. He told everyone at that time that he had been on meds for ADHD. He had been off meds for at least 1 1/2 years by the time he signed up. Recruiter told him he would be fine, but if it came up at bootcamp to LIE about it and not say anything. Well, at Moment of Truth, my son was scared to death and spoke up about the meds and ADHD. They put him on a "psych watch" but let him continue with training, except for weapons. After a couple of days, they decided he was fine and took him off psych watch. He was scheduled to go to San Antonio for A school and had even been told that after A school he would be assigned to FMF, Fleet Marine Force as medic. He graduated PIR 6-7-13!! He was put in temp housing ship 5 after grad to wait for medical waiver. We got to spend the whole weekend with him! By the following Friday, he called to say that the dr. was telling him his odds of staying in the Navy were very slim. And on the next Monday, he called to say he was being separated. He is still in GL and I haven't heard from him in over a week. Legal hasn't returned our multiple messages since June 25! My heart is absolutely broken for what my son is going through. Seems they are being treated so unfairly and are being humiliated to make matters worse. Do any of you know if the fact that he already graduated will work in his favor? We don't know whether to try to appeal or just try to get him home!

  • Chantily6971

    Mattsmom, your son is allowed on facebook every few days.  You can send him a message on there whenever you want and he will get it.  Hang in there.  My son is still in there, but he finally got to see legal Wednesday.  If anyone on here wants to be facebook friends with me, friend request me on there: Donna Cummings

  • mattsmom

    Thank you Angie and Donna C. After I posted my first message this morning, I continued to read through old posts. I found a phone number that someone had posted for Ship 5. I called it and a real person answered the phone!! I gave them my name and son's name, told them how long it had been since we had heard anything and was eventually transferred to someone who got in touch with the officer in charge. Within the hour I got a 5-minute call from my son!!! He is fine but is miserable and hasn't talked to legal in almost 2 weeks. He doesn't know anymore whether he still wants to fight or not. He signed the privacy paperwork a couple of weeks ago so we can get info about him. He's been there 88 days. Don't you just KNOW it will take them 179.9 days to get him out of there!! He said they lost privileges because someone kicked a door. Said he doesn't have supplies to write letters---guess they took that away from him too. He hasn't been able to get on FB in over a week.

  • Chantily6971

    chiefswife, I tried to find you on facebook, what does your profile pic look like?  It won't tell me by location

  • mattsmom

    Hi Yoshi, There were 3 Brian Yensho IIs on FB! Which one is you??

    Also, is there a FB group for ship 5? I found it very convenient to keep up with the PIR group I joined on FB. Anyone interested? We could start one if there isn't one already.

  • Chantily6971

    Mattsmom, can you start one?  I don't know how.  Chiefswife, I still haven't found you on Facebook yet.  But I have some good news to share.  My son is being sent home to CA on a greyhound bus either Thursday or Friday.

  • Chantily6971

    Does anyone on here have a family member with last name of Hodge who is in SEPS?  That is my son's closest friend in there.

  • Susan844 (Ship 04 Div 284)

    Hello All! My son went to BC on Wed. June 5th.  On Fri. June 21st he was sent to Ship 5 after learning that his blood sugar was higher than they would like.  He FINALLY saw legal today, Tuesday, July 9th.  He said from this point it can be up to 15 working days from now.  He also mentioned that working days means Mon. through Thurs.  They don't work on Fridays.  He is so ready to come home.  It is not an ideal situation for these former recruits being treated sometimes worse than recruits.  But, as he says, at least he is getting paid.  When we first found out, it was devastating for all.  Now, not so much, because I am not impressed with the bureaucracy of it all at the expense of well-meaning kids' lives, not to mention at the tax payers' expense.  It will be January before my son can get back into school. I have tried to enroll him, but all Fall classes are already wait-listed.  The good news, is that my son has had plenty of time to process this ordeal while there and realizes he is one of many who are going through this.  He is taking the time to rethink his future.  So maybe God does have a plan.  It is just a matter of being patient to see where this all leads us.

  • Jo(Bre's mom) Ship 02, DIV 939

    Hello all...please daughter ended up on crutches first PT test...did xrays...said she was probably going home... off crutches in 5 days still on regular ship. Put back on full duty.. then one week later...this past Monday went for xray results...said her hip is deformed.. told her to go to ship 5 she asked for a waiver.. they told her 10% chance she gets to stay...she had a hearing today at 1400 for final decision to send home ..I have not heard from her! How soon before you find out they are sent to ship 5? Could no news be good news?
  • Chantily6971

    If she gets put onto ship 5 you will hear immediately.  They have to allow the one phone call.

  • Chantily6971

    Hal's Mom, if you are on Facebook, that is good because they are allowed on there at least 3 times per week if they pay 5 dollars, so it is the fastest way to communicate

  • Chantily6971

    Can some of you guys Facebook friend request me?  Donna Cummings, Pleasant Hill, CA.  My son is still there.

  • mattsmom

    I joined the FB group mentioned by Kathy(Momof'IT'Marshall). Thanks for that info! My son has been in ship 5 since June 7th, which was also the day he GRADUATED!!! He finally has some word that he may be able to come home within the next 2 weeks. I want to be excited but I'm skeptical. I think I'll believe it when I see the whites of his eyes!!

  • Jo(Bre's mom) Ship 02, DIV 939

    She called now on ship 5...she said it is very scary. Said they ripped her name tag off her uniform...she says she is such a failure! I tried to assure her she was amazing to fight so hard to stay! I am beside myself! I can't help! Can she have visitors? Can a friend bring her home to me when its time?
  • donnad

    Jo(Bre's mom) I'm so sorry you are having to go through this.  My son has been home for a few weeks now after being separated from the Navy.  He, too, told me in his first phone call home from Ship 5 that he was a failure.  Same thing, too, - he said they ripped his name tags off his uniforms and threw them away.  He picked them out of the basket and brought them home to me, and I cherish them.  The decision our children made to enlist and serve their country is one that is nothing short of admirable.  Their time (although short) in BC is tough but it makes them strong.  As far as I am concerned, those that must endure time on Ship 5 are heroes, as the Separation experience is difficult.  Your daughter cannot have visitors while on Ship 5 but she can write, has free time to read, watch movies; she will even be allowed 'internet' time (for a fee).  My son would give this advice - ask for a job or two while on Ship 5 - it helps to pass the time.  He was in charge of laundry for his separation division.  As hard as it is to be positive, try to make friends within your SEPS division.  He still keeps in touch with two young men from FL who were with him during his time on Ship 5.  Write!  If your daughter does not have $, send her some, as they need it to purchase snacks, phonecard, etc., even internet time while in SEPS.  She will be able to phone you a couple of times each week.  If you have other questions, please don't hesitate to friend me on FB  Donna Giroux Dickinson.  I'm looking for some help, myself, if any of you moms are coping with children who have been home from SEPS for some time. 

    Wishing you all well.  For those who will see their sons/daughters within the next couple of weeks - I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU.  To be able to hold them again is a wonderful feeling. 

  • diannep

    donnad:  I find your posts on here to the ladies so very positive and inspiring!  I hope that you can continue to stay on this group to help others through!  So glad that your son is moving on with his life and doing well!

  • donnad

    diannep and Marylou - thank you!  It is such a blessing to be able to share with other moms/dads/loved ones going through the same thing.  My son was doing well but unfortunately has seemed to hit a wall.  We are struggling but will get through.  Just found this FB page that was created and am hoping to find some solace in that community as well.  Hoping to keep in touch, too, with you all, as we have this common bond.

  • Steph Proud AG Mom

    Donnad, I am on the fb group also.. you will find our Admins are amazing!  My daughter has been home a week now- I love being able to call her whenever I want, to hug her and kiss her goodnight...she got home on July 3rd.. it was an amazing 4th of july for us! 

  • Steph Proud AG Mom

    To Everyone else here.. remember, every SR goes through things differently, mine didn't mind being in seps..I know it's hearbreaking, but I promise, you will be ok, and when you get to hold your SR's for the first time, it's amazing,, so take a deep breath, and do something for yourselves.. renew your energy.. You all deserve it!

  • Jo(Bre's mom) Ship 02, DIV 939

    AHHHHHHHHH! Me screaming!! You all are you right! I am just gonna loose it! Liyke all you moms...I just want to wrap my arms around her and make her feel safe again. I want to fix it....I know I can't...but sometimes I just want to let it out and vrn t my immediate thoughts. I am sending money...told her to read a book and Facebook me with what book she is reading then I will be reading the same book and we can write each other about it....don't know if this will help but I have to get her mind off things. My candle will burn until I get my baby home!
  • Daphne

    Keep the faith, Ladies! I promise, this gets better. My daughter has been home since April and had a tough time readjusting, but she's getting there. She was in basic up to battle stations when she was pulled out because her heart rate was "dangerously high". (They'd been monitoring it since she went to medical for a sinus infection a few weeks prior). She was sent to ship 5 a week prior to graduation. Try not to let the military doctors scare you. For weeks I worried that something was seriously wrong with my child. (She's as healthy as they come) It's very hard on them (and us), just be strong for them, continue to love and support them and this to shall pass. God bless you and your children!!
    P.S I'm also on Facebook (Daphne Baxter) feel free to send me a friend request.
  • Jo(Bre's mom) Ship 02, DIV 939

    I would love to send out cards for encouragement to ship 5 ...if you are interested just private message me on here the address..( name ) and I will start sending cards end of next week when I get back in town :-) GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!
  • tks4

    Hi ladies, my daughter went through seps also. Her case was different. She was the one injured by the dentist. She was stuck in seps for almost a year since she had to go through medical board. The only good thing was that she was allowed to come home for Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. the hardest thing was sending her back there each time. She is adjusting well especially with her disability . She uses her Military ID card proudly. She had already graduated from college so that wasn't her plan b. It took her awhile to adjust to her pain from injury and to go about living with it. The meds made her gain so much weight that she struggles with trying to lose it. She has struggled financially but has a smile on her face. I know what all of you moms are going through. My daughter had many stories of seps, bad and good. :)
  • Chantily6971

    My son got home last night after a 3 day Greyhound bus ride from Chicago to CA that had 5 transfer points, one 5 hour layover, and one 10 hour layover.  The Navy didn't give him any food vouchers so he had to use what little money he has to buy McDonald's here and there.  Also he had no cell phone, but did have minutes left on his phone card so he was able to call me everytime he transferred.  He was not allowed to keep his boots that he paid for.  He is okay, but a little dazed and confused.  He will need time to adjust, but at least he is finally home.

  • Yoshi


  • Jo(Bre's mom) Ship 02, DIV 939

    Chantilly 6971, so glad he is home!!!! That is a blessing! Praying for his healing!
  • Steph Proud AG Mom

    Hi All, I'm reading your posts, and some of you have already joined our facebook page..that's awesome!  Please know, that my daughter, now home and unscathed, will be starting a fb group for all of our separated SR's.  She intends to heal- train and go back in!  Hooyah.. I couldn't be prouder.

  • Chantily6971

    Chiefswife.  I don't get why they can't keep everything they paid for!!!!!  That stuff was expensive.

  • Chantily6971

    Hal's Mom, she will be able to call you 24 hours before she leaves and then an hour or so before she leaves.

  • Steph Proud AG Mom

    Is there family here for a SR Desmond? My daughter met him while in seps, and a wonderful friendship is beginning...thought to introduce myself.

  • Steph Proud AG Mom

    I need help.. my daughter wants to re enlist.. YEA! but- I can't seem to get a handle on what her code exactly means. so.. she got a jfc  re-3e, everything I have read says its for prerequisite education- ie high school.  but she was told by legal and her recruiters have said it's a medical sep code.. ugh!  How am I supposed to hand in the right information, without the right explanation of the code.  Her recruiters said for them to touch her, she needs a code change.. any suggestions?

  • diannep

    Liz'smom:  Maybe this link will help?

  • diannep

  • abbyblue

    JFC   - Enlisted/reenlisted/extended/inducted in error/ Erroneous Enlistment  or Induction


    RE-3E- Failure         to meet education prerequisites. Fully qualified for enlistment provided     education criteria is met. Erroneous induction.

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Liz'smom -I believe that the RE-3E code listed below is incorrect. (Sorry Abby!)

    I have searched all over the internet and yes, that is what is coming up on a lot of "military" sites. However, you need to go to the Navy docs to get the right explanation of the Separation code and the RE (Reentry) code.

    BUPERS - Bureau of Naval Personnel-has a BUPERS doc that explains how to fill out the DD214 (Discharge paperwork). It is 1900.8.

    The BUPERS doc 1900.8c is listed on Ship 5 right under the Chart with all of the RE codes as well as the Separation codes. Here is the direct link BUPERS INSTRUCTION 1900.8C . (To get to the SEPS codes (that's the JFC) go to the Index on the left. Find ENCLOSURES. Go to "2" and then click "Enlisted".) (For the RE codes. Again ENCLOSURES and go to "3" and click "Reentry codes".)

    Here is the Separation code and info that goes along with it.

    JFC - ERRONEOUS ENTRY (OTHER)    1910-130 - is the MILPERSMAN AUTHORITY doc that describes the policy for separation due to erroneous enlistments. Read ALL of it but especially look at 2. Policy and 4. Not Meeting Physical Standards (since her struggle was with the run OR PTSD) Here is the link to that doc : RE-R1,RE-1,RE-3E,RE-4,RE-6,RE-8 (These are the RE codes that can be assigned to this Sep code)  Erroneously enlisted, reenlisted, extended, or was inducted into a Service component (not related to alcohol or drug abuse). [Explanation of the Sep code]

    Here is the Reentry code listed for RE-3E:

    RE-3E Inducted/Enlisted/Extended/Reenlisted in error. 

    Here is the MARINE CORPS RE-3E code listed in the Marine Corps Separation and Retirement Manual.

    RE-3E Failure to meet education standards. Assign when single disqualifying factor only.

     (AND the AF also has an RE-3E reentry code with it's own definition.)

    After comparing the "standard" set of Reentry codes that I could find on the internet against the BUPERS one...there are discrepancies in wording and omissions. Since the Navy CG and Marines are "lumped" together on many "military" sites.

    I seriously would tend to go with the BUPERS one since it is the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

    (Part 1 as it has too many characters :-/)

  • FireTeamLeaderWife aka FTLW

    Liz'smom -  (PART 2) Researching your daughters "history" on here ...I see that she went to FIT , then RCU  and then eventually Ship 5. I believe it was the run that was a challenge, then stress fractures. But then your first post on Ship 5 mentions "PTSD" for the possible discharge reason.

    You need to go to her DD214 and find out what the explanation is for her discharge. BOX 18 - REMARKS (Don't post them) , 23 - "Type" and 28 "narrative" hopefully can give some detail to the "erroneous".

    Box 24 - Should have ELS (Entry Level Separation as it was less than 180 days of service). Box 25 - is the Separation Authority. Box 26  - SEP code (JFC). Box 27 - Reentry code (RE-3E). 

    This is ONLY my personal research, not any definite answer...I am not Navy personnel. 

    As far as the Recruiters "not working with her"...I have no clue. It may have to do with the specifics of her separation.  RE-3E for the Navy is "Ineligible to Reenlist Without a NAVCRUITCOM Waiver". So I don't know why they want a code change...again the nature of her discharge.

    Hope that helps some.

    (This is copied over from the BLOG post that you have...I also posted an additional comment over there :-))

  • Jo(Bre's mom) Ship 02, DIV 939

    Hello ship 5....I haven't been on here in a while. I pray all is well. O talked to my daughter last night. She will be home Monday Aug. 5th...4 days before her PIR date. I am so ready for her to be home! She went in to ship 5 on July 10th for hip injury and it had been a roller coaster! I can only say...for those of you with loved ones in ship 5 ..... my prayers are with you and especially your loved ones! Please make this a little easier on you by insisting on getting your loved ones to sign legal rights for you to obtain info and records...of course its not a guarantee you will get of does give you some leverage. Prayers!!!!! Hang in there!
  • Sandra Washington

    I know its hard for my daughter that is on Ship 05. She sounds better everytime I talk to her. Does anyone know how long they keep them in there? I was told 10 days.

  • LoriM

    Sandra,,, it could be a couple of  weeks by the time all paper work is complete.. My daughter just came home last week... I will gladly answer any questions,, I had also post my cell in case anyone has questions they do not want to publicize 724 989 1239.  I know what you are going thorough and I will try to help as best as I can.  I can even ask my daughter questions and get answers straight from first hand experience. 

  • LoriM

    Good morning to all,,, any news on your recruits..  I am praying for them!

  • Navy_Mom (Ship 9 Div 215)

    How do I address a letter to my son who is in SEPS?  The address example above show right under SR NAME - SHIP XXX & DIV XXX, is that the ship and div he was in during the whole bootcamp ordeal?  

    Are they allowed packages?

    FYI.. the link show in this address section does not work:-)

  • LoriM

    I do not believe they can get anything in SEP.  Once in SEP it should not be to long before they get news on coming home.  Usually not more than 21 days unless there are special circumstances like medical needs that make someone unfit for travel on military standard.  They do get more phone calls and internet use in there.  I am here for you all,  if I can help I will.  I pray for you all and your recruits.


  • LoriM

    Please tell your sons/daughters it is not the length they stayed,, it is the fact they gave the USA a blank check of their life to cash on our behalf no matter the outcome..  Thank them from the bottom of my heart for their service and loyalty to our beautiful country!

  • diannep

    AMEN, LoriM!  I so agree!  We are proud of all of them for their enlistment!

  • Sandra Washington

    Hello Everyone, Its been a while since I been on. I have great new, My daughter is coming home next week! Thank you all for the support that you gave me.  Prayer works and encouraging your Recruits is very important. The more sane you are, It really gives your recruit the strength. Cause no matter what they are faced with challenges in there. Things that we dont have a clue they are facing.

  • Broxy

    Hi, I was wondering do they make everyone in SEPS take a bus home?